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Zuora quick start tutorials

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Zuora quick start tutorials

Welcome to Zuora! As the leader in subscription billing and recurring payments, we are excited to provide you with these tutorials to get you started with Zuora. 

The Zuora quick start tutorials walk you through a process of setting up a subscription business in the Zuora application.  In the tutorials you will:

  • Create and customize products and rate plans
  • Create customers and subscriptions
  • Make amendments to customer subscriptions
  • Automate ongoing billing and payment collections

In the tutorials, we will use a fictitious company called TeamCollaboration to guide you through use cases. TeamCollaboration represents your own SaaS company that sells a suite of web-based, team collaboration tools such as project management, wikis, and file sharing. TeamCollaboration currently offers a single service and wants to expand its suite of products with flexible pricing options in order to grow its business and increase revenue.

The articles and tutorials are organized by modules as you see in Zuora application (for example: Billing, Payments, and Commerce). Each module introduces its main features and key concepts in an overview article, and the overview article is followed by tutorials.

The tutorials should be completed in the order that is listed. Each tutorial builds on the work done in the preceding tutorial. The entire series should take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete.

The following articles and tutorials are included:

What's Next?

Learn: Zuora Billing