Zuora revenue data object model and data query
Frequently used object-based queries are provided in the following table for different scenarios:
Category | Scenario | Query |
Revenue for the period | Total revenue for the period |
select PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Revenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R', 'A') and AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' group by PostingPeriodID; |
Contractual revenue for the period |
select PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Revenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R') and AccountingTypeID in ('R') and INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' group by PostingPeriodID; |
Adjustment revenue for the period |
select PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Revenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('A') and AccountingTypeID in ('X') and INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' group by PostingPeriodID; |
Filter by other revenue types |
select PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Revenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG = <Schedule Type> and AccountingTypeID = <Accounting Type> and INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' group by PostingPeriodID; |
Balance of account types for the period |
select AccountingTypeID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Balance from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where AccountingTypeID in ('L') and PostingPeriodID <= 202006 group by AccountingTypeID; |
Balance of account types by schedule types for the period |
select AccountingTypeID, SCHD_TYPE_FLAG, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Balance from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R') and AccountingTypeID in ('L') and PostingPeriodID <= 202006 group by AccountingTypeID, SCHD_TYPE_FLAG; |
Netting activity for the period |
select AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Activity from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R') and AccountingTypeID in ('L') and PostingPeriodID = 202006 group by AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID; |
LT/ST activity for the period |
select AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) LTST_Activity from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where AccountingTypeID in ('E', 'F') and PostingPeriodID = 202006 group by AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID; |
Revenue by customer |
select CustomerName, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) TotalRevenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES rcae, REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld where rcae.RootRevenueContractLineID = rcld.RevenueContractLineID and rcae.SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R','A') and rcae.AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and rcae.INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' and rcae.PostingPeriodID = 202112 group by CustomerName; |
Revenue by RC |
select rcld.RevenueContractID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) TotalRevenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES rcae, REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld where rcae.RootRevenueContractLineID = rcld.RevenueContractLineID and rcae.SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R','A') and rcae.AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and rcae.INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' and rcae.PostingPeriodID = 202112 group by rcld.RevenueContractID; |
Revenue by RC |
select rcld.RevenueContractID, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) TotalRevenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES rcae, REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld where rcae.RootRevenueContractLineID = rcld.RevenueContractLineID and rcae.SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R','A') and rcae.AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and rcae.INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' and rcae.PostingPeriodID = 202112 group by rcld.RevenueContractID; |
Revenue by Item |
select rcld.ItemNumber, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) TotalRevenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES rcae, REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld where rcae.RootRevenueContractLineID = rcld.RevenueContractLineID and rcae.SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R','A') and rcae.AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and rcae.INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' and rcae.PostingPeriodID = 202112 group by rcld.ItemNumber; |
Product category |
select rcld.ProductCategory, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) TotalRevenue from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES rcae, REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld where rcae.RootRevenueContractLineID = rcld.RevenueContractLineID and rcae.SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R','A') and rcae.AccountingTypeID in ('R','X') and rcae.INITIAL_REP_ENTRY_FLAG = 'N' and rcae.PostingPeriodID = 202112 group by rcld.ProductCategory; |
Bookings & billings | Total bookings for the period |
select rcld.CreatedAccountingPeriodID, sum(ExtendedSellPrice) booked_amount from REVENUECONTRACTLINESDIMENSIONS rcld, REVENUECONTRACTLINESFACTS rclf where rcld.RevenueContractLineID = rclf.RevenueContractLineID and rcld.CreatedAccountingPeriodID = 202111 group by rcld.CreatedAccountingPeriodID order by rcld.CreatedAccountingPeriodID; |
Total billings for the period |
select rcbd.CreatedAccountingPeriod, sum(BillingExtendedSellPrice) Billed_amount from REVENUECONTRACTBILLSDIMENSIONS rcbd, REVENUECONTRACTBILLSFACTS rclf where rcbd.RevenueContractBillID = rclf.RevenueContractBillID and rcbd.CreatedAccountingPeriod = 202111 group by rcbd.CreatedAccountingPeriod order by rcbd.CreatedAccountingPeriod; |
Accounting | Account activity for the period, along with the posted flag |
select AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID, INTERFACED_FLAG, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Activity from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R') and AccountingTypeID in ('L') and PostingPeriodID = 202006 group by AccountingTypeID, PostingPeriodID, INTERFACED_FLAG; |
Account balance as of a specific period by Account Type |
select AccountingTypeID, SCHD_TYPE_FLAG, sum(TransactionCreditAmount - TransactionDebitAmount) Balance from REVENUECONTRACTACCOUNTINGENTRIES where SCHD_TYPE_FLAG in ('R') and AccountingTypeID in ('L') and PostingPeriodID <= 202006 group by AccountingTypeID, SCHD_TYPE_FLAG; |