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Worldline Global Collect Reporting


Worldline Global Collect Reporting


Worldline Global Collect provides you wr files, which contain key information for payment reconciliation. These files are uploaded to a SFT-account.

This topic provides information about reading the file to implement a workflow to reconcile payments and handle charge backs.

wr1 Files

Refer to wx1 files moving forward, as wr1 files have been deprecated.

The .wr files include all payments, reversals, refunds, and chargebacks processed on behalf of the merchant's business and includes transactions from the day before the file was sent. 

Payment Reconciliation

The MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER is a unique identifier of transactions. In the .wr file, use the MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER to reconcile payments.  

The MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER is mapped to different values, depending on whether the payment is a sale call or a refund call. 

Sale Calls

If you, as the merchant, pass the Zuora API field Payment.GatewayOrderId, it will be mapped to the MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER.

If you do not pass Payment.GatewayOrderId, Zuora will create a value by using the PaymentNumber-TenantID and will map that to MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER.

To obtain the PaymentNumber, you must remove the TenantID information. Once you have retrieved the PaymentNumber, you can search for the payment number within Zuora. 

For example, if the payment number is PN-00000023 and the tenant ID is 10, the format on the .wr file is PN-00000023-10

The invoice number is mapped to the PaymentNumber. The length of the Worldline Global Collect invoice number is limited to a maximum of 20 characters. Because the PaymentNumber length is 10 characters and the Invoice number length is 12 characters, Worldline Global Collect will not accept the PaymentNumber-InvoiceNumber combination. In this case, Zuora will map the invoice number to the PaymentNumber

Worldline Global Collect Configuration Requirement

For Sale transactions, the integration uses a two-step process with the following Worldline Global Collect API calls: Insert Order With Payment()SetPayment(). As part of the prerequisite for setting up the Worldline Global Collect Legacy Payment Gateway, your Worldline Global Collect account should be configured to support this two-step process. 

Refund Calls

For refund call, the integration use the RefundNumber-TenantID to create a MERCHANTREFERENCENUMBER.

Zuora also passes the Business Identification Code (BIC) for direct debit payments in Switzerland. 

Worldline Global Collect Configuration Requirement

Zuora has implemented the one-step process for refunds and by default, your Worldline Global Collect account is set to use this one-step process. With the one-step process, Zuora will make a DoRefund call, and Worldline Global Collect will process the refund automatically.


The following restrictions apply to the Zuora API information that is included in the wr files:

  • The PaymentNumber cannot be greater than 20 characters in length.
  • The combination of PaymentNumber and tenantId cannot be greater than 30 characters in length.
  • If PaymentNumber is greater than 20 characters in length, the .wr file will contain only the first 20 characters. Worldline Global Collect will accept a maximum of 20 characters for the PaymentNumber.