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Amendments: Cancel


Amendments: Cancel

The cancel task cancels an active subscription. The task provides two groups of options based on the set of Zuora APIs being used (SOAP or REST).

For details about canceling a subscription, see Cancellations. To learn more about specific data fields, see Cancel a Subscription (Amendment) for SOAP and API Reference for REST.

If Invoice Settlement is enabled, this task can support to generate credit memos and apply outstanding credit memos and unapplied payments.

Zuora recommends not using the Cancel Task in a workflow if your tenant has the “Orders” feature enabled. The Cancel Task only works when your tenant is on the Subscription Model.

For example, While creating a Cancel Task, you fill in the subscription information, date type of information etc. and it would generate an API call to cancel a subscription. In cases where “Orders” is enabled, the Cancel Task will fail with the message "Order Date is required" while there is no option to enter an Order Date.

If the “Orders” feature is enabled in your tenant, use a callout with a PUT method. See Notifications: Callout for more information. 

Task Settings 

  • Subscription.Id - Manually enter a subscription ID, or select Subscription.Id or Subscription.Number to identify the subscription that you would like to cancel.


  • Name - Specify a name to identify the amendment.
  • Description - Optionally enter some description. 
  • Cancellation Date - The date when the subscription cancellation takes effect.
  • Contract Effective Date - The date when the customer notifies you that they want to cancel the subscription.
  • Generate Invoice - Enable if you want the workflow to generate an invoice immediately for the subscription.
  • Apply Credit Balance - This option is available only when Generate Invoice is enabled. Enable this option if you want any credit balance on the customer account to be automatically applied to invoices. 
  • Process Payment - This option is available only when Generate Invoice is enabled. Enable this option if you want Zuora to collect payment against the invoice. The payment is processed only when AutoPay is enabled.


  • Cancellation Policy
    • EndOfCurrentTerm - The subscription is canceled upon the end of the current term. The billing continues through the end of the current term for the applicable subscription.
    • EndOfLastInvoicePeriod - The subscription is canceled on the last day of the last invoice period.
    • SpecificDate - The subscription is canceled on a specific date.