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Install Zuora Collections features


Install Zuora Collections features

Collections contains the following features. You can install all these features at once.

  • Advanced Payment Manager
  • Collections Window
  • Configurable Lockbox
  • Configurable Payment Retry
  • Notes
  • Statement Generator
  • Workflow

If you installed any of these features previously, the existing feature will not be recreated no matter it is in the running or stopped status. Only the features that have not been installed will be created and deployed during the installation process.
To know about pre-built applications, extensions, interfaces, and tools from technology partners, system integrators, and developers across the globe, see Marketplace.  

Ensure you have only one active instance of any of the features that were previously installed in the environment. Multiple instances of the same feature in the environment may cause integration issues.


  • You must have a Zuora Connect account. See Link your Connect account to your Zuora account for more information.
  • You must have purchased Zuora Collections.
  • Collections features use OAuth to authenticate to your Zuora tenant. OAuth credentials for each of the features will be generated during the installation process and associated to the user who performed the installation. To avoid service disruption due to expired credentials, it is recommended to log in to Zuora and install Collections features using an account with the API user role to ensure the OAuth credentials do not expire. For more information about the API user role, see Create an API user.


  1. Log in to Zuora.
  2. In the left navigation bar, navigate to Marketplace > Purchases and then locate Collections.
  3. Hover over the Collections box and click Deploy. The deployment will start. If you hover over the Collections box, the “deploying features” status will be shown until the process is complete.

If you want to install or configure Zuora Configurable Payment Retry standalone, see Zuora Configurable Payment Retry App Standalone.

After the installation is successfully completed, a success email will be sent. To see the installed features, refresh the page and the features will be displayed in the Marketplace section in the left navigation bar.

OAuth credentials for each of the features are generated during the installation process. To see the OAuth credentials specific to each installed feature of Collections, navigate to Administration > Manage Users. The OAuth credentials are listed under OAuth Clients for the user.

If the installation fails, a message will be displayed, describing the reason for failure. Please submit a support ticket at Zuora Global Support for further investigation.

What's next

After the features of Collections have been installed, you need to complete initial configurations before they are ready for use. You need to launch and configure each feature in Zuora with the user account that installed the feature.

For instructions about configuring the features, see the following articles:

If you want to delete any installed features that are not desired, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Connect
  2. Locate the feature instance.
  3. Click Stop and then click Delete on the instance box.