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Define the Authentication


Define the Authentication

The Authentication section is displayed after an end user selects the product that they want to purchase and provides a summary of their selected product.

If the Payment Form is an outcome in the anonymous rule, the end user is asked to enter their email address. For further information on setting up the email address form, see the Define the Email Address Options topic. When the end user enters their email address, it is verified and one of the following occurs:

  • If the email address is not associated with an existing user, an email containing a verification code is sent to the entered email address.When the user enters the verification code from the email, they are asked to register. For further information on setting up the Registration form, see the Define the Registration Options topic.

    Once registered, the user proceeds to the payment section. For further information on setting up the payment section, see the Define the Payment Information topic

  • If the email address is associated with a registered user, the payment section displays
  • If the email address is associated with a customer, they are asked to log in. For further information on setting up the login form, see the Define the Login Options

If the Payment Form is an outcome in the registered rule, the email address is pre-filled and verified; the email address cannot be edited by the end user. If the email address is associated with a registered user, the payment section displays. If the email address is associated with a customer, they are asked to log in.