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TeamCollaboration Tutorial: Enable Multi-Currency and Customer Notifications


TeamCollaboration Tutorial: Enable Multi-Currency and Customer Notifications

This portion of the TeamCollaboration tutorials walks you through the modification of two Zuora settings to enable multi-currency and customer notifications.

The exercises will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.


TeamCollaboration wants to increase its global presence and start selling its products in different currencies. The company wants to take advantage of Zuora's built in multi-currency support and enable sales in multiple currencies of all their products.

Zuora product catalog structure starts with a list of products that a company sells. Each product can have any number of rate plans, and each rate plan can have a number of fees (charges) that can be expressed in different currencies. This product structure helps TeamCollaboration avoid plan proliferation, and preserves a streamlined, intuitive view of the products that they sell.

Additionally, TeamCollaboration wants to automate customer communications using Zuora's customer notifications feature. The notifications feature lets you notify customers about account events. Examples include: 

  • An overdue invoice
  • An expiring credit card
  • A declined payment

TeamCollaboration will start by enabling an email notification that informs customers when an order has been received and a subscription is created for their account. TeamCollaboration plans to enable additional notifications in the future.

In the exercises, you will enable multi-currency within a product, and then you will set up a customer notification.

Exercise 1: Enable Multi-Currency in Settings and for Products

TeamCollaboration currently sells their products only in US Dollars. But they want to begin selling in Yen and Canadian Dollars as well, with more currencies to come in the near future.

Objective: To set up currencies and apply the currencies to products in the product catalog.

To enable more currencies in Billing Settings:

  1. Click your username at the top right and navigate to Settings >  Billing.
  2. Click Customize Currencies.
  3. Click Edit for Canadian Dollar.
  4. Select Active to activate this currency type. Click save.
  5. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for Yen.

To enable the activated currencies in Product Catalog:

  1. Navigate to ProductsProduct Catalog and click TeamCollab Basic.
  2. In the Rate Plans section, click Edit price in multi-currency
    You will see a list of rate plans displayed with columns for the active currencies, such as USD, JPY, and CAD.
  3. In the CAD column, enter your desired pricing for each charge in a rate plan. When done, click Activate to activate Canadian Dollars for that rate plan.
  4. Repeat the previous step for the other rate plans in the CAD column and JPY column.
  5. Click close.

Exercise 2: Set Up Customer Notifications

TeamCollaboration's billing specialist has been manually emailing customers to notify when an order is received and a new subscription has been created for their account. The billing specialist wants to automate these notifications to be sent at the right time.

Objective: To enable a customer notification to be sent out when a new subscription is created.

  1. Click your username at the top right and navigate to Settings >  Billing.
  2. Click Setup Profiles, Notifications and Email Templates
  3. In the Define Notification section, select Billing from the drop down list. This will display all the events supported for the Billing module. An event is something that occurs or is scheduled to occur in Zuora. For example, a credit card that is expiring in 30 days is considered a type of scheduled event for Payments.
  4. Click Edit for the event, New Subscription Created | New Subscription Created.
  5. Select Active in the Event section.
  6. Select Email in the Notification Option section.
  7. If prompted, enter a tenant email address and click submit.
  8. Select Active to activate the notification.
  9. Click save.

Customers of TeamCollaboration will now be notified by email when a new subscription has been created for them.

What's Next?

Learn: Payment Pages