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Zuora Billing Release 263, December 2019


Zuora Billing Release 263, December 2019

Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Billing Release 263 (R263), December 2019. This release includes new Zuora Billing features, enhancements, and resolved issues.

For more information about the release notes of other Zuora products, see Zuora Release Notes.

Release schedule

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See API Changelog for a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference.

Orders and Subscriptions

Resolved: Updated Date field not modified in Rate Plan Charge when amendment was activated

Previously, when a Remove Product or Update Product amendment was activated on a subscription, the Updated Date field of the rate plan charge was not updated.

This issue has now been resolved. The field is now updated to the date when the amendment is activated.

Invoicing and Invoice Settlement

Support for reversing invoices with zero amount

You can now reverse the invoices that have the total amount of zero, regardless of the amount of each invoice item or invoice taxation item. 

  • If a zero-amount invoice is composed of all zero-amount invoices items and taxation items, the invoice is reversed but no credit memo is generated.
  • If a zero-amount invoice is composed of positive and negative invoices items or taxation items, the invoice is reversed and a credit memo is created with items of the opposite value of the corresponding invoice item or taxation item.

The credit memo items and their taxation items created in the invoice reversal are now applied to the corresponding invoice items and invoice taxation items respectively.

The values of the following fields are also changed to the taxation items of credit memo items that are generated in the invoice reversal:

  • taxRate: The value of this field is now set to 0.
  • exemptAmount: The value of this field is now set to 0.
  • taxRateType: The value of this field is now set to null.

Previously, the values of these fields were directly copied from the corresponding invoice taxation item.

See Invoice reversal for more information.

Resolved: No decimal place validation in memo creation from charges

Previously, when credit or debit memos were created from product rate plan charges, no validation was performed for the specified amount with decimal places.

This issue has now been resolved. The specified amount with decimal places is now validated based on the decimal places supported by each currency.


Current WSDL version: 101

See Zuora WSDL for information on how to check your version and download the latest version.

SOAP API change history

See Zuora SOAP API Version History for a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases.