Merge Fields for debit memos
This article describes the merge fields for debit memos.
You can also use the TableSort
field to control the sort order of a table. For more sorting information, see Change the Sort Order on a Table.
Customer Account fields
Merge Field | Description |
Account.AccountNumber |
The unique account number assigned to the account being created. Example: A000842911 This field cannot be translated. |
Account.Autopay |
Indicates if future payments are automatically collected when they're due during a Payment Run. |
Account.Balance |
Zuora recommends that you use the Previous Balance and New Balance instead of this field. Previous account balance at time of invoice generation. Does not include any charges from this invoice as this invoice is in draft mode. Example: $304.50 |
Account.BillCycleDay |
Indicates the account's billing cycle day (BCD), which is when the bill runs generate invoices for the account. Type: int Example: 1st of the month |
Account.BillingBatch |
A batch organizes your customer accounts into groups to optimize your billing and payment operations. Values: any system-defined batch ( Example: 1st of the month |
Account.CompanyCode |
Unique code that identifies a company account in Avalara. Corresponds to:
Example: CCAPAC This field cannot be translated. |
Account.CrmId |
The CRM account ID for the account. A CRM is a customer relationship management system, such as Values: a string of 100 characters or fewer Example: 912D24U2482904820948 This field cannot be translated. |
Account.Currency |
The currency that invoices associated with the account are paid with. Example: USD |
Account.CustomerSupportRepName |
The name of the account's customer service representative, if applicable. Example: Melanie Dolgachev |
Account.DefaultPaymentMethod |
The ID of the default payment method for the account. This field is required if the AutoPay field is set to Example: CreditCard |
Account.MRR |
This is the Monthly Recurring Revenue for the Account. This value is the sum of all subscription MRRs. Example: $316.80 |
Account.Name |
The name of the account. The account name displays on lists of accounts in the web-based UI. Example: Super Subscription Emporium |
Account.NewBalance |
This field is the Example: $304.50 |
Account.Notes |
Use this field to record comments about the account. Example: Platinum Customer |
Account.Parent.Name |
The parent account name of the current account. You can specify the parent account name in the account detail page. This merge field correlates with the Customer Hierarchy feature. The Customer Hierarchy feature is in Limited Availability. If you wish to have access to the feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support. Example: Finance Dept |
Account.PaymentTerm |
Indicates when the customer pays for subscriptions. Example: Due Upon Receipt |
Account.PaymentMethodMandateId |
The ID of the mandate. A mandate is a signed authorization for UK and NL customers. This field is used only for the direct debit payment method. Example: CCJW9VR |
Account.PreviousBalance |
The previous account balance is a dynamic field that is the account balance for draft invoices or the current account balance less the invoice balance when the invoice is posted. This field is needed for some invoice presentation rules as the Account Balance field on the customer account does not include draft invoices. Example: $0.00 |
Account.PreviousTransactionImpactTotal |
The sum of all rows that appear in the Previous Transactions table based on specific table filters, such as LastInvoice or UptoDaysOld. Example: $0.00 |
Account.PreviousTransactionStartAmount |
The Starting Balance with respect to the Previous Transaction table. The difference of Example: $0.00 |
Account.PurchaseOrderNumber |
The number of the purchase order associated with this account. Purchase order information generally comes from customers. This field cannot be translated. Example: PO102925 |
Account.SalesRep |
The name of the sales representative associated with this account, if applicable. Example: Travis Huch |
Account.TaxExempt |
The status of the account's tax exemption.
Example: Pending Verification You must use this field if you use Zuora Tax. This field is unavailable if you don't use Zuora Tax. |
Account.TaxExemptCertificateID |
The ID of your customer's tax exemption certificate. Example: CA8592555 This field cannot be translated. Requires Zuora Tax. |
Account.TaxExemptCertificateType |
The type of the tax exemption certificate that your customer holds. Example: Reseller Permit Requires Zuora Tax. |
Account.TaxExemptDescription |
A description of the tax exemption certificate that your customer holds. Example: Fax ID: 1031374242 Requires Zuora Tax. |
Account.TaxExemptEffectiveDate |
Date when the the customer's tax exemption starts. Corresponds to the TaxExemptEffectiveDate field on the Account SOAP API object. Example: 01/01/2016 |
Account.TaxExemptExpirationDate |
Date when the customer's tax exemption ends. Corresponds to the TaxExemptExpirationDate field on the Account SOAP API object. Example: 12/31/2016 |
Account.TaxExemptIssuingJurisdiction |
Indicates the jurisdiction in which the customer's tax exemption certificate was issued. Example: California Requires Zuora Tax. |
Account.VATID |
Customer’s Value Added Tax (VAT) ID. Corresponds to:
Example: VATID12345 This field cannot be translated. |
Bill To Contact fields
The Bill To Contact is the person that you would like to bill or send the invoice to.
Merge Field | Description |
BillToContact.Address1 |
Bill To Contact's street address Example: 678 Evergreen Terrace |
BillToContact.Address2 |
Bill to Contact's second address line Example: 2nd Floor |
BillToContact.City |
Bill to Contact's city of residence Example: Springfield |
BillToContact.Country |
Bill to Contact's country of residence Example: United States |
BillToContact.County |
Bill to Contact's county of residence Example: Providence Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
BillToContact.Description |
Description of Bill to Contact's user status Example: Certified User Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
BillToContact.Fax |
Bill to Contact's fax number Example: 1-213-555-1234 |
BillToContact.FirstName |
Bill to Contact's first name Example: Stewart |
BillToContact.HomePhone |
Bill to Contact's home phone number Example: 1-213-555-4141 |
BillToContact.LastName |
Bill to Contact's last name Example: Griffin |
BillToContact.MobilePhone |
Bill to Contact's mobile phone number Example: 1-213-555-5656 |
BillToContact.NickName |
Bill to Contact's last name Example: Stewie |
BillToContact.OtherPhone |
Bill to Contact's other phone number Example: 1-310-555-1212 |
BillToContact.OtherPhoneType |
Bill to Contact's other phone type Example: Other |
BillToContact.PersonalEmail |
Bill to Contact's personal email Example: |
BillToContact.PostalCode |
Bill to Contact's postal code Example: 86441 |
BillToContact.State |
Bill to Contact's state of residence Example: Illinois |
BillToContact.TaxRegion |
Bill to Contact's transportation district Example: Transportation District Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
BillToContact.WorkEmail |
Bill to Contact's work email Example: |
BillToContact.WorkPhone |
Bill to Contact's work phone number Example: 1-213-555-1212 |
Sold To Contact fields
The Sold To Contact is person that you have sold your product or services to. This person can be the same as the Bill To Contact.
Merge Field | Description |
SoldToContact.Address1 |
Sold to Contact's street address Example: 123 Main Street |
SoldToContact.Address2 |
Sold to Contact's second address line Example: Suite 100 |
SoldToContact.City |
Sold to Contact's city of residence Example: Quahog |
SoldToContact.Country |
Sold to Contact's country of residence Example: United States |
SoldToContact.County |
Sold to Contact's county of residence Example: Madison Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
SoldToContact.Description |
Sold to Contact's description Example: Decision Maker Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
SoldToContact.Fax |
Sold to Contact's fax number Example: 1-809-555-1234 |
SoldToContact.FirstName |
Sold to Contact's first name Example: Marge |
SoldToContact.HomePhone |
Sold to Contact's home phone number Example: 1-567-555-4141 |
SoldToContact.LastName |
Sold to Contact's last name Example: Simpson |
SoldToContact.MobilePhone |
Sold to Contact's mobile phone number Example: 1-893-555-5656 |
SoldToContact.NickName |
Sold to Contact's nickname Example: Big Blue Hair |
SoldToContact.OtherPhone |
Sold to Contact's other phone number Example: 1-212-555-1212 |
SoldToContact.OtherPhoneType |
Sold to Contact's other phone type Example: Other |
SoldToContact.PersonalEmail |
Sold to Contact's personal email address Example: |
SoldToContact.PostalCode |
Sold to Contact's postal code Example: 78213-9781 |
SoldToContact.State |
Sold to Contact's state of residence Example: Rhode Island |
SoldToContact.TaxRegion |
Sold to Contact's tax region Example: Nuclear Tax District Only available to users of Zuora Tax. |
SoldToContact.WorkEmail |
Sold to Contact's work email address Example: |
SoldToContact.WorkPhone |
Sold to Contact's work phone number Example: 1-707-555-1212 |
Debit Memo fields
Merge Field | Description |
DebitMemo.Number |
The debit memo number. Example: DM00000014 |
DebitMemo.AccountName |
The account name of this debit memo. Example: Acme Corporation |
DebitMemo.Currency |
The currency that the debit memo associated with the account are paid with. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. To use your own format, specify the currency format in the template. Values: a currency value defined in the administrative web-based UI Example: USD |
DebitMemo.DebitMemoDate |
The date when this debit memo takes effect. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 01/31/2019 |
DebitMemo.DueDate |
The due date of the debit memo. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 02/31/2019 |
DebitMemo.PostedOn |
The date and time when this debit memo is posted. Example: 2019-05-28T18:34:49.643+08:00 |
DebitMemo.TotalAmount |
The total amount of this debit memo with tax. Example: $540 |
DebitMemo.Balance |
The total amount that your customer owes to you for this memo. Example: $304.50 |
DebitMemo.PaidAmount |
The amount of debit memo that your customer has already paid for. Example: $200 |
DebitMemo.TaxAmount |
The tax amount of this debit memo. Example: $12.30 |
DebitMemo.AmountWithoutTax |
The total amount of this memo without tax. Example: $790 |
DebitMemo.Comment |
The note of this debit memo. Example: Debit memo notes. |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceNumber |
The invoice number associated with this debit memo. Example: INV00000047 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceTax |
The tax amount of the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $600 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceTotal |
Total amount of the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $65 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceComments |
The comments of the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: Thank you for your business! Please contact us if you have any questions about your invoice! |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceDueDate |
The due date of the invoice associated with this debit memo. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 09/01/2019 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceDate |
The invoice date of the invoice associated with this debit memo. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 02/01/2019 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoicePaymentAmount |
Total payment amount of the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $120 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceBalance |
The balance of the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $306.80 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceAmountWithoutTax |
Total amount of the invoice without tax. The invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $540 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceGrossAmount |
Total of the invoice gross amount that is pre-discount and pre-tax. The invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $540 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceRefundAmount |
Total refunds for the invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $540 |
DebitMemo.ReferredInvoiceNetPaymentAmount |
Net Payments associated to this invoice (Payments - Refunds). The invoice associated with this debit memo. Example: $316.80 |
DebitMemo.SequenceNumber |
The debit memo number excluding the prefix. Example: 00000001 |
Debit Memo Item fields
Zuora supports multi-level nested tables within the debit memo items table.
If you enable Unified Invoicing, the values of some Debit Memo Item fields depend on the source of the corresponding debit memo item.
You can customize your debit memo templates to display debit memo items in nested tables. In nested tables, you can group and subtotal complex debit memo items by any custom fields from the associated product rate plan charge or rate plan charge. For more information, see Grouping and Subtotal Functions in Nested Tables.
