zChargeGroup Class
This article describes the properties and the global methods in the zChargeGroup class.
zChargeGroup Class Properties
The zChargeGroup class provides a number of properties and enums related to Zuora rate plans.
Property | Type | Description |
allowFeatureChanges | Boolean | Specifies whether or not the features of the product can be modified in the quote. Read-only. |
contractEffectiveDate | Date | The contract effective date for this zChargeGroup. |
createdDate | String | The date when the zChargeGroup was initialized. |
customerAcceptanceDate | Date | The customer acceptance date for this zChargeGroup. |
groupID | String | The id of this charge group/rate plan. See for more information. |
groupType | Integer | The life cycle value of the charge group. See the available lifecycle indicator values in this table. Read-only. |
originalChargeGroup | zqu.zChargeGroup | The original subscription charges. |
productId | String | Id of the Product that this charge belongs to. |
productName | String | The Product that was selected for creation. Read-only. |
productRatePlanId | String | The id of the product rate plan that this charge belongs to. |
productRateplanZuoraID | String | The Zuora ID of the selected product rate plan. Read-only. |
productSelectorId | String | The Id of the table representing the zChargeGroup on the Product Selector page. Read-only |
quote | Quote__c | The quote with which this charge group is associated. Read-only. |
quoteProductFeatures | List <zqu__QuoteProductFeature__c> | A list of zqu__QuoteProductFeature__c sObjects related to the product of the zChargeGroup. |
ratePlanBundleId | String | If this zChargeGroup is part of a bundle, this field specifies the Id unique to that bundle instance in the quote. |
ratePlanName | String | The product rate plan (charge group) that was selected for creation. Read-only. |
ratePlanOptionId | String | If this zChargeGroup is a child product in a bundle, this is the Id of the zqu__ProductRatePlanOption__c. |
ratePlanOverrideRefrenceId | String | The Quote Rate Plan Id of the initially added rate plan that is being modified by the current zChargeGroup. Read-only. |
serviceActivationDate | Date | The service activation date for this zChargeGroup. |
specificUpdateDate | Date | The date you want this zChargeGroup to be updated. |
subscriptionRatePlanId | String | The Zuora Id of the Subscription Rate Plan that this zChargeGroup represents. |
TYPE_AMENDMENT_NEWPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved add product amendment for amendment quote. Value: 4 |
TYPE_AMENDMENT_ORIGINAL | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group and charges from the original subscription for amendment quote. Value: 3 |
TYPE_AMENDMENT_REMOVEPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved removeproduct amendment for amendment quote. Value: 6 |
TYPE_AMENDMENT_UPDATEPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved update product amendment for amendment quote. Value: 5 |
TYPE_CANCELLATION_ORIGINAL | static Integer | Life cycle indication. Charge group from the original subscription for cancelation quote. Value: 11 |
TYPE_PRODUCT_NEW | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. New product that can be appended to a quote. Value: 1 |
TYPE_RENEWAL_NEWPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved add product amendment for renewal quote. Value: 8 |
TYPE_RENEWAL_REMOVEPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved remove product amendment for renewal quote. These charges are not saved but from the original subscription. Value: 10 |
TYPE_RENEWAL_RENEWED | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Renewed group from the original subscription for renewal quote. The one-time type charges will be skipped. Value: 7 |
TYPE_RENEWAL_UPDATEPRODUCT | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group from the saved update product amendment for renewal quote. Value: 9 |
TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDED | static Integer | Life cycle indicator. Charge group saved in new subscription type quote. Value: 2 |
zCharges | LIST<zqu.zCharges> | A list of individual zCharges in the group. |
groupID Property
The groupID for a chargeGroup can be one of four different values:
- A Salesforce ID: The ID of the zqu__QuoteRatePlan__c object that points to the rate plan represented by the charge group. E.g. "a0Ai0000003Mwi8EAC"
- A timestamp: The zqu__TimeProductAdded__c field value for the zqu__QuoteCharge__c records that are contained in the rate plan represented by the charge group. E.g. "20130821T093645100Z"
- A Zuora ID : The Zuora record ID of the rate plan record represented by the charge group. E.g. "2c92c0f94088cd3c01409e42962d4ee3"
- A blank string: This happens when getChargeGroup(ID quoteID, ID ratePlanID) or getChargeGroups(String quoteId, List<ID> ratePlanIdList) is called to generate new charge groups that can be edited before they are added to the quote. The rate plans will always have a groupType value of 1 (TYPE_PRODUCT_NEW).
zChargeGroup Global Methods
The zChargeGroup class provides the following methods related to Zuora rate plans.
Method | Type | Description |
deepClone | zChargeGroup | Clones the zChargeGroup to use it for different actions. |
getShowVisualForceDelete | Boolean | Determines whether it is possible to use the delete action on the charge group. |
getShowVisualForceEdit | Boolean | Determines whether it is possible to use the editable action on the charge group. |
getShowVisualForceUndelete | Boolean | Determines whether it is possible to use the un-delete action on the charge group. |