Zuora RevPro 36.004.00 Release Notes
This article provides a summary of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in the Zuora RevPro version 36.004.00.
New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements are available in this release.
Improved VC Upload Filter
Previously, when you want to upload the VC estimates in the VC template file, all the lines that satisfy the filter criteria are present in the downloaded VC template file, including the lines with expired VC or VC actuals. You need to manually remove the lines that are not eligible before you fill in the data and upload VC estimates.
From this release, when you define the filter criteria for a VC upload template, more fields are available for you to choose in the Field Name column based on the upload type you specified. You can use these fields, such as data points from the Price Adjustment table, to better filter the lines that are eligible for your VC upload. The Apply Criteria On column is also removed from the Filters tab of the Edit VC Upload Template window, which is irrelevant to VC upload.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
Configurable VC Upload Template Columns
Previously, when you define a VC upload template, you can only define filter criteria to filter the lines to be included in the template file. You cannot customize the columns to be included in the downloaded template file in order to add additional information for your reference.
From this release, the Field Mapping tab is added to the Edit VC Upload Template window. The Field Mapping tab provides you with more flexibilities to choose the columns that you want to include in the VC upload template, which is similar to how you define the mapping fields for a transaction upload template.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
View Accounting Details for Specific VC Type
Previously, in the Accounting Report or in the Workbench, if more than one VC type is associated with a line, you cannot differentiate the accounting entries for each VC type.
From this release, the VC Type column is added to the Journal Entries tab in the Workbench for the Schedule Type ALL and Variable Consideration to display the accounting details for each VC type. So you can know which VC type a specific VC accounting entry belongs to. The VC Type column is also available in the Accounting Report.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
Support CL/CA ReClass for VC Accounting Entries in Netting Process
Previously, reclassification of contract liability to contract assets for the over recognized amount does not consider the VC accounting entries in the netting process.
From this release, when you define a VC type, a column named Included in Netting is added to the Manage VC Types window. You can use this column to specify whether accounting entries for a specific VC type should be considered for reclassification of contract liability to contract asset balances in the netting process.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
Support to Correct VC Upload Errors from UI
Previously, if an error occurs during the VC upload, you cannot know what the problem is and fix the problem on the UI. The error record always remains in the staging table.
From this release, in the Uploaded Files section on the File Upload/Variable Consideration page, you can check the records for the file with upload errors. All the fields with the error message can be viewed. You can directly edit and save the records on the UI, and run the VC process.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
Provide Public API to Create MJE
Previously, a lot of manual work is required for booking the manual journal entries, which is a tedious process. From this release, the MJE inbound interface PL SQL API is provided as a package to automatically create manual journal entries. After you specify the journal header and journal lines in the API and indicate whether the MJE should be automatically approved, RevPro can create the MJE header and lines to go through the standard validations. Moreover, if auto-approval is enabled in the API, JE schedules are also be created.
Support to Display Reference Columns for Journal Entries
Previously, when you upload the manual journal to RevPro with reference columns, you cannot view and validate the uploaded reference information in the UI.
From this release, the reference columns can be populated and displayed in the JE Details window. After MJE upload, you can validate whether the upload is successful with all the relevant information populated.
This change is applicable when your MJE is created using the waterfall template.
This enhancement applies to the new UI only.
Support for Processing CM-RO Referencing Based on Parent SO Line
Previously, CM-RO lines were processed based on the SO Line Id column even though the Orig SO Line Id column was also populated. From this release, if both SO Line Id and Orig SO Line Id are present on the same line, the precedence is given to Orig SO Line Id.
This change is mostly suited for you when your upstream system is Zuora Billing.
Exchange Rate Populated from RC Lines for Linked MJE Lines
In version 36.003.00, an improvement is the validation process to ensure that the currency of MJE lines must align with the currency of RC lines that the MJE is linked to. If the currency is different, the MJE cannot be approved. However, it is still cumbersome for you to populate the exact exchange rate for the MJE.
From this release, when the MJE is linked to an RC, the exchange rate is automatically populated for the MJE based on the exchange rate and doc date of the RC line.
Issues Resolved in This Release
The following major problems or issues are fixed in this release. Refer to the attached CSV file to get a list of all issues that have been resolved in this release.
- The LTST schedules do not match the MJE lines. For example, the LT liability is a negative value but the corresponding JE contains a positive value.
- Cannot open the Revenue Contract Detail page when you search for the RC based on the invoice number.
- Even though the RC is on hold at the RC level, revenue is still released when the event process program runs.
- The hold that got released by an event is not set properly, which triggers revenue release for the updated SO and invoice.
- The unbilled revenue is not correctly recognized for SO term change. For example, the entire unbilled revenue is recognized in the current open period even though the end date is changed through SO term change, which should be recognized overtime instead.
- For a line with the CV eligible flag being 'X', if the updated SO for this line comes with the FV value that is not within the range, the incorrect contract modification rule is triggered for the line.
- Revenue allocation is wrong or revenue is not correctly released for the zero dollar lines in SO term change scenarios.
- The allocatable amount is not correctly populated when updated SO, INV and CM-C lines are collected in the same batch for the SO term change scenarios.
- Reallocation is not working for RCs when it is triggered by Workbench in the new UI.
- Revenue schedules are not correctly created when the invoice cancelation and the new invoice (rebill) are uploaded in the same batch. This happens when there is no overstated amount in the line.
- The End Date column is not populated on the Cost Elements tab in the new UI.
- Impairment entry is not created for the scenario when the SO update amount is less than the amount recognized for the carve-out lines. This problem is addressed by adding the DECREASE_PRICE_IN_PROSPECTIVE profile.
- The unreleased revenue value is wrong for the bundle SO lines for the scenarios with RORD cancelations.
- Retrospective allocation is triggered based on the ‘Changes to existing lines - Increase in price on a Series Distinct POB’ contract modification rule. However, no price changes are brought in and only attribute value changes are brought in. This happens for the RC with a negative Ext Sell Price.