Link Payment Methods from Payment Pages to Accounts
This article describes how to associate payment methods created from Payment Pages 2.0 with customer accounts.
Associate payment methods to Zuora accounts
There are multiple ways to associate a payment method to a Zuora account:
- Add a newly created payment method to an existing Zuora account. See the Create a Payment Method for an Existing Account section for details.
- Use the Create an account API request to link a payment method to a newly created Zuora account.
- Use the Update a payment method API operation to link a payment method to an existing Zuora account.
- Use the following API requests to link a payment method to either a newly created or an existing Zuora account:
Create a Payment Method for an Existing Account
To create or add a payment method to an existing account, use the field_accountId
parameter. See Payment Pages Client Parameters for Payment Pages 2.0 for information about using the parameter.
For example, to add a payment method to a customer account having the account id, 4028e69633f7e23b0133fc473bf141a5
, you would assign the account id to the field_accountId parameter as below:
var params = { tenantId:"123", id:"ff80808145b3bf9d0145b3c6812b0008", token:"qJ52b1iCyPXyZTcuQbfZa2qmKhD4qBGz", signature:"MjJmYjBmNTY3ZWI3ZjcyZTRmMjZlZWVhMTJhZDhiYWI1ZjUyMGRkNQ==", style:"overlay", key:"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC59DglWlsd82ooSVYyXoniF5rln3edz+5tdPLVBXXPDVXDCI9w7sneaj+XQs5LFaHZby117XzE8CFmoskVd2tsGLvXr83gEQ7eCXUrY0NDBFlAs0t+ChkB18VXG2DBbeUCI2poZJpCbpQm4rSvqUeY+8H/+/Stf4hXFWVPEEWyjwIDQAB", submitEnabled:"true", locale:"fr_FR", url:"", paymentGateway:"DefaultGateway", field_accountId: "4028e69633f7e23b0133fc473bf141a5" };
The newly created payment method will not be made default on the account. Use the Zuora API to update the account to set this payment method as default. You must use the Zuora API to update card expiration dates and retrieve, display, and delete credit card information.