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Enable Invoice Settlement for Billing - Revenue Integration


Enable Invoice Settlement for Billing - Revenue Integration

With the Invoice Settlement feature enabled in Zuora Billing, credit and debit memos are available in your Zuora Billing tenant. Like invoices, credit and debit memos are legal documents vendors issue to their customers. They are used to correct charge mistakes on invoices and to manage the balance due on a particular invoice or account. 

Billing - Revenue Integration supports syncing and transforming the Credit Memo and Debit Memo objects into Zuora Revenue Line Staging tables. After Invoice Settlement is enabled in Zuora Billing, you must configure your Zuora Revenue accordingly to work with the Invoice Settlement feature.


  • Ensure that you have enabled the Invoice Settlement feature for your Zuora Billing tenant.
  • If you use the Invoice Item Adjustments feature in Zuora Billing before and have the Revenue Sync job in Zuora Revenue scheduled for this feature, disable the scheduled job. You can enable the job again after the following procedure is completed.


Complete the following steps to enable Invoice Settlement in Zuora Revenue:

  1. In the Zuora Revenue UI, navigate to File Upload > Transactions/Cost
  2. Make a copy of the following standard Invoice Settlement templates and customize them as needed for each entity: See Upload transactions for more information.
    • Subscription Credit Memo Template (Pre-Configured)
    • Subscription Debit Memo Template (Pre-Configured)
  3. Edit the copied templates to specify the following information as well as other details as necessary. Revenue Sync jobs will pick up and transform data based on only the default template for each transaction type. 
    • In the Entity ID field, select the target entity ID.
    • In the Category field, select Credit Memo Item or Debit Memo Item depending on which template you are editing.
    • To use the current template for a certain type of transaction, toggle the Is this a default template? switch to Yes.
  4. Navigate to Reports > Schedule Jobs.
  5. Start the RevPro3.0 Sync Object Mapping program. The following parameters must be specified as indicated below when the program is run. See Schedule Jobs for more information about how to start a program.
    • Set the Invoice Settle Enabled parameter to Y.
    • Set the Preserve Custom Fields parameter to Y. Otherwise, the previously synced custom objects and fields will be cleared.
    • If Multi-entity is enabled in Zuora Billing, run the program for each entity.
  6. Run a one-off Revenue Sync job to sync the history data for the Credit Memo and Debit Memo objects. 
    • If the AUTO_REVENUESYNC profile is set to Yes in your environment, contact Zuora Support to start the job.
    • If the AUTO_REVENUESYNC profile is set to No, navigate to Reports > Schedule Jobs to start the Revenue Sync job.
    For more information, see Run Revenue Sync jobs for more information.