Create New Subscription, Amend Subscription, and Renew Subscription Quotes
The Create Quote page appears after user selects the type of quote they want to create and provides the related information for linking the new subscription, amendment, or renewal in Z-Billing.
This sample code applies to Zuora Quotes 5.92 or earlier versions.
In the later versions of Zuora Quotes, you can use the CreateQuote component to create the custom page.
Mandatory fields and field validations
The mandatory field values required are different for each type of quote. Some fields should be read-only for certain types of quotes. The existing Zuora Quotes logic is given in the sample page and controller, but you can add the enforcement of this logic in any stage of the Quote-to-Subscription flow. Without these required validations, a quote cannot be sent to Z-Billing to create a subscription.
Some examples of validations are:
- For an Amendment type quote, the Start Date is mandatory and the Renewal Term should not be changed.
- For a Renewal type quote, the Start Date is read-only and populated from the Z-Billing Subscription Term End Date. In addition, Renewal Term is a mandatory input field.
Sample code
- The NewQuote page contains the fields to be entered for proper quote creation. There are some mandatory fields per Zuora Quotes logic shown in the sample page. However, you can decide to not provide them on this page and can provide them at any stage before sending the quote to Zuora Billing for the actual creation of the Subscription.
- You can add any custom field and provide any specific business logic on this page before creating the actual quote.
- The Save button creates the new quote. You must perform the following actions to keep the Zuora Quotes logic intact:
- Set the Record Type and Subscription Type for all types of Quotes.
- For quotes of type Amendment, populate the original subscription information to quote as retrieved from Z-Billing.
- For quotes of type Renewal, call the global method
(Quote__c quote
- The NewQuote Visualforce page and the NewQuoteController controller create a quote record. The record will be categorized on two fields: Record Type and Subscription Type. The page will receive all of the parameters passed from PrepareNewQuote and will then create the corresponding quote record.
<apex:page id="NewQuote" showHeader="true" sideBar="true" standardController="zqu__NewQuoteController__c" action="{!startFlow}" />
public with sharing class NewQuoteController extends zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController { ApexPages.StandardController controller; public zqu__Quote__c quote { get; set; } public zqu.PropertyComponentOptions theOptions { get; set; } public Opportunity opp { get; set; } public zqu.NotificationOptions notificationOptions { get { if (notificationOptions == null) notificationOptions = new zqu.NotificationOptions(); return notificationOptions; } set; } public String quoteType { get; set; } public Zuora.zObject subscription { get; set; } private static final Map < String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo > recordTypeInfoMap = zqu__Quote__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); private static final String CANCEL_QUOTE_WIZARD_WARNING = 'Are you sure you want to cancel? This action will delete the quote you are currently creating.'; // Constructor public NewQuoteController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { System.debug('NewQuoteController(stdCtrl) executed!'); this.controller = stdController; this.quote = (zqu__Quote__c)this.controller.getRecord(); // Get opportunity from id in URL parameters final String oppId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('oppid'); if (String.isBlank(oppId)) { throw new zqu.ZQException('Need to specify the oppid in the url.'); } setOpportunity(oppId); // Initialize property component options theOptions = new zqu.PropertyComponentOptions(); theOptions.objectName = 'zqu__Quote__c'; theOptions.objectId = this.quote.Id != null ? this.quote.Id : null; theOptions.viewType = zqu.ViewConfigurationManager.VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW_TYPE_CREATE; theOptions.propertyPageTitle = 'Create Quote Sample'; theOptions.isEditMode = true; // Initialize notification options notificationOptions.isPopup = false; theOptions.notificationOptions = notificationOptions; // Set to detail mode String mode = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('mode'); if (this.quote.Id != null && mode == 'detail') theOptions.isEditMode = false; theOptions.renderButtonBar = theOptions.isEditMode; theOptions.renderBackButton = true; theOptions.parentController = this; theOptions.instanceName = 'sampleProperty'; // Get the quote type from the URL paramters this.quoteType = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('quoteType'); if (String.isBlank(this.quoteType)) { throw new zqu.ZQException('Need to specify the quotetype in the url.'); } // Set the record type Id based on the quote type final String recordTypeName = this.quotetype == 'Subscription' ? 'Default' : this.quoteType; theOptions.recordTypeId = recordTypeInfoMap.get(recordTypeName).getRecordTypeId(); theOptions.populateValuePlugin = 'NewQuoteController.PopulateDefaultFieldValuePlugin'; theOptions.relatedObjectPlugin = 'NewQuoteController.PopulateRelatedObjectFieldPlugin'; theOptions.goBackPlugin = 'NewQuoteController.GoBackPlugin'; theOptions.updatePlugin = 'NewQuoteController.UpdateRecordPlugin'; theOptions.cancelPlugin = 'NewQuoteController.CancelRecordPlugin'; // Set read only fields theOptions.readonlyFields.add('zqu__Opportunity__c'); theOptions.readonlyFields.add('zqu__SubscriptionVersion__c'); if(this.quoteType == 'Renewal') theOptions.readonlyFields.add('zqu__Subscription_Term_Type__c'); // For existing billing accounts, currency should be read only if(String.isNotBlank(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('billingAccountId'))) theOptions.readonlyFields.add('zqu__Currency__c'); if (this.opp != null) { // Set up options for Bill To Contact lookup field zqu.LookupComponentOptions optionsForBillTo = new zqu.LookupComponentOptions(); optionsForBillTo.objectName = 'Contact'; optionsForBillTo.Id = 'BillToContact'; optionsForBillTo.contextParameters = new Map < String, String > { 'objectId' => this.opp.Id }; optionsForBillTo.isEditMode = theOptions.isEditMode; optionsForBillTo.isRequired = true; optionsForBillTo.lookupComponentControllerName = 'zqu.ContactLookupComponentController'; optionsForBillTo.recordTypeId = Contact.SObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Master').getRecordTypeId(); optionsForBillTo.popupWindowTitle = 'Bill to Contact Lookup'; optionsForBillTo.fieldLabel = 'Bill to Contact'; // Set up options for Sold To Contact lookup field zqu.LookupComponentOptions optionsForSoldTo = new zqu.LookupComponentOptions(); optionsForSoldTo.objectName = 'Contact'; optionsForSoldTo.Id = 'SoldToContact'; optionsForSoldTo.contextParameters = new Map < String, String > { 'objectId' => this.opp.Id }; optionsForSoldTo.isEditMode = theOptions.isEditMode; optionsForSoldTo.isRequired = true; optionsForSoldTo.lookupComponentControllerName = 'zqu.ContactLookupComponentController'; optionsForSoldTo.recordTypeId = Contact.SObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Master').getRecordTypeId(); optionsForSoldTo.popupWindowTitle = 'Sold to Contact Lookup'; optionsForSoldTo.fieldLabel = 'Sold To Contact'; theOptions.lookupFields = new Map < String, zqu.LookupComponentOptions > { 'zqu__BillToContact__c' => optionsForBillTo, 'zqu__SoldToContact__c' => optionsForSoldTo }; } } // Plugin to set field default values public class PopulateDefaultFieldValuePlugin implements IPopulateValuePlugin { // ZApi for querying existing subscription and billing account from Zuora private Zuora.zApi api { get { if (api == null) api = new Zuora.zApi(); return api; } set; } public void populateDefaultFieldValue(SObject record, zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc) { // Get NewQuoteController instance NewQuoteController parentController = (NewQuoteController) pcc; Opportunity opportunity = parentController.opp; // Set default field values when create new quote if (parentController.quote.Id == null && opportunity != null) { // Set default opportunity record.put('zqu__Opportunity__c', opportunity.Id); } record.put('Name', 'Sample Quote Name'); if ('Amendment' == parentController.quoteType || 'Renewal' == parentController.quoteType) { final String billingAccountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('billingaccountid'); if (String.isNotBlank(billingAccountId)) { record.put('zqu__ZuoraAccountId__c', billingAccountId); } else { throw new zqu.ZQException('Need to specify the billingaccountid for ' + parentController.quoteType + ' in the url.'); } final String existSubscriptionID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('subscriptionid'); if (String.isNotBlank(existSubscriptionId)) { record.put('zqu__existSubscriptionID__c', existSubscriptionId); } else { throw new zqu.ZQException('Need to specify the existsubscriptionid for ' + parentController.quoteType + ' in the url.'); } try { api.zlogin(); Zuora.zObject acczobj = this.getBillingAccount(billingAccountID); if (acczobj != null) { record.put('zqu__Currency__c', (String) acczobj.getValue('Currency')); } final Zuora.zObject subzobj = this.getSubscription(existSubscriptionId); if (null != subzobj) { parentController.subscription = subzobj; // For amendments if ('Amend' == parentController.quoteType) { record.put('zqu__StartDate__c', ((Datetime) subzobj.getValue('TermStartDate')).date()); } // For renewals else { record.put('zqu__StartDate__c', ((Datetime) subzobj.getValue('TermEndDate')).date()); } // Populate terms and conditions from original subscription record.put('zqu__AutoRenew__c', (Boolean) subzobj.getValue('AutoRenew')); record.put('zqu__InitialTerm__c', (Integer) subzobj.getValue('InitialTerm')); record.put('zqu__RenewalTerm__c', (Integer) subzobj.getValue('RenewalTerm')); record.put('zqu__SubscriptionTermStartDate__c', ((Datetime) subzobj.getValue('TermStartDate')).date()); record.put('zqu__SubscriptionTermEndDate__c', ((Datetime) subzobj.getValue('TermEndDate')).date()); record.put('zqu__Subscription_Term_Type__c', (String) subzobj.getValue('TermType')); record.put('zqu__Hidden_Subscription_Name__c', (String) subzobj.getValue('Name')); record.put('zqu__SubscriptionVersion__c', (Integer) subzobj.getValue('Version')); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new zqu.ZQException(e.getMessage()); } } // Set record type and subscription type based on quote type URL parameter if (parentController.quoteType == 'Subscription') { record.put('zqu__SubscriptionType__c', 'New Subscription'); record.put('RecordTypeId', NewQuoteController.recordTypeInfoMap.get('Default').getRecordTypeId()); } else if (parentController.quoteType == 'Amendment') { record.put('zqu__SubscriptionType__c', 'Amend Subscription'); record.put('RecordTypeId', NewQuoteController.recordTypeInfoMap.get('Amendment').getRecordTypeId()); } else if (parentController.quoteType == 'Renewal') { record.put('zqu__SubscriptionType__c', 'Renew Subscription'); record.put('RecordTypeId', NewQuoteController.recordTypeInfoMap.get('Renewal').getRecordTypeId()); } // For edit / detail mode, make sure the quote is get from record of property component if (parentController.quote.Id != null) { parentController.quote = (zqu__Quote__c) record; } } private Zuora.zObject getSubscription(String subscriptionId) { final Zuora.zObject subzobj; final String zoqlsubscription = 'Select Id, Name, Version, AccountId, OriginalId, ContractEffectiveDate, AutoRenew, InitialTerm, TermStartDate, TermEndDate, TermType, RenewalTerm from Subscription where Id = \'' + subscriptionId + '\''; final List < Zuora.zObject > subzobjs = api.zquery(zoqlsubscription); if (subzobjs.size() == 1) subzobj = subzobjs[0]; return subzobj; } private Zuora.zObject getBillingAccount(String billingaccountId) { final Zuora.zObject acczobj; final String zoqlacc = 'SELECT BillToId,SoldToId,Currency from Account where Id=\'' + billingaccountId + '\''; final List < Zuora.zObject > acczobjs = api.zquery(zoqlacc); if (acczobjs.size() == 1) acczobj = acczobjs[0]; return acczobj; } } // Plugin to populate related objects public class PopulateRelatedObjectFieldPlugin implements IRelatedObjectPlugin { public Map < String, SObject > getRelatedObject(zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc) { // Get NewQuoteController instance NewQuoteController parentController = (NewQuoteController) pcc; Map < String, SObject > relatedObjectMap = new Map < String, SObject > (); // Set value for related object field : Opportunity__r.AccountId relatedObjectMap.put('Opportunity__r', parentController.opp); return relatedObjectMap; } } //Plugin for Back button public virtual class GoBackPlugin implements IGoBackPlugin { public virtual PageReference goBack(SObject record, zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc) { //Cast parent controller NewQuoteController parentController = (NewQuoteController) pcc; PageReference pageRef; //If on step number 1, cancel the quote wizard if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('stepNumber') == '1') { pageRef = zqu.QuoteWizardManager.cancel(parentController.getReturnUrl()); } //Else, revert the quote wizard else { if(parentController.opp != null){ pageRef = zqu.QuoteWizardManager.navigateBack(new Map < String, String > { 'oppId' => parentController.opp.Id }); } else { Map<String, String> urlParams = new Map<String, String>(); if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('crmAccountId') != null){ urlParams.put('crmAccountId', ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('crmAccountId')); } if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl') != null){ urlParams.put('retUrl', ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl')); } pageRef = zqu.QuoteWizardManager.navigateBack(urlParams); } } return pageRef; } } // Plugin for Save button public virtual class UpdateRecordPlugin implements IUpdatePlugin { public virtual PageReference doUpdate(SObject record, zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc) { // Get ZQQuoteEditController instance NewQuoteController parentController = (NewQuoteController) pcc; // Set changes to be processed for T&C amendments parentController.prepareTermsAndConditionChanges(record); // Changed for upsert try{ upsert record; } catch (Exception e){ ApexPages.addMessages(e); return null; } // Map of URL parameters for next page Map < String, String > urlParams = new Map < String, String > { 'Id' => record.Id }; // Use quoteWizardManager to navigate to the next page of the quoting flow PageReference pageRef = zqu.QuoteWizardManager.navigateNext(urlParams); return pageRef; } } // Plugin for Cancel button public virtual class CancelRecordPlugin implements ICancelPlugin { public virtual PageReference doCancel(SObject record, zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc) { // Get NewQuoteController instance NewQuoteController parentController = (NewQuoteController) pcc; // Put