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Cancel bill runs


Cancel bill runs

Canceling a bill run prevents payments from being collected for the invoices created in your bill run. You can cancel a bill run that is completed and that has no posted invoices in it. You can also cancel a pending bill run. You can still view a canceled bill run. Once a bill run is posted, you will not be able to cancel it. After canceling a bill run, you can delete it.

If you have the Invoice Settlement feature enabled, when you cancel a bill run, all the bill run associated credit memos are also canceled. 

Cancel an ad hoc bill run

To cancel an ad hoc bill run that has a status of Completed, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Billing > Bill Runs in the navigation section. All bill runs are listed on the page.
  2. Find the completed bill run that you want to cancel and click the bill run number to open the bill run detail page.
  3. Double-check the bill run details to make sure these are the correct accounts.
  4. Click Cancel Bill Run. A dialog is displayed for confirmation.
  5. Click OK to confirm the operation.

Cancel a scheduled bill run

To cancel a scheduled bill run that has a status of Pending, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Billing > Bill Runs in the navigation section. All bill runs are listed on the page.
  2. Find the pending bill run that is scheduled to run in the future, and click the Cancel icon on the right side of the row. A dialog is displayed.
  3. Specify whether you want to cancel only the current bill run or cancel all recurring bill runs in the future. 

    If you choose to cancel only the current bill run, it will cancel the current bill run and immediately schedule the next recurring bill run. If you choose to cancel all recurring bill runs, it will cancel all future recurrences of the scheduled bill run.

  4. To confirm your selection, click Confirm.

You can also cancel scheduled bill runs through the Manage Scheduled Bill Runs view. Scheduled bill runs in Paused status cannot be canceled.