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Zuora AI Help


Zuora AI Help

Zuora AI helps quickly guide you to information and empowers you to self-resolve problems. The AI Help generates information from multiple sources and assists you in finding relevant product documentation to perform your tasks. Some key features of Zuora's AI help are:

  • Zuora Generative AI-powered assistance - Ask the AI bot questions to receive contextually relevant help suggestions with detailed step-by-step instructions.

  • Related Help Articles - Access a consolidated list of relevant product documentation articles.

  • Trust Status - Review synchronized data from Zuora's Trust Page and contextual incident details.

  • Related Existing Help Tickets - Access synchronized data from Zuora's support portal to review relevant support tickets from your organization.

Using Zuora's AI Help

Perform the following steps to use Zuora's AI help:

  1. Access Zuora's AI help by clicking the Help icon in your Zuora application

  2. Type your question in the Please enter a search word field and press enter.

  3. Click on the applicable knowledge center article in the Related Help Articles section to read more about your selected article.

  4. For more details, click ZUORA AI at the top right or click Continue to read context-sensitive help with detailed step-by-step procedures generated automatically by Zuora Generative AI-powered assistance.

You can ask the bot up to 5,000 questions a month. Click Quota to view the number of questions not utilized in the current month.

  1. Review the Trust Status section to verify if there are any ongoing incidents related to your issue/question.

  2. Review the Related Existing Help Tickets section to analyze relevant support tickets raised by your organization and find the information you are looking for.

If you are using the Related Existing Help Tickets section for the first time, authorize Zuora AI help to access your support tickets and create tickets. Click Authorize and then enter your Zendesk email and password to sign in.

  1. For further assistance, click Create Ticket and complete the following fields:
Field Description 
Title Auto-filled. Edit the question if required. 
Description Auto-filled. Edit the description if required. 
Select Product  Auto populated 
Select Sub Product Auto populated 
Troubleshoot access? Defaulted to Yes. Disable the radio button if you do not want the support team to access your environment and troubleshoot your issue. 
Upload files The relevant screen is auto-captured and uploaded. Use the Delete icon to delete the screenshot and upload a screenshot of your choice. 

The system might display additional questions about your issue depending on the page of the tenant you are on. 

  1. Click Create Ticket to submit details to Zuora Global Support.