Zuora Billing Release 266, January 2020
Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Billing Release 266 (R266), January 2020. This release includes new Zuora Billing features, enhancements, and resolved issues.
For more information about the release notes of other Zuora products, see Zuora Release Notes.
Release schedule
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See API Changelog for a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference.
Invoicing and Invoice Settlement
UI enhancements for credit and debit memos created from invoices
The Credit and Debit Memos feature is only available if you have the Invoice Settlement feature enabled. The Invoice Settlement feature is in Limited Availability. If you wish to have access to the feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.
Zuora has enhanced the Invoice Settlement feature to support the following memo operations in the invoice item information area on the Create Credit/Debit Memo page:
- New fields called Service Start Date and Service End Date are now available. You can use these fields to specify the memo service period.
- A new field called UOM is now available. This field displays the units to measure usage.
- A new field called QTY is now available. You can use this field to edit the number of units for memo items that are created from invoices originated from all product rate plan charges, except for flat-fee ones.
- A new field called Unit Price is now available. This field displays the per-unit price of the memo item.
The enhancements apply to scenarios where credit and debit memos are created from invoices.
GoCardless gateway integration now supports ACH
You can now use the ACH payment method via Zuora’s GoCardless gateway integration. The following payment operations for ACH are supported:
- Validation
- Payment
- Refund
- Credit
- Void
For more information, see GoCardless Gateway.
Ingenico ePayments now supports new credit card types
The Ingenico ePayments gateway integration has been enhanced to support the following credit card types:
- MIR (Russia)
- Union Pay (China)
The soft descriptors for these types of credit cards are also supported. For more information, see Ingenico ePayments Gateway.
New field now available in Payment Method Transaction Log data source
A new field called IP Address is now available in the Payment Method Transaction Log data source. With this field, you can identify the transaction decline rate for a specific IP address. The exported value is the integer IP address, and you might have to convert it into the decimal IP address by yourself.
For more information, see Payment Method Transaction Log Data Source.
Current WSDL version: 101
See Zuora WSDL for information on how to check your version and download the latest version.
SOAP API change history
See Zuora SOAP API Version History for a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases.