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Payment Method Data Source


Payment Method Data Source


Use this data source to export payment method information.

Best practice

If you want to query data by joining Payment Method and Stored Credential Profile, use Stored Credential Profile as the base object to achieve better query performance.

Objects Available in the Data Source

Object Description
Payment Method

An object that stores information about the payment method, such as a credit card, ACH or PayPal. It contains the following fields:

  • ACH ABA Code
  • ACH Account Name
  • ACH Account Number Mask
  •  ACH Account Type
  •  ACH Address1
  •  ACH Address2
  •  ACH Bank Name
  •  ACH City
  •  ACH Country
  •  ACH Postal Code
  •  ACH State
  •  Account ID
  •  Active
  •  Bank Branch Code
  •  Bank Check Digit
  •  Bank City
  •  Bank Code
  •  Bank Identification Number
  •  Bank Name
  •  Bank Postal Code
  •  Bank Street Name
  •  Bank Street Number
  •  Bank Transfer Account Name
  •  Bank Transfer Account Number Mask
  •  Bank Transfer Account Type
  •  Bank Transfer Type
  •  Business Identification Code
  •  City
  •  Company Name
  •  Country
  • Created By ID
  •  Created Date
  •  Credit Card Address 1
  •  Credit Card Address 2
  •  Credit Card City
  •  Credit Card Country
  •  Credit Card Expiration Month
  •  Credit Card Expiration Year
  •  Credit Card Holder Name
  •  Credit Card Mask Number
  •  Credit Card Postal Code
  •  Credit Card State
  •  Credit Card Type
  •  Device Session ID
  •  Email
  •  Existing Mandate
  •  First Name
  •  IBAN
  •  ID
  •  IP Address
  •  Identity Number
  •  Is a company
  •  Last Failed Sale Transaction Date
  •  Last Name
  •  Last Transaction Date
  •  Last Transaction Status
  •  Mandate Creation Date
  •  Mandate ID
  •  Mandate Reason
  •  Mandate Received
  • Mandate Status
  •  Mandate Update Date
  •  Max Consecutive Payment Failures
  •  Method Reference Id
  •  Method Specific Data
  •  Name
  •  Number of Consecutive Failures
  •  Payment Method Status
  •  Payment Retry Window
  •  Paypal BAID
  •  Paypal Email
  •  Paypal Preapproval Key
  •  Paypal Type
  •  Phone
  •  Postal Code
  •  Second Token ID
  •  State
  •  Street Name
  •  Street Number
  •  Sub-Type
  •  Token ID
  •  Total Number Of Error Payments
  •  Total Number Of Processed Payments
  •  Type
  •  Updated By ID
  •  Updated Date
  •  Use Default Retry Rule
  •  User Reference Id

The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Stored Credential Profile Stored credential profiles created for payment methods. See Stored Credential Profile Data Source for more information.