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Configure e-invoicing profiles for accounts


Configure e-invoicing profiles for accounts

When creating or updating a customer account, you can configure an e-invoicing profile for the account through the Zuora UI or REST API. This profile stores the business detail information as a buyer. 

To configure and manage e-invoicing profiles for customer accounts through the REST API, use the following Accounts operations with the einvoiceProfile field:

Configure e-invoicing profiles for accounts through the Zuora UI

To configure an e-invoicing profile for a new customer account through the Zuora UI, perform the following steps:

  1. When creating an account, navigate to the New Customer Account page.
  2. In the E-Invoice section, set Generate E-Invoice for Customer to Yes.
  3. In the displayed Business Profile subsection, configure the e-invoicing profile settings.
  4. Click Save to save the configurations.

The e-invoicing profile is configured for the customer account.

To configure an e-invoicing profile for an existing customer account through the Zuora UI, perform the following steps:

  1. When editing a customer account, navigate to the account details page.
  2. In the E-Invoice section, click the down arrow next to the section name to expand the section, and then click Edit.
  3. Set the displayed Generate E-Invoice for Customer field to Yes.
  4. In the displayed Business Profile subsection, configure the e-invoicing profile settings.
  5. Click Save to save the configurations.

If the e-invoicing profile is already configured for the customer account, the E-Invoice section is expanded by default. To update the profile settings, click Edit to make changes.

E-invoicing profile settings for accounts

The following table lists the e-invoicing profile settings to configure for a customer account. This table includes the general settings for countries that are not pre-integrated. For settings of the pre-integrated countries, see Manage country-specific configurations.

You can use these fields in e-invoice file templates, custom events, and other places to include profile-level e-invoicing information.

UI field API field Description

Generate E-Invoice for Customer


Enable the e-invoicing profile for the customer account. 

If the following conditions are met, all billing documents for one account can be submitted to an e-invoicing service provider to be generated in electronic format:

  • The account must be configured to generate e-invoice files for billing documents.
  • The billing document must be in Posted status.
  • A business region must be created for the billing country contact, and be linked to an e-invoicing service provider.
Business Category BusinessCategory

The following three options are available:

  • B2B (Business to Business)
  • B2C (Business to Consumer)
  • B2G (Business to Government)

Legal Business Name


In the Legal Business Name field, specify the full official name that the Buyer is registered with the relevant legal authority.

Legal Business Number


In the Legal Business Number field, specify the unique identifier number of the legal entity or person that you do business with.

Business Number Schema Id


In the Business Number Schema Id field, specify the identification scheme identifier that an official registrar issues to identify the Buyer as a legal entity or person.

Tax Register Number


In the Tax Register Number field, specify the Buyer's VAT identifier (also known as the Buyer's VAT identification number) or the local identification (defined by the Buyer’s address) of the Buyer for tax purposes, or a reference that enables the Buyer to state the registered tax status.

E-Invoice Destination Code


In the E-Invoice Destination Code field, specify the Buyer's electronic address, to which the application-level response to the invoice/billing document might be delivered.

E-Invoice Destination Code Schema Id


In the E-Invoice Destination Code Schema Id field, specify the identification scheme identifier of the Buyer’s electronic address.

(Any custom field defined on the EInvoiceProfile object) (Corresponding API field ending with __c)

You can specify any value in the custom field as needed.

For more information about how to define custom fields on the EInvoiceProfile object, see Manage custom fields with the Object Manager.