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Zuora CPQ Component Library

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Zuora CPQ Component Library

This article provides the overview of Zuora CPQ Component Library. The detail articles under this section provide information about the global methods and components. The articles also contain patterns and sample code to help you with customizations.

The Component Library is part of the component-based, extensible framework Zuora CPQ provides. The Component Library contains Apex classes and Visualforce components that you can use to customize key business logic and UI features in Zuora Quotes. Each out-of-the-box page in Zuora CPQ is developed using these components. These components are designed to work with Zuora business logic while maintaining a consistent look and feel that can be easily adapted for your application. Component Library saves you development time while providing you with reusable functionality in Zuora Quotes.

Some components are Zuora-specific, and others are more general and can be used throughout your user interface.

Each component also offers a set of Plugin interfaces. Plugin interfaces allow you to customize components without having to re-implement the entire components.  Some components provide a default plugin implementation for its plugin interfaces. You have the option to either extend the default plugin implementation, or override it with your own plugin implementation for the component.

The components in the Component Library include: 

- Configurable Quoting Flow components

- Configurable common UI components

- Global methods

Components and Plugins are centrally managed by the Component Manager. In the Component Manager, you are able to view a list of components and their available plugin interfaces, provide a new plugin implementation, remove a plugin implementation, and override the default plugin implementation.   

For more information about the Component Manager and Component Registration, see Component Registration.

See Component Registration Examples for implementing custom plugins. 

You can find plugin implementation examples for specific components under the Zuora CPQ Components section.

The diagram below illustrates the componentization architecture in Zuora CPQ.



To use the Component Library, you need the following:

  • An active Zuora tenant
  • An active Salesforce org with Enterprise or Unlimited Edition


The Component Library is bundled with the Zuora Quotes managed package. Follow the Zuora Quotes installation instructions to install the latest version of the Zuora Quotes and the Component Library in your Salesforce org.
