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Change terms and conditions of ramp deals


Change terms and conditions of ramp deals

This tutorial demonstrates how to change a ramp deal's Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) and update the ramp by creating an order. 

In this tutorial, you will extend the term of a 3-year ramp deal to 4 years and update the Ramp to include the fourth year as Interval 4. The original ramp deal contains an annual recurring rate plan charge with different a price for each of its three Ramp Intervals.

  • Interval 1 start date: 2020/07/01, end date: 2021/06/30, charge price: $1000/year
  • Interval 2 start date: 2021/07/01, end date: 2022/06/30, charge price: $1200/year
  • Interval 3 start date: 2022/07/01, end date: 2023/06/30, charge price: $1400/year

The new interval to add is Interval 4: start date: 2022/07/01, end date: 2024/06/30, charge price: $1400/year.

Use the Zuora application

To create a ramp deal by creating an order in the Zuora application:

  1. Navigate to Customers > Orders. The Orders page opens.

  2. Click Create New Order at the top right. The Create New Order page opens.

  3. In the Account field, enter the name of the account that owns the subscription. By default, the account that owns the order will also own the subscription.

    You can enter the account by clicking either Account Name or Account Number.

    • If you click Account Name, type part of the account name in the Account field and the filtered accounts can be dynamically listed for your selection.
    • If you click Account Number, type the complete account number.
  4. In the Order date field, enter the order date you are to assign to the order.

  5. Click Amend an Existing Subscription at the bottom of the page. The Create Subscription page opens.

  6. On the target subscription line, click Select in the ACTION column.


  7. In the Associated subscriptions area, click Update Terms and Conditions.


  8. In the Update Terms and Conditions window, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Trigger Dates section, specify appropriate dates in the Contract effectiveService activation, and Customer acceptance fields for the operation. For more information, see Billing Trigger Dates. You can also use the drop-down list next to the Contract effective field to directly select an Interval start date as the contract effective date. The service activation and customer acceptance dates will be updated to the same date automatically.


    2. In the Terms and Conditions section, update the value of the Initial term field to 48.

    3. In the Ramp section, perform the following steps, then click Apply.

      • Set the Number of intervals field to 4.

      • Set the Interval 4 start date field to 7/1/2023.

      • Set the Interval 4 end date field to 6/30/2024.

  9. In the Included Products tab, the price displayed in the product and charge table is the price of the last charge segment in each charge. In this tutorial, the price of $1400 for Interval 4 is displayed in the PRICE column. You can view the price of each charge segment in a charge by clicking the down arrow next to the charge price value.


    Alternatively, you can view the charge information in each Interval by selecting the Interval you want to view in the drop-down menu at the top right of the product and charge table.


  10. To view the Interval start and end dates for each Interval in the Ramp, go to the Terms tab and identify to the Ramp section.


  11. To view the Ramp Metrics for each Interval, go to the Ramp Metrics tab.


  12. To activate the Order, click Activate.

Use the REST API

You can use the "Create order" operation to change the terms and conditions of a ramp deal and update the ramp.

To change the terms and conditions of a ramp deal and update the ramp by creating an order:

  1. Determine the values of the following variables:

    Variable Description
    $SubscriptionNum The number of the subscription to update. For example, A-S00000001.
    $AccountNum The number of the account that will own the order. For example, A00000001.
    $Today Today's date. For example, 2020-07-01.
    $TermStartDate The new start date of the current term. For example, 2020-07-01.
    $Interval1_StartDate Interval 1 start date. For example, 2020-07-01.
    $Interval1_EndDate Interval 1 end date. For example, 2021-06-30.
    $Interval2_StartDate Interval 2 start date. For example, 2021-07-01.
    $Interval2_EndDate Interval 2 end date. For example, 2022-06-30.
    $Interval3_StartDate Interval 3 start date. For example, 2022-07-01.
    $Interval3_EndDate Interval 3 end date. For example, 2023-06-30.
    $Interval4_StartDate Interval 4 start date. For example, 2023-07-01.
    $Interval4_EndDate Interval 4 end date. For example, 2024-06-30.
  2. Use the "Create order" operation to create an order under an existing account:

    Request POST /v1/orders/
    Request Body
      "orderDate": "$Today",
      "existingAccountNumber": "$AccountNum",
      "subscriptions": [
          "subscriptionNumber": "$SubscriptionNum",
          "ramp": {
                "intervals": [
                        "name": "Interval 1",
                        "startDate": "$Interval1_StartDate",
                        "endDate": "$Interval1_EndDate"
                        "name": "Interval 2",
                        "startDate": "$Interval2_StartDate",
                        "endDate": "$Interval2_EndDate"
                        "name": "Interval 3",
                        "startDate": "$Interval3_StartDate",
                        "endDate": "$Interval3_EndDate"
                        "name": "Interval 4",
                        "startDate": "$Interval4_StartDate",
                        "endDate": "$Interval4_EndDate"
          "orderActions": [
              "type": "TermsAndConditions",
              "triggerDates": [
                  "name": "ContractEffective",
                  "triggerDate": "$Today"
                  "name": "ServiceActivation",
                  "triggerDate": "$Today"
                  "name": "CustomerAcceptance",
                  "triggerDate": "$Today"
              "termsAndConditions": {
                "lastTerm": {
                  "startDate": "$TermStartDate",
                  "period": 48,
                  "periodType": "Month",
                  "termType": "TERMED"
                "renewalTerms": [
                    "period": 12,
                    "periodType": "Month"
                "renewalSetting": "RENEW_WITH_SPECIFIC_TERM",
                "autoRenew": true
      "processingOptions": {
        "runBilling": false,
        "collectPayment": false

    To create the order under a new account instead of an existing account, specify the newAccount field instead of the existingAccountNumber field.

To preview invoices for the updated subscription, use the "Preview order" operation.