Cancel and Delete a Summary Journal Entry
This article explains how to cancel and delete a journal entry.
Why Cancel and Delete a Journal Entry?
Occasionally, you may want to cancel a journal entry, for example, to adjust transactions. You must cancel a journal entry to adjust transactions posted to it. Once canceled, the transactions in the journal entry are released and available for update. Alternately, you can cancel all journal entries in a journal run. See Journal Runs for more information.
You can view a canceled journal entry from the journal run. For example, you may want to compare amounts from the re-run journal entry with the canceled journal entry run.
You can delete a canceled transaction to delete the journal entry record completely. All change history is also deleted.
The Finance Cancel Journal Entry and Delete Cancelled Journal Run permissions are required. See Finance Roles for more information.
Cancel a Journal Entry
Navigation: Click your username at the top right, navigate to the Finance > Accounting Periods tab, and select the accounting period. Click the Summary Journal Entries tab. Click the journal entry link. The Journal Entry page appears.
You can only cancel a journal entry if the Transferred to Accounting status is No, Error, or Ignore. See Manage Summary Journal Entries for more information.
- Click cancel this journal entry.
- Confirm to cancel. The status changes to "Cancelled" and the change recorded in History.
Transactions on this journal entry are released and available for updating.
Canceled journal entries are removed from the Summary Journal Entries tab. To view a canceled journal entry, navigate to Finance > Journal Runs and click the journal run that the journal entry is in.
Delete a Journal Entry
You must cancel a journal entry before you can delete it.
Navigation: Click your username at the top right, navigate to the Finance > Journal Runs, and click the journal run that the journal entry you want to cancel is in. Click the journal entry link. The Journal Entry page appears.
- Click delete this journal entry.
- Confirm to delete the journal entry. Upon deletion, you are returned to the journal run from which the journal entry was deleted.