ProductBundleGuidedSelling Component
The ProductBundleGuidedSelling component supports the following features:
- Bundles and standalone products.
- Adding configure bundle options to quotes.
- Flows and steps defined in Zuora Config Guided Product Selectors.
- Searching and filters, including pre-defined product filters and end user filters.
- Client side paging and sorting.
- Customizable display of product fields.
- Customizable rate plan columns, feature columns, and price summary columns.
The ProductBundleGuidedSelling component consists of:
- ProductBundleGuidedSelling.component: The Visualforce UI component.
- ProductBundleGuidedSellingController.class: The Apex controller class for the ProductBundleGuidedSelling UI component.
ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions.class: The Apex class that stores the configuration options specified by the developer and used by the controller to render the component.
ProductBundleGuidedSelling Component Attributes
The ProductBundleGuidedSelling component has the following attributes.
Attribute | Type | Required? | Description |
id | String | Required | An identifier that allows the component to be referenced by other components in the page. |
options | zqu.ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions | Required | The configuration options for the ProductBundleGuidedSelling component |
ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions Class
The ProductBundleGuidedSelling component has the ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions class that provides the following property options.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
backPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when exiting Guided Selling through the Back button. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 8.0+. |
backPageUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate to when clicking the Back button from the first Guided Selling Step. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 8.0+. |
cancelPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when exiting Guided Selling through the Cancel button. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 8.0+. |
cancelPageUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate upon clicking the Cancel button. |
nextPageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when exiting Guided Selling through the Next button. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 8.0+. |
nextPageUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate to upon completion of the Guided Selling Flow. In the EditQuoteProduct component, this parameter is initially set to the page URL of the component. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 8.0+. |
quoteId | String | Required | The ID of the quote that is using the component. |
quoteType | String | Required | The type of quote that is using the component. Available options are:
savePageParams | Map <String, String> | Optional | A map containing all of the URL parameters that should be persisted when clicking the Save button in Guided Selling. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 7.4+. |
savePageUrl | String | Optional | The page URL to navigate to when clicking the Save button. In the EditQuoteProduct component, this parameter is initially set to the page URL of the component. Available in Zuora Quotes, Version 7.4+. |
Component Plugin
Guided Selling Flow Plugin
The SelectProduct component provides a Guided Selling Flow plugin interface that you can use to create custom Guided Selling Flow button bars in Guided Product Selectors.
The Guided Selling Flow Plugin is available in the Versions 6.2 and later of Zuora Quotes.
The plugin interface is defined as:
global SelectProductComponentOptions.IGuidedSellingFlowPlugin
The plugin contains the following interface method:
LIST getFlows (Id)
: Returns a list of Guided Selling Flows to be displayed in the Guided Product Selectors.
See Guided Selling Flow Plugin Example for a sample use case.
Integration Sample Code
To use the ProductBundleGuidedSelling component:
- Put the ProductBundleGuidedSelling component on your Visualforce page inside an
tag as shown in the Visualforce Page Example below. - Set up the component options in your controller as shown in the Apex Controller Example below.
Visualforce Page Example:
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="SampleController"> <apex:form> <zqu:ProductBundleGuidedSelling options="{!theOptions}"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Apex Controller Example:
public with sharing class SampleController { public zqu.ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions theOptions{ get; set; } public SampleController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { theOptions = new zqu.ProductBundleGuidedSellingOptions(); theOptions.quoteId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); theOptions.quoteType = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('quoteType'); } }