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AR Transaction data source


AR Transaction data source

You can use this data source to export all the transactions that impact your Accounts Receivable that happened during a period. 

  • The ability to query and view all transactions will give you greater visibility and transparency into your financial interactions with subscribers. 
  • The AR Transaction object will also enable you to track all your financial transactions in one data source export/report with the required filters and cross-object joins. This will simplify the reconciliation process, making it easier to query invoices, debit and credit memos, payments and identify discrepancies.
  • The new data source object will also simplify the compliance and reporting process for you, making it easier to generate reports of all transactions, saving time and effort during financial audits.
  • AR transactions objects/records are soft deleted, enabling you to retain deleted records within the Zuora system for reporting.
  • This feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it to all customers. To join this early adopter program, submit a request to Zuora Global Support.
  • This feature is only available if you have Invoice Settlement enabled. The Invoice Settlement feature is generally available as of Zuora Billing Release 296 (March 2021). This feature includes Unapplied Payments, Credit and Debit Memos, and Invoice Item Settlement. If you want to have access to the feature, see Invoice Settlement Enablement and Checklist Guide for more information.
  • AR transaction creation is an asynchronous job. When AR impacting transactions are created in Zuora, the ARTransaction data source will be populated asynchronously. When such transactions are included in a Journal run, the Journal entry information is stamped against the existing AR transactions asynchronously.
    To export journal information from AR Transaction, Zuora recommends timing the execution of the AR transaction export job after all desired transactions have been included in the ARTransaction data source to achieve the desired result.

Access the AR Transaction data source

Navigate to Reporting > Data Sources and select AR Transaction from the Data Source list in the Basic Information section. 

Data source detail

AR Transaction data source is classified as base objects and related objects as mentioned in the following sections. 

Base object

The following table lists the fields available in the AR Transaction base object. 

Zuora Object Description

AR Transaction

Line items on AR Transaction. It includes the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Home Currency*
  • Home Currency Amount*
  • Home Currency Amount Rounding*
  • Home Currency Rate*
  • Home Currency Rate Date*
  • Id
  • Reporting Currency*
  • Reporting Currency Amount*
  • Reporting Currency Amount Rounding*
  • Reporting Currency Rate*
  • Reporting Currency Rate Date*
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Detail Type
  • Transaction Id
  • Transaction Number
  • Transaction Type
  • Updated by Id
  • Updated Date

* indicates the fields are available only if the Fx Data feature is enabled. For more information, see Fx Data in data source exports.

Related objects

The following table lists the related objects of the AR Transaction object in alphabetical order.

Zuora Object Description

The account that made the payment.

For more information, see Account Data Source.

Credit Accounting Code

This is the base Zuora object for the Accounting Code data source export.

For more information, see Accounting Code Data Source.

Credit Memo

Credit memos that you issued to your customers to reduce invoice and account balances. 

For more information, see Credit Memo Data Source.

Credit Memo Item

Line items on credit memos.

For more information, see Credit Memo Item Data Source.

Credit Taxation Item

Taxation records on credit memos.

For more information, see Credit Taxation Item Data Source.

Debit Accounting Code

This is the base Zuora object for the Accounting Code data source export.

For more information, see Accounting Code Data Source.

Debit Memo

Debit memos that you issued to your customers to increase the amount your customers owned you.

For more information, see Debit Memo Data Source.

Debit Memo Item

Line items on debit memos.

For more information, see Debit Memo Item Data Source.

Debit Taxation Item

Taxation records on debit memos.

For more information, see Debit Taxation Item Data Source.

Default Payment Method

An object that stores information about the payment method, such as a credit card, ACH or PayPal.

For more information, see Payment Method Data Source.


Invoices that reflect the subscription rate plan charges that have not been billed.

For more information, see Invoice Data Source.

Invoice Item

This is the base object for the Invoice Item Data Source Export.

For more information, see Invoice Item Data Source.


The money sent by a customer to pay for charges related to their subscriptions.

For more information, see Payment Data Source.

Payment Method

An object that stores information about the payment method, such as a credit card, ACH or PayPal.

For more information, see Payment Method Data Source.


The product is the base object for this export.

For more information, see Product Data Source.

Product Rate Plan Charge

Fields on a product rate plan charge.

For more information, see Product Rate Plan Charge data source.

Rate Plan

This is the base object for the Rate Plan Data Source Export.

For more information, see Rate Plan Data Source.

Rate Plan Charge

Fields on a rate plan charge.

For more information, see Rate Plan Charge Data Source.


Represents money that is returned to a customer or a reversed transaction. 

For more information, see Refund Data Source.

Taxation Item

This is the base object for the Taxation Item Data Source Export.

For more information, see Taxation Item Data Source.


The AR Transaction object is accessible through ZOQL, AQUA, DSE, DataQuery, and Z-reporting. If you use AR Transaction to export basic information, you can use any of these services.

However, if you require additional information from related objects, such as the account, payment, product rate plan charge, invoice item, and so on, it is recommended that you use DataQuery for better performance.

Sample ZOQL Query

  transactionid as "Transaction Id", 
  transactionnumber as "Transaction Number", 
  transactiontype as "Transaction Type", 
  transactiondetailtype as "Transaction Detail Type", 
  transactiondate as "Transaction Date", 
  transactionamount as "Transaction Amount", 
  transactioncurrency as "Transaction Currency", 
  homecurrency as "Home Currency", 
  homecurrencyamount as "Home Currency Amount", 
  homecurrencyamountrounding as "Home Currency Amount Rounding" 
  createddate >= '2024-06-01T00:00:00Z' 
  AND createddate < '2024-07-01T00:00:00Z'

Sample Data Query

SELECT AR.accountid,                AS AccountName,
       transactioncurrency,           AS DebitAccountingCode,          AS CreditAccountingCode,                 AS PaymentMethod,
       acc.billtoid            AS BillToContact,
       acc.soldtoid            AS SoldToContact,
       rpc.subscriptionownerid AS SubscriptionOwnerId,
       rpc.invoiceownerid      AS InvoiceOwnerId,                AS SubscriptionName
FROM   artransaction AR
       left join account acc
              ON = AR.accountid
       left join accountingcode debitACE
              ON = AR.debitaccountingcodeid
       left join accountingcode creditACE
              ON = AR.creditaccountingcodeid
       left join payment pay
              ON = AR.paymentid
       left join paymentmethod pm
              ON pay.paymentmethodid =
       left join rateplancharge rpc
              ON AR.subscriptioncomponentid =
       left join subscription sub
              ON = rpc.subscriptionid
WHERE  AR.createddate >= timestamp '2024-06-01 00:00:00'       
       AND AR.createddate < timestamp '2024-07-01 00:00:00'