SelectProduct Component
The SelectProduct component gives developers a reusable global product selector component that can be inserted on Visualforce pages. With the SelectProduct component, end users can add or modify product rate plan charges when creating a new subscription, amendment, or renewal quote. The SelectProduct component supports the following:
- Allows users to add new product rate plan charges when creating a new subscription.
- Allows users to edit tiered charges through custom tiers.
- Allows users to add, update, or remove product rate plan charges when creating amendments and renewals.
- Allows users to undo an action for updated or removed rate plan charges.
- Supports custom fields by defining your own fields and update them from rate plan charge list. Supported field types: Text, Text Area, and Picklist.
- Allows users to modify multiple product rate plan charges from a single page.
- Allows inline editing of rate plan charge lists.
- Customizes rate plan charge list columns through the Salesforce field set.
- Supports both view and edit mode.
- Supports for an Integrated lookup component to product and rate plan with an auto-complete feature.
- Supports a Query plugin for the product and rate plan lookup component. You can define your own query with additional conditions when developing your own Salesforce page.
The SelectProduct component is available in the Versions 6.0 and later of Zuora Quotes.
The SelectProduct component consists of the following:
SelectProduct.component: The Visualforce UI component
SelectProductController.class:The Apex controller class for the SelectProduct UI component
SelectProductComponentOptions:The Apex class that stores the configuration options specified by the developer and used by the controller to render the component
SelectProductComponentOptions.IFilterPlugin: The custom Filter Plugin Interface used to define additional filtering criteria for both production and rate plan selections
SelectProductComponentOptions.IGuidedSellingFlowPlugin: The custom Guided Selling Flow Plugin interface to generate Guided Selling button bars on Product Selector
SelectProductComponentOptions.IAddRemoveRatePlanPlugin: The custom plugin to control addition and removal of rate plans in the Product Selector
- SelectProductComponentOptions.ISaveRatePlanPlugin: The custom Save Rate Plan Plugin to validate the charge groups of a quote when saving them in the product selector
- ZQuoteRulesEngine.QuoteRulesEnginePlugin: The custom Product and Price Rules engine plugin
SelectProduct Component Attributes
The SelectProduct component has the following attributes.
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Optional | An identifier that allows the component to be referenced by other components in the page. |
options | zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions | N/A | The configuration options for the component. See the next table for detail. |
rendered | Boolean | Optional | Specifies whether the component is rendered on the page. The default is True. |
SelectProductComponentOptions Class
The following table describes the properties available on the SelectProductComponentOptions global class.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
addBundleProductsUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate to upon clicking the Add Products button on the Lightning Guided Product Selector. If you are using the EditQuoteProduct component, this parameter will automatically be set to the page URL of the component. |
addProductsPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when clicking on the Add Products button on the Product Selector. Available in Zuora Quotes Version 7.4+. |
cancelPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when exiting the Enhanced Product Selector through the Cancel button. Available in Zuora Quotes Version 8.0+. |
cancelUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate to upon clicking the Cancel button |
filterPlugin | zqu. SelectProductComponentOptions. IFilterPlugin | Optional | The filter plugin instance that defines additional filtering criteria for both product selection and rate plan selection. Does not apply when the class is used for the CpqSelectProduct component. |
mode | String | Required | The mode of the component. Available options are:
MODE_DETAIL | Static String | N/A | The detail mode of the component |
MODE_EDIT | Static String | N/A | The edit mode of the component |
MODE_INLINE_EDIT | Static String | N/A | The inline edit mode of the component. Use this mode if you want to embed the product selector on a page with other components. |
ooportunityId | String | N/A | Id of the associated opportunity |
previousPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when clicking the Back button on the Enhanced Product Selector. Available in Zuora Quotes Version 8.0+. |
previousUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate upon clicking the Previous button |
productFilterSoqlFragment | String | Optional | The SOQL fragment for the Select Product filter. Does not apply when the class is used for the CpqSelectProduct component. |
productSoqlFragment | String | Optional | The SOQL fragment for the Select Product Lookup component. Used to define a query for additional conditions if required. Does not apply when the class is used for the CpqSelectProduct component. |
quoteId | String | Required | The ID of the quote that is using the component |
quoteType | String | Required | The type of quote that is using the component. Available options:
ratePlanFilterSoqlFragment | String | Optional | The SOQL fragment for the Select Rate Plan filter. Does not apply when the class is used for the CpqSelectProduct component. |
ratePlanSoqlFragment | String | Optional | The SOQL fragment for the Select Rate Plan Lookup Component. Used to define a query for additional conditions if required. Does not apply when the class is used for the CpqSelectProduct component. |
savePageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when clicking on the Submit button on the Product Selector. Available in Zuora Quotes Version 8.0+. |
saveUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate upon clicking the Save button |
sfdcAccountId | String | Optional | Salesforce Account Id for the quote |
subTitle | String | Optional | The subtitle of the component |
title | String | Optional | The title displayed at the top of the component |
Component Plugins
Filter Plugin
The SelectProduct component provides a filter plugin interface that you can use to create additional filtering criteria for both product and rate plan selections.
The filter plugin interface is defined as global
and contains the following interface methods:
String getProductSoqlFragment
: Returns additional filtering conditions in SOQL fragment for the product selection.Stirng getRatePlanSoqlFragment
: Returns additional filtering conditions in SOQL fragment for the rate plan selection.
See below for a sample code for the Filter Plugin.
Guided Selling Flow Plugin
The SelectProduct component provides a Guided Selling Flow plugin interface that you can use to create custom Guided Selling Flow button bars in Guided Product Selectors.
The Guided Selling Flow Plugin is available in the Versions 6.2 and later of Zuora Quotes.
The plugin interface is defined as:
global SelectProductComponentOptions.IGuidedSellingFlowPlugin
The plugin contains the following interface method:
LIST getFlows (Id)
: Returns a list of Guided Selling Flows to be displayed in the Guided Product Selectors.
See Guided Selling Flow Plugin Example for a sample use case.
Add / Remove Rate Plan Plugin
The SelectProduct component provides a filter plugin interface that you can use to create a custom plugin to control addition and removal of rate plans in the Product Selector.
The Add / Remove Rate Plan Plugin is available in the Versions 6.2 and later of Zuora Quotes.
The plugin interface is defined as global
and contains the following interface methods:
void onAdd (String, List)
: Customizes the additional actions to take place based on the product rate plan added to the quote. For example, you can specify to add a related rate plan when a certain rate plan is added to a quote.void onRemove (String, List)
: Customize the additional actions to take place based the product rate plan removed from the quote. For example, you can prevent certain rate plan from being removed from a quote.
See Add/Remove Rate Plan Plugin Example for a sample use case.
Save Rate Plan Plugin
The Save Rate Plan Plugin is available in the Versions 6.41 and later of Zuora Quotes.
You can use the Save Rate Plan Plugin interface to:
- Detect changes (add, remove, update) to charge groups on a quote when saving those charge groups in the Product Selector.
- Perform validations on those charge groups.
The plugin interface is defined as global SelectProductComponentOptions.ISaveRatePlanPlugin
and contains the following interface method and parameters:
List<zChargeGroup> addedChargeGroups,
List<zChargeGroup> updatedChargeGroups,
List<zChargeGroup> removedChargeGroups,
List<zChargeGroup> persistedChargeGroups);
where :
: Checks the current state of all charge groups on save. Includes the following parameters:addedChargeGroups
: All added charge groups during the current save.updatedChargeGroups
: All updated charge groups during the current save.removedChargeGroups
: All removed charge groups during the current save .persistedChargeGroups
: All previously saved but unedited charge groups.
Zuora does not recommend modifying the charge group or charge group list in the Save Rate Plan Plugin.
See Save Rate Plan Plugin Example for a sample use case.
Quote Rules Engine Plugin
The SelectProduct component provides the Quote Rules Engine plugin interface. The default plugin registers and enables the Product and Price Rules engine. You can create a custom rules plugin and replace the default rules engine plugin if you do not require the full configuration capability of our Product and Price Rules. For example if you only need a simple rules engine for automatic price/rules calculations happen, create your custom plugin class, and register your plugin as described in Component Registration.
The plugin interface contains the following interface methods:
void runPriceRules
(List<zqu.ZChargeGroup> zcgs,
List<zqu.ZQuoteRulesEngine.ChangeLog> logs)Map>
(zqu__Quote__c quote,
List<String> ratePlanIds,
List<zqu.ZQuoteRulesEngine.ChangeLog> logs)Boolean runValidationRules
(zqu__Quote__c quote,
List<ZChargeGroup> zcgs,
List<ChangeLog> logs)
See Quote Rules Engine Plugin Example for a sample rules engine plugin code.
Rate Plan Customization Plugin
Use the Rate Plan Customization Plugin on the SelectProduct component to manipulate the charge groups before adding them to the quote, e.g., setting default values of some fields, adding or removing features.
This plugin is only supported in the old Guided Selling Product Selector and not supported in the Lightning Guided Product Selector.
The plugin interface is:
The plugin contains the following global method:
void updateZChargeGroups(Quote__c quote, List<ZChargeGroup> zcgs)
This plugin executes on the add, removal, and saving of a product.
See Rate Plan Customization Plugin Example for a sample plugin code.
The above plugins are not compatible with the new CPQ X flow. To review the list of plugins compatible with CPQ X, see CPQ X supported plugins.
Sample Code for the SelectProduct Component
Visualforce Page Example
Add the SlectProduct component to your Salesforce page inside an <apex:form>
tag to set up the component options in your controller. Use the zqu__QuoteWizardTemplateNoForm template to ensure that your Visualforce page will have the Quote Wizard context.
<apex:page sidebar="false" tabStyle="zqu__Quote__c" standardController="zqu__Quote__c" extensions="CustomProductSelectorController"> <apex:composition template="zqu__QuoteWizardTemplateNoForm" > <apex:define name="PageBody" > <apex:form > <zqu:SelectProduct options="{!theOptions}"/> </apex:form> </apex:define> </apex:composition> </apex:page>
Apex Controller Example
public with sharing class CustomProductSelectorController { public zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions theOptions { get; set; } public CustomProductSelectorController(){ theOptions = new zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions(); theOptions.title = 'Sample Code'; theOptions.subTitle = 'Choose Product and Charges'; theOptions.mode = zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions.MODE_EDIT; // Read-only mode, used to display all the selected product rate plan charges //theOptions.mode = zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions.MODE_DETAIL; theOptions.quoteType = 'Subscription'; theOptions.quoteId = 'a0AE0000005aFovMAE'; // Set the page url for buttons if necessary theOptions.previousUrl = ''; theOptions.saveUrl = ''; theOptions.cancelUrl = ''; theOptions.filterPlugin = new CustomProductFilter(); } }
Filter Plugin Example
global class CustomProductFilter implements zqu.SelectProductComponentOptions.IFilterPlugin { String quoteId; public CustomProductFilter() { quoteId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); } public String getProductSoqlFragment() { return ''; } /*** Returns the Rateplan Filter SOQL Fragment that filters by billing frequency */ public String getRateplanSoqlFragment() { String soqlFragment = ''; zqu__Quote__c[] quotes = [select id, BillingFrequency__c from zqu__quote__c where id = : quoteId]; if (quotes != null && quotes.size() > 0) { String billingFrequency = quotes[0].BillingFrequency__c; if (!String.isBlank(billingFrequency)) { soqlFragment = ' BillingFrequency__c = \'' + billingFrequency + '\''; } } return soqlFragment; } }