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Zuora Revenue Release Notes


Zuora Revenue Release Notes

This article summarizes new features, enhancements, and resolved issues that have been delivered since version Zuora Revenue

The following new features and enhancements are available in this release. 

Accelerator of Interest for SFC

Zuora Revenue’s Significant Interest Component amortizes the interest based on the start and end date of the sales order line. With this release, Zuora offers you an option to recognize all the interest components of the sales order line in the current period. When an accelerator is required, you must update the sales order with the Interest_accelerator_flag column updated as Y. To perform an accelerator of interest, the system defers the interest from the current period to the end of the period, and the interest component is recognized in the current period when the sales order line is updated.

The accelerator feature will not recognize an interest for a sales order line that has already been ripped.

Introduction of a New Data Object in Revenue Secure Share

With this release, Zuora Revenue has introduced the RevenueContractNettingStatus data object. If you perform CA/CL netting in Zuora Revenue, this object will analyze and provide better visibility into the revenue contract's asset or liability position. See Zuora Revenue data object model.

Consumption Revenue - Additional support to Recognize usage-based Revenue Recognition

In addition to supporting usage-based revenue recognition by Total Dollar Amount (Total Quantity x per quantity price), Zuora Revenue now supports usage-based revenue recognition by Quantity and Percentage Completed.

For a stand-alone Zuora Revenue (consumption revenue only) environment, external systems are expected to provide the Quantity and Percentage Completed at a given time.

For Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue joint customers (advance consumption billing and consumption revenue) environment, Zuora automates this process, and cumulative values for Quantity and Percent Completed are available through Zuora Billing.

Email Notifications for Failed Jobs

In addition to the existing email notifications, Zuora Revenue has introduced a new email notification called Scheduled - Jobs failed to notify you about job failures. You can enable email notifications for specific users or user groups. 

Enhancements to Refresh Sandbox from Zuora Revenue

From this release, Zuora Revenue has increased the number of stored production backups for you to refresh a sandbox environment. The following options are now available:

  • 45 daily backups
  • 03 month-end backups (backup of the last day of a calendar month)
  • 03 close-period backups (backup of each accounting period)

This feature will be deployed to your production environment as part of the release.

For more information, see Refresh Zuora Revenue sandbox by yourself.

Zuora Revenue GL Connector for WorkDay Financials - Early Adopter

The Zuora Revenue GL connector for Workday Financials is now available for early adoption. This feature automates the posting of Revenue Journals into Workday Financials. It is purpose-built using APIs and does not require writing any code.

The revenue outbound connector transfers the revenue journal accounting entries and posts the journals in the general ledger of WorkDay Financials.

These connectors provide a configurable UI with flexible field mapping and allow you to run them when necessary or schedule them as needed. The connector also provides execution logs for diagnosing issues and can trigger email notifications.

For more information, see Zuora Revenue GL Connector for Workday Financials.

This feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request to Zuora Global Support.

Issues resolved in 

See Resolved Issues in and Later to get a complete list of all issues resolved in this release.