Use Case: A Rule to Apply a Discount
This use case describes how to create a rule that will apply a 10% discount for new subscriptions.
Create the Rule
- In the Rules tab, click New and add the following rule:
- Name: Introductory Special
- Active: Select the field.
- Define a condition that checks if a quote is for a new subscription.
- In the CONDITION section, click Add Criteria....
- In the Attribute Type field, select Object Field Value.
- In the Object Field, click -Select Field-.
- In the Quote Field field, click -Select Field- and select Subscription Type. Click Select.
- In the Attribute Type field, click and select Static Value.
- In the Value field, type New Subscription.
- Define the action that applies 10% discount to a charge.
- In the ACTIONS section, click Add Action....
- In the Action Type field, click and select Update Product.
- In the Object field, click and select Charge.
- In the Field field, click -Select Field-, and select Discount.
- In the New Value Type field, click and select Static Value.
- In the Value field, type 10.
- In the Message field, type "Discount applied."
- Click Save.
Verify the Rule
- Create a new quote of the New Subscription type.
- Add a product and a rate plan in the Enhanced Guided Selling flow.
- In the Lightning Guided Product Selector, you see 10% discount applied in the Discount % fields.
- The Rules Engine Logs section shows the message you specified in the rule, "Discount applied."