Billing Transaction object fields and Data Query
You can perform a query from the Billing Transaction object through Data Query. For information about the basic usage of Data Query, see Construct SQL Queries in Data Query.
Billing Transaction fields
The following table lists all the fields that are defined on the Billing Transaction object. You can access the Billing Transaction object and all its fields through Data Query.
Field name |
Format |
Description |
AdjustmentLiabilityAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the adjustment liability. |
AdjustmentLiabilityAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the adjustment liability. |
AdjustmentLiabilityAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the adjustment liability. |
AdjustmentLiabilityGlAccountName |
String |
The GL accounting name for the adjustment liability. |
AdjustmentRevenueAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the adjustment revenue. |
AdjustmentRevenueAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the adjustment revenue. |
AdjustmentRevenueAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the adjustment revenue. |
AdjustmentRevenueGlAccountName |
String |
The GL accounting name for the adjustment revenue. |
AvoidOverage |
Boolean |
The flag of avoiding overage. |
BillToCityId |
String |
The city ID of the billed to contact. |
BillToCountryId |
String |
The country ID of the billed to contact. |
BillToStateId |
String |
The state ID of the billed to contact. |
BookingReference |
String |
The booking reference of the billing document. |
BusinessType |
BusinessType |
The business type of the billing document. |
ChargeCreateDate |
Timestamp |
The date when an RPC is created. |
ChargeLastUpdateDate |
Timestamp |
The last update date when an RPC is created. |
ChargeModelId |
String |
The charge model ID of the RPC. |
ChargeName |
String |
The name of the charge. |
ChargeNumber |
String |
The unique number that identifies the charge. |
ChargeSegment |
Integer |
The ID number of the charge segment. |
ChargeThroughDate |
Date |
The charge through the date of the billing document. |
ChargeTypeId |
String |
The charge type ID of the RPC. |
CompanyCode |
String |
The code of the company. |
ContractAssetAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the contract asset. |
ContractAssetAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the contract asset. |
ContractAssetAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the contract asset. |
ContractAssetGlAccountName |
String |
The GL accounting name for the contract asset. |
ContractLiabilityAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the contract liability. |
ContractLiabilityAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the contract liability. |
ContractLiabilityAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the contract liability. |
ContractLiabilityGlAccountName |
String |
The GL account name for the contract liability. |
ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the contract recognized. |
ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the contract recognized. |
ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the contract recognized revenue. |
ContractRecognizedRevenueGlAccountName |
String |
The GL accounting name for the contract recognized. |
CurrencyCode |
String |
The currency code associated with the transaction. |
CustomerId |
String |
The ID of the customer. |
CustomerName |
String |
The name of the customer. |
CustomerNumber |
String |
The number of the customer. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeId |
String |
The discount applied to the rate plan charge ID. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeModelId |
String |
The charge model ID of the RPC a discount is applied to. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeNumber |
String |
The charge number of the RPC a discount is applied to. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeSegment |
Integer |
The charge segment of the RPC a discount is applied to. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeTypeId |
String |
The charge type ID of the RPC a discount is applied to. |
DocumentDate |
Date |
The target date of the document, that is, memo date, invoice date. |
DocumentId |
String |
The ID of the billing document. |
DocumentLineId |
String |
The ID of the document line. |
DocumentLineNumber |
String |
The number of the document line. |
DocumentNumber |
String |
The number of the document. |
DocumentQuantity |
Decimal |
The quantity of items in one document. |
DocumentType |
String |
The type of the billing document. |
EndDate |
Date |
The end date of the billing document. |
ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting |
Boolean |
The billing item excluded from the revenue account. |
ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting |
Boolean |
The booking item excluded from the revenue account. |
FxRate |
Decimal |
The FX rate on the transaction booking date. |
GlobalFxRate |
Decimal |
The global FX rate on the transaction booking date. |
HomeCurrencyCode |
String |
The home currency code associated with the entity. |
Id | String | The ID of the Billing Transaction object. |
InvoiceId |
String |
The ID of the invoice. |
InvoiceOriginalOwnerId |
String |
The original owner ID of the invoice. |
InvoiceOwnerId |
String |
The owner ID of the invoice. |
InvoiceOwnerName |
String |
The owner name of the invoice. |
ListPrice |
Decimal |
The list price of a charge. |
OrderedQuantity |
Decimal |
The quantity ordered. |
OrderLineItemId |
String |
The ID of the Order Line Item. |
OrgName |
String |
The name of the organization |
OriginalInvoiceLineId |
String |
The original invoice line ID. |
OriginalRatePlanChargeId |
String |
The original ID to identify the rate plan charge. |
OriginalSalesOrderLineItemId |
String |
The original sales order line ID. |
ProductId |
String |
The unique ID of a product. |
ProductRatePlanChargeId |
String |
The unique ID to identify the product rate plan charge. |
ProductRatePlanId |
String |
The unique ID to identify the product rate plan. |
RatePlanChargeId |
String |
The unique ID of the rate plan charge. |
RatePlanChargeVersion |
Long |
The version of the RPC. |
RatePlanId |
String |
The unique ID of the rate plan. |
RatePlanName |
String |
The name of the rate plan. |
RetainLineId |
Boolean |
The ID of the retain line. |
RevenueRecognitionTiming |
String | The type of revenue recognition timing. |
RevenueAmortizationMethod |
String | The type of the revenue amortization method. |
SalesOrderLineId |
String |
The line ID of the sales order. |
SalesOrderLineNumber |
String |
The line number of the sales order. |
SalesOrderNumber |
String |
The number of the sales order. |
SellPrice |
Decimal |
The selling price of a charge. |
SoldToCityId |
String |
The city ID of the sold to contact. |
SoldToCountryId |
String |
The country ID of the sold to contact. |
SoldToStateId |
String |
The state ID of the sold to contact. |
StartDate |
Date |
The start date of the billing document. |
SubscriptionEndDate |
Date |
The end date of the subscription. |
SubscriptionId |
String |
The unique ID of the subscription. |
SubscriptionName |
String |
The name of the subscription. |
SubscriptionOriginalOwnerId |
String |
The original owner ID of the subscription. |
SubscriptionOwnerId |
String |
The owner ID of the subscription. |
SubscriptionOwnerName |
String |
The owner name of the subscription. |
SubscriptionStartDate |
Date |
The start date of the subscription. |
SubscriptionStatus |
SubscriptionStatus |
The status of the subscription. |
SubscriptionTermEndDate |
Date |
The end date of the subscription's current term. |
SubscriptionTermStartDate |
Date |
The start date of the subscription's current term. |
SubscriptionVersion |
Long |
The version number of the subscription. |
TermNumber |
Integer |
The term number when a charge segment is first introduced. |
TermType |
SubscriptionTermType |
The term type of the subscription. |
TransactionType |
TransactionType |
The transaction type of the booking. |
TriggerEvent |
TriggerEvent |
The trigger event of the billing document. |
UnbilledReceivablesAccountId |
String |
The accounting ID for the unbilled receivables. |
UnbilledReceivablesAccountName |
String |
The accounting name for the unbilled receivables. |
UnbilledReceivablesAccountNumber |
String |
The accounting number for the unbilled receivables. |
UnbilledReceivablesGlAccountName |
String |
The GL accounting name for the unbilled receivables. |
ZbillExRateDate |
Date |
The Zuora Billing Exchange Rate date. |