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Login, Registration and Forgot Password Forms


Login, Registration and Forgot Password Forms

The forms are used on your site as follows:

  • The login form contains fields that allow the end user to login to your site
  • The registration form contains fields that allow the end user to register on your site
  • The forgot password form contains fields that allow the end user to reset their password

These forms are defined as a Registration type multi-step form in the Admin Console.

If you have the company account redirect feature enabled for your site, and an end user completes a login or registration form, Zephr checks the membership options for your company accounts. The company account redirect feature then does the following:

  • If the email domain matches one defined in the membership options, and there is a login and/or registration page associated with the account, the end user is redirected to that page.
  • If the email domain matches more than one company account, the user is not redirected.
  • If you have defined multiple login and/or registration pages for the account, the end user is redirected to one of these pages at random. This is only applicable if you have defined multiple pages outside the Admin Console, as you cannot define multiple login or registration pages in Zephr.
  • If you edit an existing feature when the company account redirect feature is enabled, ensure that you update and save any related rules and multi-step or frictionless checkout forms included in the rule. If this is not done, no changes are made in the UI and your end users will not be redirected. For further information on editing an existing product, see the Edit a Product topic.

Configure login, registration, or forgot password form

To configure login and registration forms, navigate to the component library and click + Component > Login Or Registration.

 The login and registration forms have various configurations depending on the following user settings and toggles in the Registration tab:

  • Require email verification
  • Two-Factor Email Authentication
  • Include Contact Users

When all these settings are disabled, the toggle bars in the Registration tab appear as follows:


By default, only two toggle bars are visible. If Include Contact Users is enabled in the User settings, a third toggle bar will appear, which is by default ON and disabled. This indicates that if a Contact user uses a Registration form to register, they will receive an OTP code to verify their email address.


Login Forms

To configure a login form, select the Login tab within the builder. Different sections are shown/hidden in the Login tab depending on the combination of user settings and toggle selection.

  • Login with Password (Default) - The configurations to obtain this form are:
    • Require email verification - ON/OFF
    • Two-Factor Email Authentication - ON/OFF
    • Include Contact Users - ON/OFF
  • Passwordless Login (Magic Links) - The configurations to obtain this form are:
    • Require email verification - ON
    • Two-Factor Email Authentication - OFF
    • Include Contact Users - OFF
  • Passwordless Login via Login Code - The configurations to obtain this form are:
    • Require email verification - ON/OFF
    • Two-Factor Email Authentication - OFF
    • Include Contact Users - OFF

Registration forms

To configure a registration form, select the Registration tab within the builder. Different sections are shown/hidden in the Login tab depending on the a combination of user settings and toggle selection.

Forgot password forms

Under the condition where Require email verification is ON, the Forgot Password tab will be hidden. For all other combinations, the Forgot Password tab will be visible.


The Forgot Password tab will be hidden as shown in the following image:


For every other combination, the Forgot Password tab will be displayed.

For further information on company accounts, see the Companies & Accounts topic. If the company account redirect feature is not enabled on your site, but you would like to use it, contact support.

For further information on building your form, see the Create a Login, Registration or Forgot Password Form topic.