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Invoice item adjustment data mapping


Invoice item adjustment data mapping

Standard field mapping

Some standard fields for invoice item adjustments in Zuora Billing are mapped to Zuora Revenue Staging fields. The following table describes the pre-defined invoice item adjustment field mappings between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue Staging tables.

The table columns represent the following information:

  • Zuora Billing Field: The standard fields extracted from Zuora Billing. It is displayed as the Input Value Label column in Zuora Revenue field mapping templates.
  • Zuora Revenue Staging Field Name: The user-friendly name for Zuora Revenue Staging fields.
  • Input Value Type: The data type of the field.
  • Description: Additional information on field mappings.
Zuora Billing Field Zuora Revenue Staging Field Name Input Value Type Description



Business Unit Character

This field is used to set application context for multiple organization customers in Zuora Revenue.

This should be populated with the name of the tenant. If you have the Multi-entity feature enabled, it is populated with the entity display name.




Company Code Character

In general, this field is used to identify inter-company transactions.

This should be populated with the name of the tenant. If you have the Multi-entity feature enabled, it is populated with the entity name.

Account.AccountNumber Customer Number Character

This field is a unique ID for a customer from the source that is used to track customer accounts in Zuora Revenue.



Customer Name Character

This field is a unique ID for a customer from the source that is used to identify customer accounts by name in Zuora Revenue.

Account.Id Account Id Character This field is a unique ID for a customer account.


Functional Currency Character

This field refers to the main currency used by Business unit.

If you have the Currency Conversion feature enabled, this is the home currency you set. If you do not have this feature enabled, this is the currency used in your invoices.

Account.Currency Transaction Currency Character

This field is used to identify the transaction currency for every transaction in Zuora Revenue.

RatePlan.Id Rate Plan Id Character The unique ID of a rate plan.
RatePlan.Name Rate Plan Name Character The name of a rate plan.
RatePlanCharge.ChargeNumber Rate Plan Charge Num Character A unique number that identifies the charge. 



Rate Plan Charge Name Character

The name of a rate plan charge.

RatePlanCharge.Version Rate Plan Charge Version Number This field is to identify the version of a rate plan charge.
RatePlanCharge.ChargeModel Rate Plan Charge Model Character This field determines how to evaluate charges. The value inherits from ProductRatePlanCharge.ChargeModel
RatePlanCharge.ChargeType Rate Plan Charge Type Character Specifies the type of charge. The value inherits from ProductRatePlanCharge.ChargeType.
RatePlanCharge.TriggerEvent Rate Plan Charge Trigger Event Character

Specifies when to start billing the customer for the charge. The value inherits from ProductRatePlanCharge.TriggerEvent and possible values include:

  • ContractEffective
  • ServiceActivation
  • CustomerAcceptance
RatePlanCharge.Segment Rate Plan Charge Segment Number The identifying number of the subscription rate plan segment. Segments are numbered sequentially, starting with 1. 
RatePlanCharge.Id Rate Plan Charge Id Character The unique ID to identify a rate plan charge.
RatePlanCharge.OriginalId Original Rate Plan Charge Id Character The original ID of the rate plan charge. 
Product.Id Product Id Character This field is the unique ID of a product from the Zuora Billing Product Catalog.
Subscription.TermStartDate Sales Order Date Date This field is used to derive the term start date from a subscription.
Subscription.Id Subscription ID Character The unique ID used to identify a subscription
Subscription.Name Subscription Name Character The name of a subscription
Subscription.Version Subscription Version Number The version of a subscription
Subscription.SubscriptionStartDate Subscription Start Date Date The date when the subscription term starts. This date is the same as the start date of the original term, which isn't necessarily the start date of the current or new term.
Subscription.SubscriptionEndDate Subscription End Date Date The date when the subscription term ends, where the subscription ends at midnight the day before. For example, if the SubscriptionEndDate is 12/31/2016, the subscription ends at midnight (00:00:00 hours) on 12/30/2016. This date is the same as the term end date or the cancelation date, as appropriate. 
  • Subscription.Account.Name
  • Subscription.CreatorAccount
Subscription Owner Character

The name of the account associated with a subscription.

  • If Subscription.Account.Name is selected for mapping, it is the current owner of the subscription.
  • If Subscription.CreatorAccount is selected for mapping, it is the original owner of the subscription.
Subscription.TermType Subscription Type Character

Possible values are:

  • Subscription.CreatorInvoiceOwner
  • Subscription.InvoiceOwner
Invoice Owner Character

The name of the customer account used in the invoice owner transfer use case.

  • If Subscription.InvoiceOwner is selected for mapping, it is the current owner of the subscription.
  • If Subscription.CreatorInvoiceOwner is selected for mapping, it is the original owner of the invoice.
InvoiceItemAdjustment. ServiceStartDate
Revenue Start Date Date The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item adjustment. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge.
InvoiceItemAdjustment. ServiceEndDate Revenue End Date Date The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item adjustment. Service ends one second before the date in this value.
RatePlanCharge.Quantity Ordered Qty Number The default quantity of units, such as the number of authors in a hosted wiki service. Valid for all charge models except for Flat Fee pricing.
InvoiceItemAdjustment.Amount Ext Sell Price Number The amount for an invoice item adjustment. 
ProductRatePlanCharge. ContractLiabilityAccountingCode. Name Deferred Segments Character The name of the accounting code for contract liability.
ProductRatePlanCharge. ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode.Name Revenue Segments Character The name of the accounting code for the contract recognized revenue.
ProductRatePlanCharge. AdjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode. Name Adjustment Liability Account Character The name of the adjustment liability accounting code.
ProductRatePlanCharge. AdjustmentRevenueAccountingCode.Name Adjustment Revenue Account Character The name of the adjustment revenue accounting code.
ProductRatePlanCharge. UnbilledReceivablesAccountingCode.Name Unbilled AR Account Character The name of the unbilled receivables accounting code.
ProductRatePlanCharge. ContractAssetAccountingCode. Name Contract Asset Account Character The name of the contract asset accounting code.
Product Rate Plan Charge Id Character The unique ID to identify a product rate plan charge.
Product Rate Plan Id Character The unique ID to identify a product rate plan.
Charge Created Date Date The date and time when the invoice item was created. 
Charge Last Update Date Date The date and time when the invoice item was last updated. 
Invoice.Id Billing Id Character The unique ID of an invoice.
InvoiceItem.Id Billing Item Id Character The unique ID of an invoice item.

InvoiceItemAdjustment. AdjustmentNumber

Invoice Num Character A unique string to identify an individual invoice item adjustment.

InvoiceItemAdjustment. AdjustmentDate

Invoice Date Date The date when the invoice item adjustment is applied, in the yyyy-mm-dd format. 


Invoice Qty Number This field is used to capture the number of quantity invoiced for the given invoice line.

Define your own field mappings

All Zuora Billing objects that are extracted during Data Sync are available for custom data mappings. Refer to exported Data Sync objects to learn which Zuora Billing objects you can customize the mappings to Zuora Revenue fields.

For example, you can define custom mappings for all fields, including standard fields and custom fields, on the Contact object. They should only be mapped to ATR1 - ATR60 in Zuora Revenue. The following table lists the FirstName and LastName field mappings as typical examples:

Zuora Billing Field Zuora Revenue Staging Field Name Input Value Type Description
InvoiceItemAdjustment.BillToContact.FirstName Any attribute from 1 to 60 (ATR1 - ATR60) Character The first name of the specified Bill To Contact for an invoice item adjustment.
InvoiceItemAdjustment.BillToContact.LastName Any attribute from 1 to 60 (ATR1 - ATR60) Character The last name of the specified Bill To Contact for an invoice item adjustment.
InvoiceItemAdjustment.SoldToContact.FirstName Any attribute from 1 to 60 (ATR1 - ATR60) Character The first name of the specified Sold To Contact for an invoice item adjustment.
InvoiceItemAdjustment.SoldToContact.LastName Any attribute from 1 to 60 (ATR1 - ATR60) Character The last name of the specified Sold To Contact for an invoice item adjustment.

Note that fields of the following Zuora Billing objects cannot be used in all field mapping templates:

  • CreditBalanceAdjustment
  • RatePlanChargeTier
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ExchangeRate
  • RampInterval
  • RampSubscriptionLink