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Configurable Payment Retry best practices


Configurable Payment Retry best practices

Zuora recommends following the best practices in this article when using Configurable Payment Retry (CPR).

The best practices are categorised as follows:

Set up CPR

This section describes the best practices for setting up a CPR.

Install CPR

Use one-click deployment to install the Configurable Payment Retry. For more information, see Install Zuora Collections features.

Response Code mapping

Map all response codes to a decline type. In case of fraud or wrong card details, map the response code to Hard Decline to avoid retrying.

Implement CPR

This section describes the best practices for implementing CPR.

Outstanding invoices

If you do not want outstanding invoices open for a long time to enter retry cycles, clear the auto-pay checkbox; otherwise, the Configurable Payment Retry will automatically pick up the outstanding invoices.

Invoices in-retry

If there are invoices already in a retry cycle (through OOTB retry), you need to consider if they should enter the CPR retry cycles. If they enter the CPR, they will be retried through all retry cycles mentioned in CPR.

CPR In-Process

Modify an active retry cycle 

Once a retry cycle starts, it cannot be paused or resumed. A retry style will conclude retrying if all attempts have been exhausted or there is no longer a balance on the invoice. To manually stop a retry cycle, you must utilize the remove invoice from retry cycle API. Once a retry cycle is stopped, you cannot restart it - the cycle will be started over with the first retry attempt.

Pause and resume of CPR cycles

Once the CPR cycle starts, it cannot be paused, stopped or resumed. CPR will continue until all scheduled attempts are completed. However, specific invoices can be removed from the CPR cycle; see remove invoice from retry cycle API.

Auto-pay flags

It is recommended to enable the auto-pay flag at the invoice level rather than at the account level. This will indicate to the CPR the invoices need to be picked up for retry.
Once the CPR picks up the invoice, the auto-pay flag is unchecked by the CPR to ensure no other payment run picks up the invoice.
It is recommended not to manually change the auto-pay flags once CPR picks up the invoice to avoid erroneous behaviour.

Apply CM and DM during CPR

The credit and debit memos cannot be applied automatically through the payment run once the CPR starts for an invoice, as the CPR then disables the auto-pay flag. It is advised to do this manually or via workflows.

To know about CPR API's, see Configurable Payment Retry.

Monitor CPR

This section describes the best practices for monitoring CPR.

Check CPR performance

Using the CPR Dashboard, you can check how your different CPR strategies are performing. Navigate to Administration > System Health > Configurable Payment Retry dashboard to check how your different CPR strategies are performing. For more information, see the Configurable Payment Retry dashboard.