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Reverse the latest invoice and update custom fields of rate plan charges


Reverse the latest invoice and update custom fields of rate plan charges

The Billing Schedule feature is generally available. You can enable this feature in Sandbox environments with the self-serve interface. For more information, see Enable billing features by yourself. If you want to enable this feature in your Production environments, contact your Zuora account team for assistance.

With the Billing Schedule feature, you can reverse the latest invoice generated for a subscription and then update custom fields of rate plan charges through the Update Product order action. 


In this use case, your customer inks a one-year agreement covering one subscription to a product rate plan charge with a total amount of $1,200, and expects two invoices to be generated for the subscription through the processing of the associated invoice schedule. A custom field called PO Number is added to the rate plan charge to store purchase order information.

After the second invoice is generated, your customer wants to update the PO number, so you have to reverse the invoice and update the PO Number field on the rate plan charge. Subsequently, you execute the corresponding invoice schedule item to generate another invoice to align with the update. 

As shown in the following table, subscription S1 only contains one rate plan charge called C1.

Subscription number Charge start date Total length (Months) Charge number Charge end date List price List price base Billing period PO number







Per Year



Reverse the latest invoice and update custom fields of rate plan charges during invoice schedule processing

To create such a custom invoice schedule, reverse the latest invoice and update custom fields of rate plan charges, and generate invoices as expected, perform the following steps:

  1. Activate the Annual List Price settings.
  2. Create one recurring product rate plan charge with the Flat Fee Pricing charge model.
    A product rate plan charge is created with a list price of $1,200.00 per year.
  3. Create and activate an order with six subscriptions to the product rate plan charge, with a total amount of $1,200.00.
    Order O-001 is created with subscription S1, which contains rate plan charge C1 with PO number PO-001
  4. On the order details page, create an invoice schedule with two invoice schedule items for the six subscriptions.
    1. Invoice schedule item 1: Set the invoice date to 01/01/2023 in the On field and the billing amount to 700 in the Bill field.
    2. Invoice schedule item 2: Set the invoice date to 05/01/2023 in the On field and the billing amount to 500 in the Bill field.
      Invoice schedule IS-00000001 is created with two invoice schedule items both in Pending status.
  5. Execute invoice schedule items 1 and 2 to generate invoices for subscription S1.
    1. On the invoice schedule details page, scroll down to the Schedule Items section. 
    2. In the corresponding row of invoice schedule item 1, click the "Generate" action link in the Billing Document column to manually generate a scheduled invoice by an ad hoc bill run.
      Invoice INV001 is generated with the amount of $700.00, and the status of invoice schedule item 1 changes to Processed from Pending.
    3. On the invoice details page of invoice INV001, click Post Invoice to post the invoice.
      Invoice INV001 is posted.
    4. Repeat steps 5.a to 5.c to execute invoice schedule item 2.
      Invoice INV002 is generated with the amount of $500.00, and the status of invoice schedule item 2 changes to Processed from Pending. The status of invoice schedule IS-00000001 changes to Fully Processed from Partially Processed. Later, Invoice INV002 is posted. Both invoices INV001 and INV002 contain the charge with PO number PO-001.
  6. Reverse invoice INV002.
    Invoice INV002 is reversed, and the status of invoice schedule item 2 changes to Pending from Processed. Subsequently, the status of invoice schedule IS-00000001 changes to Partially Processed from Fully Processed. 
  7. Use the Update Product order action to update the effective date of rate plan charge C1 to 08/01/2023and PO number to PO-002.
  8. Execute invoice schedule item 2 again.
    1. On the invoice schedule details page, scroll down to the Schedule Items section. 
    2. In the corresponding row of invoice schedule item 2, click the "Generate" action link in the Billing Document column to manually generate a scheduled invoice by an ad hoc bill run.
      Invoice INV003 is generated with the amount of $500.00, and the status of invoice schedule item 2 changes to Processed from Pending. INV003 contains the charge with PO number PO-002.
  9. On the invoice details page of invoice INV003, click Post Invoice to post the invoice.

Invoice INV003 is posted. The status of invoice schedule IS-00000001 changes to Fully Processed from Partially Processed.

Invoice generation details

After invoice schedule item 1 is executed, the first invoice with invoice number INV001 is generated with the invoice date of 1 January 2023. The amount of invoice INV001 is $700.00, less than the total amount of subscription S1.

Only rate plan charge C1 is contained in subscription S1, so all the invoices generated for the subscription have only one item. 

The following table lists the amount that is proportionally distributed to each invoice item, and the service period of each invoice item.

Invoice Subscription Charge Charge PO Number Invoice item Service start date Service end date Amount Status Total amount





Invoice item 1










Invoice item 1









Invoice item 1





The invoice items in invoices INV001 and INV002 are linked to rate plan charge C1 with PO number PO-001. The invoice item in invoice INV003 is linked to rate plan charge C1 with PO number PO-002. Because the custom field is updated through the Update Product order action, the new PO number takes effect only on the new invoice.