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Account and statement information summary CSV file


Account and statement information summary CSV file

To download a summary CSV file of account and statement information, select A summary of account and statement information for this statement run from the statements downloading options.

The summary CSV file contains the following columns.

Column Description Value example Source
Statement: Statement Name The name of a statement. STA00000007.pdf StatementGenerator
Statement: Balance The balance of the statement.  143.55 StatementGenerator
Statement: StatementDate The date when the corresponding statement run is triggered. 2021-04-15 StatementGenerator
Account: Account Number Customer account number. A01914355 DataQuery
Account: Name Customer account name. Test01 DataQuery
Account: Billing Batch The name of the billing batch that the account belongs to.  Batch48 DataQuery
Bill To: Work Phone The business phone number of the Bill To contact.   DataQuery
Account: ID The unique ID of the account. 2c92c0f8783edf7201784473632254b1 DataQuery
Account: CRM Account ID

The CRM account ID for the account.

Bill To: Work Email The business email address of the Bill To contact. DataQuery
Bill To: Personal Email The personal email address of the Bill To contact. DataQuery
Account: Statement Template

The name of the statement template used for the account.

Statement: Starting Date The starting date and time of the statements that are generated in the statement run. 2021-03-16 00:00:00 +0800 StatementGenerator
Statement: Ending Date The ending date and time of the statements that are that are generated in the statement run. 2021-04-16 00:00:00 +0800 StatementGenerator
Account: Invoice Delivery Preferences Print Whether the customer wants to receive printed invoices, such as through postal mail. FALSE DataQuery
Account: Invoice Delivery Preferences Email Whether the customer wants to receive invoices through email. FALSE DataQuery
Account: Balance The balance of the account. 143.55 DataQuery
Account: Communication Profile ID The internal identifier of the communication profile that Zuora uses when sending notifications to the account's contacts. 2c92c0f84568f2240145875b00861ea3 DataQuery