zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation Method
The getZuoraConfigInformation method returns all fields and values in the Zuora Quotes configuration in a map that holds key-value pairs, field names as keys and field values as values.
The return value of this method is a Map<String,Object>
. You need to cast each value to the explicit types within Apex. See the Example Code section for examples.
It is safe to call this method multiple times in a single Apex request/transaction as it caches the Map and underlying describe
call after the first execution for the life of the request.
For security reasons, the APIPassword__c field in the Zuora Quotes configuration is not returned by this method.
Supported Key Types
You can use the following types of keys to get the value of a specific field in Zuora Config.
Key | Type | Description |
apiurl__c | Text (200) | Zuora API endpoint URL |
apiusername__c | Text (50) | Zuora API Login User Name |
apply_credit_balance__c | Checkbox | The flag determines whether any credit balance on a customer's account is automatically applied to invoices |
approved_quote_Status__c | Text (255) | This is the final, approved status of the quote, signifying that it can be sent to Zuora. |
allow_updating_zuora_account_info__c | Checkbox | Enable this to allow users to use Salesforce data to update Zuora billing account and contact data. |
always_active_amendment__c | Checkbox | Enable this to auto fill trigger dates with the value of the previous trigger date (eg. Customer Acceptance Date populated from Service Activation Date). When sent to Z-Billing, amendments will then be set to active. |
amendmenttemplateid__c | Text (50) | The template id configured in Zuora for Quote Amendment PDF generation |
attachtoopportunity__c | Checkbox | If this is enabled, Zuora Quotes will immediately attach the Quote PDF or Word document to the Quote or Opportunity. If this is disabled, you must view the Quote PDF or Word document and save it manually. |
auto_replace_expired_rate_plans__c | Checkbox | If you create a renewal quote and a subscription contains a rate plan that is no longer active (the rate plan is past the expiration date set in the product catalog), enable this feature to have Zuora Quotes replace the expired rate plan automatically. |
autofill_dates_for_preview__c | Checkbox | This setting will use the prior trigger date in the trigger date hierarchy in Quote Preview if that trigger date is null (e.g., will use the Contract Effective Date for the Service Activation Date if Service Activation Date is null). |
billingaccount_allowInvoiceedit__c | Checkbox | Enable to allow Invoice Editing in Zuora when the Billing Account is created. |
billingaccount_batch__c | Text (50) | Set the default value for the Batch field. |
billingaccount_billcycleday__c | Text (100) | Set the default value for the Bill Cycle Day field. |
calculate_quote_metrics_through__c | Text (20) | Select how you would like Quote Metrics values to be calculated.If you select the End of Term option, Evergreen Subscription metrics will be calculated for 1 billing period. |
copy_quoterateplancharge_to_quotecharge__c | Checkbox | Copy data from Quote Rate Plan Charge to Quote Charge for New Subscription if this checkbox is checked. |
currency__c | Text (50) | Set the default value for the Currency field. |
default_subscription_term_type__c | Text (50) | Set the default value for the Subscription Term Type field. |
disable_discounting__c | Checkbox | Enable to disallow users from providing additional price discounts in quotes. |
display_progress_bar__c | Checkbox | Display the progress bar in the quote flow. |
display_rules_engine_change_logs__c | Checkbox | Select to display rules engine change logs on Product Selector. |
electronicpaymentmethodsetting__c | Text (64) | Determine how an Electronic Payment Method is treated when an Electronic Payment Method is created during the Quoting process. |
enable_cpq__c | Checkbox | Enable Bundling, including Salesforce Product Catalog Sync to Zuora. |
enable_feature__c | Checkbox | This will be automatically selected (at most after 24 hours) once you enable Features in the corresponding Zuora environment. |
enable_force_recalculation__c | Checkbox | Select to enable force recalculation for all charges before saving on Product Selector. |
enable_real_time_rule_calculation__c | Checkbox | Select to run rules whenever a field value is changed on Product Selector. |
enable_guidedSelling__c | Checkbox | Select to enable the Guided Product Selector instead of the existing Product Selector. |
enable_hpm_1__c | Checkbox | Enable Hosted Payment Method pages. |
enable_hpm_2__c | Checkbox | Enable Payment Pages 2.0. |
enable_invoice_owner__c | Checkbox | Enable specifying invoice owner on quotes. |
enable_multi_entity__c | Checkbox | This will be automatically selected (at most after 24 hours) once you enable Multi-Entity in the corresponding Zuora environment. |
enable_parent_customer_account__c | Checkbox | Enable specifying parent customer account while creating a new subscription quote with a new Billing Account. |
enable_summary_reporting__c | Checkbox | Select to enable consolidated pipeline reporting on new subscriptions, amendments, and renewals at the Quote Charge level. |
generate_invoice__c | Checkbox | Select to generate an invoice automatically when the subscription is created. The default is no (unchecked). To use this feature, you must configure Zuora to invoice subscriptions separately. |
get_billing_account_from_360__c | Checkbox | This setting will obtain Billing Account information directly from Zuora 360 in Salesforce without querying Zuora. We recommend you have Real Time Sync turned on in order to use this setting to always have the most up-to-date Billing Account data. |
get_contacts_for_parent_and_child__c | Checkbox | Get contacts for parent and child Salesforce Accounts to display on the Quote creation screens. If not selected it will only get the contacts of the Salesforce Account specified and not the parent or children. |
