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Configuring Automated Email Notifications - MSQ


Configuring Automated Email Notifications - MSQ

Notifications in Zuora Quote Studio offer a powerful feature for keeping stakeholders informed about critical actions and statuses. This article guides you through the process of configuring automated email notifications based on various criteria, enhancing your ability to stay updated on important events within your quoting process.

Automated email notifications can be applied in various scenarios, including but not limited to:

  1. Keeping team members or administrators informed about submission or preview events.
  2. Monitoring the status (submitted or not) of quotes.
  3. Updating management on overall quote activity.

Supported actions

Currently, the system supports the following actions for automated notifications:

  • Preview
  • Submit

Configure basic email notifications

  1. In the navigation bar, navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings.
  2. In the left pane, select Notifications.
  3. Configure the following basic settings as appropriate:
    • TYPE: Select MSQ from the dropdown.
    • ACTION TYPE: Choose the desired action (e.g., Preview or Submit). For example, if you wish to receive a notification upon previewing the quote, choose Preview.
    • ACTION STATUS: Specify the action status (Completed or Error). For example, if you choose Submit in the Action Type and select Error in the Action Status, the notification will trigger when an error occurs during the Submit action.
    • EMAILS: Enter the email addresses to which the notification should be sent. If you want to input multiple email addresses, enter them separated by commas.
  4. Click Save.


Configure field-specific email notifications

  1. In the navigation bar, navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings.
  2. In the left pane, select Notifications.
  3. Configure the following basic settings as appropriate:
    • TYPE: Select MSQ from the dropdown.
    • ACTION TYPE: Choose the desired action (e.g., Preview or Submit). For example, if you wish to receive a notification upon previewing the quote, choose Preview.
    • ACTION STATUS: Specify the action status (Completed or Error). For example, if you choose Submit in the Action Type and select Error in the Action Status, the notification will trigger when an error occurs during the Submit action.
    • Field-Specific Settings:
      • IS FIELD SPECIFIC?: Check the checkbox to configure field-specific settings. When the checkbox is selected, the field-specific settings transition from read-only to a configurable state.
      • OBJECT: Select the object from the dropdown. Currently, only the Quote object is supported.
      • FIELD NAME: Input the field name from the quote object.
      • FIELD VALUE: Enter the field value that will trigger the notification.
    • EMAILS: Enter the email addresses to which the notification should be sent. If you want to input multiple email addresses, enter them separated by commas.
  4. Click Save.


Notifications icons 

The following table lists icons displayed on the Notifications settings page and their functions:

Icon Function
  clipboard_e62e85703eb47f278ccb3b2e90885d5e4.png Click to create a new email notification.
  clipboard_e55ea00e155db7b5be9a7b6d9630a1930.png Click to delete an email notification.
clipboard_ec82ad9114c36c55d9ba27247c6095a94.png Click to clone the email notification.