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Gateway Options fields supported by CyberSource v2.0


Gateway Options fields supported by CyberSource v2.0

The following table describes the Gateway Option fields supported by CyberSource, Payment API v2.0.

All Gateway Options fields are string fields.

Gateway option field Zuora API field Zuora Payment Page client parameter Description
tokenize gatewayOptions.tokenize param_gwOptions_tokenize

Specify "true" for this field to tokenize the credit card payment method information in the following use cases:

  • When creating a credit card payment method through the Create a payment method API operation or Payment Pages 2.0, if this gateway option field is "true", Zuora will obtain the recurring token for the newly created credit card payment method.
  • When verifying a credit card payment method through the Verify a payment method API operation, if this gateway option field is "true", the existing credit card payment method will be tokenized.

The token obtained through this approach can be retrieved from the Token ID field of the PaymentMethod object. The token cannot be used by Zuora for subsequent transactions automatically. You can make use of the token according to your needs. For example, you can use the token to create a Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method in Zuora.


"gatewayOptions": {
        "tokenize": "true"

  • ipAddress
  • deviceFingerprintID
  • merchantDefinedData_mddField_<Number>, where <Number> ranges from 1 to 100
  • gatewayOptions.ipAddress
  • gatewayOptions.deviceFingerprintID
  • gatewayOptions.merchantDefinedData_mddField_<Number>, where <Number> ranges from 1 to 100
  • param_gwOptions_ipAddress
  • param_gwOptions_deviceFingerprintID
  • param_gwOptions_merchantDefinedData_mddField_<Number>, where <Number> ranges from 1 to 100

Used in authorization or capture requests for the Decision Manager service.

You can use these fields in Payment Pages 2.0SOAP API, or the following REST API:

  • item_<Number>_unitPrice
  • item_<Number>_quantity
  • item_<Number>_productName
  • item_<Number>_productSKU

 <Number> ranges from 1 to 100

  • gatewayOptions.item_<Number>_unitPrice
  • gatewayOptions.item_<Number>_quantity
  • gatewayOptions.item_<Number>_productName
  • gatewayOptions.item_<Number>_productSKU

<Number> ranges from 1 to 100

  • param_gwOptions_item_<Number>_unitPrice
  • param_gwOptions_item_<Number>_quantity
  • param_gwOptions_item_<Number>_productName
  • param_gwOptions_item_<Number>_productSKU

<Number> ranges from 1 to 100

These gateway option fields are on the invoice item level and provide more information about invoice items, which facilitates fraud detection on the gateway side. They can be used in only the payment method creation (authorization) request.

A maximum of 100 invoice items can be included in each request.

You can use these fields in Payment Pages 2.0SOAP API, or the following REST API:

ShipTo fields, including:

  • Title
  • FirstName
  • MiddleName
  • LastName
  • Suffix
  • Street1
  • Street2
  • Street3
  • Street4
  • Street5
  • City
  • County
  • State
  • BuildingNumber
  • District
  • postalCode
  • Country
  • Company
  • PhoneNumber
  • Email
  • ShippingMethod
  • Name
  • Id
  • AddressVerificationStatus
  • NotApplicable
  • Immutable
  • DestinationCode
  • PointOfReference
  • Default
  • DestinationTypes


In your API request, replace <ShipTo_Option_Field> with the field name in the Gateway option field column, as the nested field. Here is an example:



 "ShipToTitle": "Title",

 "ShipToFirstName": "Firsname", 

 "ShipToPhoneNumber": "123456789"



In client code, replace <ShipTo_Option_Field> with the field name in the Gateway option field column. Here is an example:


Defines the address where to deliver the items.

You can use these fields in Payment Pages 2.0SOAP API, or the following REST API: