Product Catalog On-Demand Sync
This article presents a sample implementation of the following scenario:
- Use the Order Builder to create a product in your Zuora tenant.
- Invoke the Product Catalog On-demand Sync to bring over the product to Salesforce.
To create and execute the example code:
- Create the
Apex class with the following code:
public class ProductCatalogManager { private Zuora.zApi zapi; public ProductCatalogManager () { zapi = new Zuora.zapi(); zapi.zlogin(); ticker = String.valueOf( ); productName = 'Mobile Plan ' + ticker.substring( ticker.length() - 3, ticker.length() ); } public String productName { get; set; } public String ticker { get; set; } public void createProduct() { try { String productId; String ratePlanId; String chargeId; Zuora.zObject[] errors; List<Zuora.zObject> products = new List<Zuora.zObject>(); products.add( populateProduct() ); List<Zuora.zapi.SaveResult> results = zapi.zcreate( products ); Zuora.zapi.SaveResult result = results[0]; if ( result.success ) { productId = result.Id; } else { errors = result.errors; System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred while creating product: ' + errors ); return; } results = zapi.zCreate( populateRatePlans( productId ) ); result = results[0]; if ( result.success ) { ratePlanId = result.Id; } else { errors = result.errors; System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred while creating rate plan: ' + errors ); return; } results = zapi.zCreate( populateRatePlanCharges( ratePlanId ) ); result = results[0]; if ( !result.success ) { errors = result.errors; System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred while creating rete plan charges: ' + errors ); return; } syncProduct( productId ); } catch( Zuora.zRemoteException remoteEx ) { System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred: ' + remoteEx.getMessage() ); } catch( Zuora.zApiException apiEx ) { System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred: ' + apiEx.getMessage() ); } catch( Zuora.zForceException forceEx) { System.debug( LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'An error occurred: ' + forceEx.getMessage() ); } } private Zuora.zObject populateProduct() { Zuora.zObject product = new Zuora.zObject('Product'); product.setValue( 'Name', productName); product.setValue( 'SKU', 'SKU-' + ticker ); product.setValue( 'EffectiveStartDate', '2010-01-01T00:00:00-08:00' ); product.setValue( 'EffectiveEndDate', '2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00' ); return product; } private List<Zuora.zObject> populateRatePlans( String productId ) { Zuora.zObject ratePlan = new Zuora.zObject('ProductRatePlan'); ratePlan.setValue( 'Name', 'Basic Package' ); ratePlan.setValue( 'Description', 'Basic package' ); ratePlan.setValue( 'ProductId', productId ); ratePlan.setValue( 'EffectiveStartDate', '2010-01-01T00:00:00-08:00' ); ratePlan.setValue( 'EffectiveEndDate', '2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00' ); return new List<Zuora.zObject>{ ratePlan }; } private Zuora.zObject[] populateRatePlanCharges( String ratePlanId ) { Zuora.zObject[] charges = new Zuora.zObject[]{}; Zuora.zObject charge = new Zuora.zObject('ProductRatePlanCharge'); charge.setValue( 'BillCycleType', 'DefaultFromCustomer' ); charge.setValue( 'BillingPeriod', 'Month' ); charge.setValue( 'ChargeModel', 'FlatFee' ); charge.setValue( 'Name', 'Single-line Monthly Charge' ); charge.setValue( 'ProductRatePlanId', ratePlanId ); charge.setValue( 'TriggerEvent', 'ContractEffective' ); charge.setValue( 'ChargeType', 'Recurring' ); Zuora.zObject tierData = new Zuora.zObject('ProductRatePlanChargeTierData'); Zuora.zObject[] tiers = new Zuora.zObject[]{}; Zuora.zObject tier = new Zuora.zObject( 'ProductRatePlanChargeTier' ); tier.setValue( 'Active', true ); tier.setValue( 'Currency', 'USD' ); tier.setValue( 'Price', '39.99' ); tiers.add( tier ); tierData.setValue( 'ProductRatePlanChargeTier', tiers ); charge.setValue( 'ProductRatePlanChargeTierData', tierData ); charges.add( charge ); return charges; } private void syncProduct( String productId ) { Zuora.OnDemandSyncManager syncManager = new Zuora.OnDemandSyncManager(); syncManager.syncZuoraObjectIdSet = new Set<String>{ productId }; syncManager.syncObjectType = Zuora.OnDemandSyncManager.ObjectType.ZProduct; List<Zuora.SyncResult> syncResults = syncManager.sendRequest(); System.debug( 'Sync results = ' + syncResults ); } }
To test the sample code:
- Execute the following Apex script in the Developer Console.
ProductCatalogManager mgr = new ProductCatalogManager(); mgr.createProduct();