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Export your product catalog


Export your product catalog

After creating a product catalog, you can export it as a spreadsheet file (.xlsx file). Zuora recommends using the Product data source and related data sources to export information about your product catalog. See Generate a Data Source Export for more information.

Complete the following steps to export the product catalog:

  1. Navigate to Products > Product Catalog.
  2. On the Products page, click the Export icon icon-export.png. The Export page opens.
  3. From the Export Data list, select ProductCatalog Sheet, and then click Export. You will be prompted to confirm the export operation.
  4. Click OK to confirm the action. Zuora will prepare the file to be exported. You can refresh the Exports page to check the status in the Export Status column.
  5. After the status is completed, click the name of the file to download the XLSX (.xlsx) file.