Supported CSS selectors
Zephr supports the following CSS Selectors:
Pattern | Matches | Example |
* | any element | * |
tag | elements with the given tag name | div |
*|E | elements of type E in any namespace ns | *|name finds <fb:name> elements |
ns|E | elements of type E in the namespace ns | fb|name finds <fb:name> elements |
#id | elements with attribute ID of “id” | div#wrap, #logo |
.class | elements with a class name of “class” | div.left, .result |
[attr] | elements with an attribute named “attr” (with any value) | a[href], [title] |
[^attrPrefix] | elements with an attribute name starting with “attrPrefix”. Use to find elements with HTML5 datasets | [^data-], div[^data-] |
[attr=val] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value equal to “val” | img[width=500], a[rel=nofollow] |
[attr=”val”] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value equal to “val” | span[hello=”Cleveland”][goodbye=”Columbus”], a[rel=”nofollow”] |
[attr^=valPrefix] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value starting with “valPrefix” | a[href^=http:] |
[attr$=valSuffix] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value ending with “valSuffix” | img[src$=.png] |
[attr*=valContaining] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value containing “valContaining” | a[href*=/search/] |
[attr~=regex] | elements with an attribute named “attr”, and value matching the regular expression | img[src~=(?i)\\.(png|jpe?g)] |
The above may be combined in any order | div.header[title] |