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Fx Data in data source exports


Fx Data in data source exports

This article explains how to include FX data in data source exports. You can export transaction amounts converted into your home currency and other specified currencies.

You must have the Currency Conversion feature enabled on your tenant to use this feature.

The Fx data feature is in Limited Availability. If you wish to have access to the feature, submit a request to Zuora Global Support

Data source objects that support FX data conversion 

You can export FX data for the following data source objects:

You can include FX data only for the base object of a data source export, not its joined objects. For example, if you want to export foreign currency conversion data for the Invoice Item object, you must perform a data source export on the Invoice Item data source.


If the Fx data feature is enabled, under Manage Currency Conversion settings, the Automatically include additional Currency Conversion information in data source exports checkbox is disabled. For more information, see Manage currency conversion.

This limitation affects the following integration:

  • RevPro Integration Version-1 K1
  • RevPro Integration Version-2 K2
  • Some external integrations built by you may use Home Currency amount-related fields, which are only available if the Automatically include additional Currency Conversion information in data source exports checkbox is selected.