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Negative Quantity Usage


Negative Quantity Usage

This article introduces the Negative Quantity Usage feature. For more information about Usage in general, see Get started with Usage.


You can upload usage records of negative quantity to adjust the previously uploaded usage records, in the following manner:

  • Use the CRUD: Create a usage record operation to upload a usage record of a negative quantity.
  • You can upload a usage record of a negative quantity to the same billing period of a previously uploaded usage record while this billing period is open.
  • You can also upload a late usage record of a negative quantity when a billing period is closed. In this case, a credit memo or invoice item adjustment is generated in the next billing period for the late usage record of a negative quantity. 
  • When you use unit-based prepaid with drawdown, if you upload a usage record of a negative quantity, a prepayment adjustment is generated for the prepayment charge. This is the case even if you upload a late usage record of a negative quantity.
  • When you use currency-based prepaid with drawdown or currency-based minimal commitment:
    • If you upload a usage record of a negative quantity to an open billing period, a Prepayment Adjustment transaction is generated for the prepayment charge to increase the prepayment balance.
    • If you upload a late usage record of a negative quantity, a credit memo or invoice item adjustment is generated in the next billing period for the late usage record of a negative quantity.


You need to enable Unbilled Usage to use the Negative Quantity Usage feature.

Unbilled Usage is part of the Advanced Consumption Billing feature. You need to purchase the feature to use it. Contact your Zuora Customer Success Manager for assistance.

Supported charge models

When the Negative Quantity Usage feature is enabled, the following usage charge models are supported:

  • Per Unit Pricing
  • Tiered Pricing
  • Volume Pricing
  • Tiered with Overage Pricing

Notes and limitations

The Negative Quantity Usage feature currently has the following limitations:

  • You cannot make a day’s total quantity negative.
  • You cannot update a usage's quantity from positive to negative.