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zamend Method


zamend Method

The article describes the Order Builder zamend() method. The zamend() method uses the Zuora amend() method to apply amendments to a single subscription.


Zuora.zApi.AmendResult zamend ( List<Zuora.zApi.AmendRequest> amendRequests)

Input Parameter

The zamend() method takes the following input parameter.

Parameter type Description
amendRequest List<Zuora.zApi.AmendRequest> A list of the AmendRequest object containing amendments for a single subscription.

​Only one subscription can be amended per call. Thus the method accepts only one AmendRequest, which can contain the Amendment objects up to the following:

  • For WSDL versions 69+: Up to ten Amendment objects
  • For WSDL versions 42.0 through 68: Up to three Amendment objects
  • For WSDL versions 29.0 through 41.0: Only one Amendment object


The AmendRequest object uses the following properties for the amend() call.

Property Type Description
amendments List<zObject> An array of Amendment type zObjects
amendOptions zApi.AmendOptions The amendment options
previewOptions zApi.PreviewOptions The amendment preview options


The AmendOptions is used to provide the parameter values for amend options for the amend() call. It includes the following properties.

Property Type Description
generateInvoice Boolean Set to true if you want Zuora to generate an invoice after the amend()call to immediately bill the customer for the new product.
processPayments Boolean Set to true if you want Zuora to collect payment against the invoice. Note that the Account must have the AutoPay setting set to true.
invoiceProcessingOptions zApi.InvoiceProcessingOptions Specifies whether, and how, an invoice should be generated for a new amendment.


The InvoiceProcessingOptions is used to provide the parameter values for the invoice processing options for the amend() call. It includes the following properties.

Property Type Description
invoiceTargetDate String Specifies a date for when an invoice should be generated.
invoiceDate String Specifies the date on which to generate the invoice. (WSDL 49.0+).


zApi.PreviewOptions is used to provide the parameter values for the preview options for the amend() call. It includes the following properties.

Property Type Description
enablePreviewMode Boolean Specifies whether the call should create a subscription/amendment, or whether it should return a preview of the order.
numberOfPeriods Integer Specifies the number of periods to show in a preview.


The zamend() method returns a single Zuora.zApi.AmendResult object ​that provides the results for the amend() call.


The  Zuora.zApi.AmendResult has the following properties.

Property Type Description
amendmentIds String[]  The ID of the Amendment objects.
errors zObject[]  An array of errors indicating why the amend request may have failed.
invoiceDatas zObject[]  A wrapper for an invoice and its line items. This field is returned only when settingPreviewMode for amend() to true.
InvoiceId String The system-generated Zuora invoice ID for the created Account.
paymentTransactionNumber String A payment transaction number associated with this amendment.
SubscriptionId String Id of the subscription.
success Boolean Indicates whether the amend request succeeded (true) or did not succeed (false).


The zamend() method uses the following exception classes to catch an exception when an error occurs in the call:

  • zAPIException
  • zForceException
  • zRemoteException

Sample Code

See the sample code at Github that demonstrates using the Order Builder zApi.zAmend() call to implement the following use cases: 

  • Create an "Add New Product" amendment.  Add a product rate plan that has two charges: a one-time charge and a monthly recurring charge.
  • Preview the invoice for the next two months.