Merge Field | Memo items from subscription invoice items | Memo items from invoice items with ProductRatePlanCharge | Memo items from standalone invoice items |
DebitMemoItem.PaidAmount |
The amount of debit memo item that your customer has already paid for. Example: $60 |
DebitMemoItem.TaxAmount |
The tax amount of this debit memo item. Example: $60 |
DebitMemoItem.AmountWithoutTax |
The total amount of this debit memo item without tax. Example: $60 |
DebitMemoItem.Sku |
Unique SKU for the product associated with this debit memo item. Example: SKU-00000006 |
DebitMemoItem.Name |
Name of this debit memo item. Example: Best Product Ever - Gold Edition: Activation Fee |
DebitMemoItem.ServicePeriod |
The service period of this debit memo item. Example: 01/01/2019-01/31/2029 |
DebitMemoItem.ServiceStartDate |
Start date of the service period for this debit memo item. If the charge is a one-time fee, this is the date of that charge. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 01/01/2019 |
DebitMemoItem.ServiceEndDate |
End date of the service period for this debit memo item, such as the last day of the service period. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 01/31/2029 |
Might be empty | Might be empty |
DebitMemoItem.Quantity |
Quantity of this debit memo item in the configured unit of measure for the charge. Example: 2 |
DebitMemoItem.ExtendedPrice |
Total item charge including taxes. Example: $162 |
DebitMemoItem.UnitOfMeasure |
The unit of measure for this debit memo item. Example: Each |
DebitMemoItem.UnitOfMeasureDisplayedAs |
The display name of the unit of measure. Example: Each |
DebitMemoItem.SubscriptionNumber |
The subscription number associated with this debit memo item. Example: A-S00000026 |
empty | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ChargeNumber |
The charge number associated with this debit memo item. Example: C-00000033 |
empty | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ChargeType |
The charge type of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. Example: One-Time |
The charge type of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ChargeModel |
The charge model of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. Example: Per Unit Pricing |
The charge model of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ChargePeriod |
The charge period associated with this debit memo item. Example: Month |
empty | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ChargeAccountingCode |
The accounting code of the charge associated with this debit memo item. Example: A81291-OneTimeFees |
DebitMemoItem.CustomField | The customer field of this debit memo item. | ||
DebitMemoItem.AccountName |
The name of the account associated with this debit memo item. Example: Super Subscription Emporium |
DebitMemoItem.AccountNumber |
The account number associated with this debit memo item. Example: A00000019 |
DebitMemoItem.SubscriptionNotes |
The notes of the subscription associated with this debit memo item. Example: Notes about the Subscription |
DebitMemoItem.ProductName |
The name of the product associated with this debit memo item. Example: Best Product Eve
The name of the product associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ProductDescription |
The description of the product associated with this debit memo item. Example: Includes so many feature |
The description of the product associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ProductRatePlanCharge.CustomField |
The custom field of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. Example: Comments about the product rate plan charge |
The custom field of the product rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.RatePlanName |
The name of the product rate plan associated with this debit memo item. Example: Best Product Ever - Gold Edition |
The name of the product rate plan associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.RatePlanDescription |
The description of the product rate plan associated with this debit memo item. Example: Gold Edition includes all features from the Silver Edition |
The description of the product rate plan associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.RatePlanCharge.CustomField |
The custom field of the rate plan charge associated with this debit memo item. Example: Comments about the rate plan charge |
empty | empty |
DebitMemoItem.Description |
The description of this debit memo item. Example: One Time Fee |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemSku |
Unique SKU for the product associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: SKU-00000006 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemName |
The name of the invoice item associated with this debit memo item. Example: Best Product Ever - Gold Edition: Activation Fee |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemDescription |
The description of the charge associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: One Time Fee |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemServiceStartDate |
Start date of the service period for the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 01/01/2019 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemServiceEndDate |
End date of the service period for the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. This merge field is formatted based on the locale in the customer's communication profile. You can change it in the memo template. Example: 01/01/2029 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemQuantity |
Quantity of the invoice item in the configured unit of measure for the charge. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: 3 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemChargedate |
The date and time when the invoice item is created. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: 2019-05-28T18:34:49.643+08:00 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemUnitOfMeasure |
The unit of measure for the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: Each |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemUnitOfMeasureDisplayedAs |
The display name of the unit of measure for the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: Each |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemExtended |
Total item charge including taxes for the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: $162 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemUnitPrice |
The unit price of the charge associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: $10 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemTaxAmount |
The tax amount of the invoice item associated with this debit memo item. Example: $110 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemAmountWithoutTax |
The tax amount of the invoice item without tax. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: $100 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemServicePeriod |
The service period of the invoice item associated with this debit memo item. Example: 01/01/2019-01/31/2029 |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemProductName |
The product name associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: Best Product Ever |
The product name associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.ReferredInvoiceItemProductDescription |
The product description associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. Example: Gold Edition includes all features from the Silver Edition |
The product description associated with the invoice item. The invoice item is associated with this debit memo item. | empty |
DebitMemoItem.UnitPrice |
The unit price of the charge associated with the debit memo item. Example: $10 |
Tax Item fields
Zuora supports multi-level nested tables within the tax items table.
You can customize your debit memo templates to display tax items in nested tables. In nested tables, you can group and subtotal complex tax items by any supported merge fields or custom fields. For more information, see Grouping and Subtotal Functions in Nested Tables.
If you enable Unified Invoicing, the values of some Tax Item fields depend on the source of the corresponding taxation item.
These fields are available only if you have enabled one of the tax automation options in Zuora.
Merge Field | Subscription invoice item | Invoice Item from ProductRatePlanCharge | Standalone invoice item |
TaxItem.AmountWithoutTax |
Subtotal of all charges without any taxes.
Example: $12.80 |
TaxItem.ChargeDescription |
The description of the charge (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: One Time Fee |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.ChargeName |
The name of the charge (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: Best Product Ever - Gold Edition: Activation Fee |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.ChargePeriod |
The period of the charge (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: Month |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.ProductDescription |
The description of the product (in the Product Catalog) of the subscription charge that is related to the taxation. Example: Includes so many features
The description of the corresponding product (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: Includes so many features |
empty |
TaxItem.ProductName |
The product name of the subscription charge related to the taxation. Example: Best Product Ever
The name of the corresponding product (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: Best Product Ever |
empty |
TaxItem.ProductSKU |
The product SKU number (in the Product Catalog) of the subscription charge that is related to the taxation. Example: SKU-18412 This field cannot be translated.
The SKU number of the corresponding product (in the Product Catalog) that is related to the taxation. Example: SKU-18410 This field cannot be translated. |
empty |
TaxItem.RatePlanDescription |
The description of the product rate plan (in the Product Catalog) of the subscription charge that is related to taxation. Example: Gold Edition includes all features from the Silver Edition |
empty |
empty |
TaxItem.RatePlanName |
The pricing plan (in the Product Catalog) of the subscription charge related to the taxation. Example: Best Product Ever - Gold Edition |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.SubscriptionNotes |
The notes of the subscription that is related to the taxation. Example: Notes about the Subscription |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.SubscriptionNumber |
The subscription number that is related to the taxation. Example: 82419391339-ABC This field cannot be translated. |
empty | empty |
TaxItem.TaxAccountingCode |
This accounting code is associated to the taxes in the Invoice Details Export. Example: 12987113-Tax |
TaxItem.TaxAmount |
The amount of the tax applied to the charge. Example: $12.00 |
TaxItem.TaxCode |
The tax code identifies which tax rules and tax rates to apply to a specific charge. See Set Up Taxation Codes. |
TaxItem.TaxCodeDescription |
The description of the tax code. |
TaxItem.TaxItemDate |
The date that the tax is applied to the charge. |
TaxItem.TaxJurisdiction |
The jurisdiction that applies the tax or VAT. This value is typically a state, province, county, or city. Example: County |
TaxItem.TaxLocationCode |
The identifier for the location based on the value of the |
TaxItem.TaxName |
The name of the tax rate, such as sales tax or GST. This name is displayed on invoices. |
TaxItem.TaxRate |
The tax rate applied to the charge. |
TaxItem.TaxRateDescription |
The description of the tax rate. Example: State: 0.06 |
TaxItem.TaxRateType |
The type of the tax rate applied to the charge. |