Zuora 360 Version 4 Release Notes
These release notes provide a summary of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in the Zuora 360 Version 4 releases. Version 4.0 is the major release, after which all the 4.X maintenance releases are based. Version 4.0 was released in Q4, 2016.
See Upgrade Zuora 360 for upgrading to the latest version.
Maintenance Release 4.16 (Release Date: 2018-6-15)
The 4.16 release includes the following enhancements and resolved issues.
New Fields on Invoice and Invoice Item Objects
We have added the following two fields of the DateTime type on both the Invoice and Invoice Item objects. The fields are for indicating the date and time when a record gets created or updated on the Zuora tenant side.
- Zuora__CreatedDate__c
- Zuora__UpdatedDate__c
Resolved Issue: Fixes with Real-Time Sync
We have resolved the real-time sync issue with the Zuora 360 4.15 release.
Maintenance Release 4.15 (Release Date: 2018-4-3)
The 4.15 release includes the following enhancements and workaround.
Deprecated and Replacement Fields on Invoice Item Object
Starting from the Zuora 360 4.15 release, the following two fields of the Number type have been deprecated on the Invoice Item object:
- Zuora__Charge_Amount__c
- Zuora__UnitPrice__c
At the same time, the following two new fields of the Currency type have been added on the Invoice Item object as the replacement.
- Zuora__Charge_Amount2__c
- Zuora__UnitPrice2__c
External ID Field for Taxation Item Object
Previously the External_Id field on the Taxation Item object in Salesforce was not unique. We have it deprecated and replaced with a new unique field called External_Id_Unique.
Workaround for "View Invoice PDF" Button Issue
Previously clicking the View Invoice PDF button on an Invoice record might not open the page correctly as the namespace "Zuora" in the URL would be dropped and replaced by "c" erroneousness. We will continue working with the SFDC support team to resolve this issue caused by the SFDC Spring 18 release. As a workaround, we have added the "Zuora" namespace to the "viewInvoicePdf" page directly for the two link buttons on the Invoice object.
Maintenance Release 4.13 (Release Date: 2018-1-23)
The 4.13 release includes the following enhancements and workaround.
Payment Method ID Field for Payment Object
A new text field called Payment Method ID has been added to the Payment object as a replacement of the Payment Method field. The Payment Method field has been deprecated.
Sync Taxation Items with TaxRateType Field Unpopulated
Previously an error was reported when syncing taxation items with TaxRateType fields unpopulated. Now you can sync the taxation items with TaxRateType fields unpopulated successfully.
Maintenance Release 4.11 (Release Date: 2017-11-21)
The 4.11 release includes the following enhancements.
Support for Invoice Item and Taxation Item Objects
Two new objects: Invoice Item and Taxation Item have been added to the Zuora 360 package and can be synced from Zuora to Zuora CPQ.
Maintenance Release 4.10 (Release Date: 2017-08-28)
The 4.10 release includes the following enhancement and resolved issue.
Redundant Fields Removed in Invoice Item Object
This feature is in Limited Availability. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing as generally available.
We have removed the following redundant charge fields on the Invoice Item object. After upgrading, you can now manually delete the fields whereas previously you could not.
- Charge Amount
- Charge Date
- Charge Description
- Charge Id
- Charge Name
- Charge Number
- Charge Type
Resolved Issue: Minor Field Updates
The Zuora Id field on the Subscription object has been deprecated and replaced by the External Id field. We have now changed the field label from Zuora Id to Zuora Id (Deprecated) to indicate the deprecation.
Maintenance Release 4.9 (Release Date: 2017-07-24)
The 4.9 release includes the internal operational fixes.
Maintenance Release 4.8 (Release Date: 2017-06-19)
The 4.8 release includes the internal operational fixes.
Maintenance Release 4.4 (Release Date: 2017-03-20)
The 4.4 release includes the following resolved issue and other internal operational fixes.
Communication Profile Id not Correctly Migrated
A migration issue caused communication profiles not synchronized for some customers.
See Migration Settings for Zuora 360 how to use migration setting to trigger data migration after upgrading Zuora 360 packages.
Maintenance Release 4.2 (Release Date: 2017-01-24)
The 4.2 release includes the following enhancements and resolved issues.
Ability to View Inline or Download Invoice PDFs
Now you have two menu options on the Invoice detail page to download the invoice PDF or view inline. The menu options for invoice PDFs are available as buttons and custom links.
- View Invoice PDF for opening the invoice PDF inline.
- Invoice PDF to directly download the invoice PDF.
See View Invoice PDFs for how to configure the Invoice page layout and use the functionality.
Token Id and Second Token Id Synchronized to Salesforce
Starting in this release, the Token Id and Second Token Id fields on the Payment Method object are synched from Zuora to Zuora CPQ, enabling you to support custom use cases involving payments in Salesforce.
Typically, the Token Id is used for the customer identifier or profile on the payment gateway side, and the Second Token Id is used as the underlying individual payment instrument identifier.
See PaymentMethod for descriptions of the TokenId and SecondTokenId fields.
Refer to Sync Field Mapping of Account and Related Objects to see how the TokeId and SecondTokeId fields are mapped to the fields in Zuora CPQ.
Major Release 4.0 (Release Date: 2016-11-29)
The 4.0 release includes the following enhancement.
Support for Zuora REST API in Order Builder
A new global method was added to send REST requests to Zuora. The sendRequest
global method takes in an Apex HTTP request, adds the authentication session header using the credentials set up in Connection Settings, and submits the request to Zuora.
See sendRequest Method for the detail information about the new method and code samples.