get_tiers_from_zuora__c | Checkbox | This setting is relevant only for Amendment and Renewal Quotes. When checked, Quotes will obtain Subscription Rate Plan Charge Tiers directly from the Subscription in Zuora. Unchecked, Tiers will be from the Zuora Product Catalog in Salesforce 360. |
hide_bill_to_and_sold_to_contacts__c | Checkbox | If checked, the Bill-to and Sold-to Contact fields will be hidden from the Amendment/Renewal Quote edit and preview pages. |
hide_default_product_selector__c | Checkbox | Select to use a custom product selector. |
invoice_delivery_preferences__c | Text (50) | Default Invoice Delivery Preference in Zuora Quotes |
list_filter_max_level__c | Number |
Maximum level of relationship to go through:
maximum_rate_plans_added_to_quote__c | Number (3, 0) | Maximum number of rate plans allowed to be added to quote in product selector. |
notificationemailaddress__c | Text (50) | Failed callouts will send logs to this email address. |
override_null_value__c | Checkbox | Select to override null values of custom field sent to Zuora. |
payment_term__c | Text (50) | Set the default value for the Payment Term field. |
prefix_quote_for_in_quote_name__c | Checkbox | Include Prefix in Quote Name. |
process_payments__c | Checkbox | Select to apply a payment when the subscription is created. To use this feature, you must configure Zuora to invoice subscriptions separately. |
quoteurl__c | Text (200) | Zuora Quote Generate PDF URL |
quote_read_only__c | Checkbox | Enable to change quotes to the read-only status after they have been sent to Zuora. This removes the Edit button from the Quote view. |
renewaltemplateid__c | Text (50) | The Renewal template id configured in Zuora Setting for generating Renewal Quote PDF. |
restapiurl__c | Text (200) | Zuora REST API endpoint URL |
subscriptionautorenewdefault__c | Checkbox | Enable to default new termed subscriptions to Auto-Renew. |
subscription_name_option__c | Text (80) | Set the default value for the Subscription Name when the Quote is sent to Zuora. |
tcv_rollup_method__c | Text (255) | |
template_id__c | Text (50) | Generate Quote PDF template id configured in Zuora. |
update_opportunity_amount_with_quote_tcv__c | Checkbox | When this is enabled, the Quote TCV amount is copied to the Opportunity Amount field when a Quote is created or updated. |
use_blended_effective_price__c | Checkbox | Select this option to calculate blended effective price for Tiered/Volume charges. By default, effective price for Tiered charges is undefined. |
use_customer_acceptance_date__c | Checkbox | If checked, the customer could specify the date on which the services or products within a subscription has been accepted by the customer. |
use_sfdc_locale_for_zqdocs__c | Checkbox | Select to use Salesforce login user's locale to format Quote PDF and Word documents. |
use_service_activation_date__c | Checkbox | If checked, the customer could specify the date on which the services or products within a subscription have been activated and access has been provided to the customer. |
z360installed__c | Checkbox | If selected, Zuora 360 is installed in this org. |
z360majorversion__c | Text (3) | Major version of this package. e.g. for version 3.1.2 the major version is 3. |
z360minorversion__c | Text (3) | Minor version of the package. e.g. for version 3.1.2, the minor version is 1. |
zquotesinstalled__c | Checkbox | If selected, Zuora Quotes is installed in this org. |
zquotesmajorversion__c | Text (3) | Major version of this package. e.g. for version 7.1.4, the major version is 7. |
zquotesminorversion__c | Text (3) | Minor version of the package. e.g. for version 7.1.3, the minor version is 1. |
Example Code
Map<String,Object> zuoraConfigInfo = zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation(); // example usage with casting of generic Object data String configCurrency = (String)zuoraConfigInfo.get('currency__c'); Boolean generateInvoice = (Boolean)zuoraConfigInfo.get('generate_invoice__c');
Export Zuora Config settings
To export data for Zuora Config settings, you need to run the following script in the Salesforce anonymous window before the Zuora Quotes package uninstallation.
This script exports Zuora Config data into the Content version object.
List < ApexClass > apexList = [select NamespacePrefix from ApexClass where Name like: '%zQuoteUtil%']; String nameSpace = ''; if (!apexList.isEmpty()) { if (apexList[0].NamespacePrefix != null) { nameSpace = apexList[0].NamespacePrefix + '__'; } } zqu__Zuora_Config__c sobj = new zqu__Zuora_Config__c(); List<String> excludeStandardIndexedFields = new List<String>{'setupownerid','isdeleted','createddate','createdbyid','lastmodifieddate','lastmodifiedbyid','systemmodstamp'}; Map<String, Object> zuoraConfigMap = new Map<String, Object>(); for(String fieldApiName : zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation().keySet()){ if(!excludeStandardIndexedFields.contains(fieldApiName) && zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation().containsKey(fieldApiName) && zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation().get(fieldApiName)!=null){ String namespacePrefixed_fieldApiName; if(new List<String>{'name','id'}.contains(fieldApiName)){ namespacePrefixed_fieldApiName = fieldApiName; }else{ namespacePrefixed_fieldApiName = nameSpace+fieldApiName; } sobj.put(namespacePrefixed_fieldApiName, zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation().get(fieldApiName)); } } ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); cv.ContentLocation = 'S'; cv.Title = 'zuora_config_export'; cv.PathOnClient = 'zuora config export.txt'; cv.VersionData = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize(sobj)); Database.saveResult sr = Database.insert(cv); if(sr.isSuccess()){ System.debug('Successfully backed up the zuora config data :'+sr.getId()); }else{ System.debug('Failed to back up the zuora config data :'+sr.getErrors()); }