the embedded notification component into popup mode parentController.enablePopup(); // Display warning message on popup notification ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING, CANCEL_QUOTE_WIZARD_WARNING)); return null; } } // Private helper methods // Enable popup mode for notification component private void enablePopup() { notificationOptions.isPopup = true; notificationOptions.continueAction = 'hidePopupNotification(); displayStatusModal(); doCancel()'; notificationOptions.backAction = 'hidePopupNotification(); closeStatusModal(); goBack();'; } // Disable popup mode for notification component private void disablePopup() { notificationOptions.isPopup = false; notificationOptions.continueAction = ''; notificationOptions.backAction = ''; } private String getReturnUrl() { String retUrl = null; if (this.opp != null) { retUrl = '/' + this.opp.Id; } else if (ApexPages.currentPage() != null && ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl') != null) { retUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl'); } else { retUrl = Page.zqu__QuoteList.getUrl(); } return retUrl; } public void prepareTermsAndConditionChanges(SObject record) { // Cast the record into a quote object zqu__Quote__c quote = (zqu__Quote__c)record; // Do not process T&C amendments if the quote is not linked to a subscription if(String.isBlank(quote.zqu__ExistSubscriptionID__c)) return; // Get the terms and condition changes Map < String, Object > termsAndConditionChanges = getTermAndConditionChanges(this.subscription, quote); // Pass the changes to subscriptionTermsMap to be used when the quote record is upserted zqu.zQuoteUtil.setSubscriptionTermChanges(new Map<String, Map<String, Object>>{quote.zqu__ExistSubscriptionID__c => termsAndConditionChanges}); } private static Map < String, Object > getTermAndConditionChanges(Zuora.zObject originalSub, zqu__Quote__c quote) { // Initialize changes to empty map Map < String, Object > changes = new Map < String, Object > (); // First, add the differences for AutoRenew and RenewalTerm (they are valid for both amendments and renewals) if ((Boolean)originalSub.getValue('AutoRenew') != quote.zqu__AutoRenew__c) changes.put('zqu__AutoRenew__c', String.valueOf(quote.zqu__AutoRenew__c)); if ((Integer)originalSub.getValue('RenewalTerm') != quote.zqu__RenewalTerm__c && quote.zqu__RenewalTerm__c != 0) changes.put('zqu__RenewalTerm__c', quote.zqu__RenewalTerm__c); // If the update version of the quote has a type of Renewal, do not generate differences for the remaining fields (they are not valid for renewal quotes) if (quote.zqu__SubscriptionType__c == 'Renew Amendment') return changes; // Compare every terms/conditions field of the quote to the original subscription information, adding any discrepancies found if ((String)originalSub.getValue('TermType') != quote.zqu__Subscription_Term_Type__c) changes.put('zqu__Subscription_Term_Type__c', quote.zqu__Subscription_Term_Type__c); if (((Datetime)originalSub.getValue('TermStartDate')).dateGMT() != quote.zqu__SubscriptionTermStartDate__c) changes.put('zqu__TermStartDate__c', quote.zqu__SubscriptionTermStartDate__c); if ((Integer)originalSub.getValue('InitialTerm') != quote.zqu__InitialTerm__c && quote.zqu__InitialTerm__c != 0) changes.put('zqu__InitialTerm__c', quote.zqu__InitialTerm__c); return changes; } // Public methods called from javascript in page // When user clicks cancel on popup notification component public PageReference cancelQuoteWizard() { return zqu.QuoteWizardManager.cancel(getReturnUrl()); } // When user clicks goBack on popup notification, disable popup and rerender page without taking any action public PageReference goBack() { disablePopup(); return null; } public void setOpportunity(Id oppId) { String opp_query; if (UserInfo.isMultiCurrencyOrganization()) { opp_query = 'SELECT Id, Name,CurrencyISOCode, Account.Id, Account.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = \'' + oppId + '\''; } else { opp_query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Account.Id, Account.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = \'' + oppId + '\''; } this.opp = Database.query(opp_query); } }
- The Zuora Quotes validations are enforced for each type of Quote in the New Quote page. If you do not include these validations, sending the information to Z-Billing will fail and the Quote-to-Subscription process will not be complete.
- After the creating a quote, you can redirect the user to any page, such as a custom Product Selector wizard or a Quote Detail page. The sample page in the code will take the user to the Quote Detail page.
- The sample controller code is not reading the Zuora Quote Configuration parameters, which is different with Zuora Quotes logic. Zuora Quotes reads the configuration settings populated by User to automatically populate and validate the quote information during creation. This is left to you to use our global method,
, and use those parameters to automatically populate and validate the Quote information. See Global Classes for more information.