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Billing Preview Run Result data source


Billing Preview Run Result data source

Use this data source to retrieve the result of a billing preview run

You can use this data source only if you set the storage option of the billing preview run as database. See Billing preview run for more information.

Data Source 

Go to Reporting > Data Sources and select Billing Preview Run Result as the data source.

Base object description

Object Description
Billing Preview Run Result

This is the base object for the Billing Preview Run Result data source. Contains the following fields:

  • Account ID
  • AppliedToInvoiceItemId
  • Billing Preview Run Id
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • CreditMemoItem Amount
  • CreditMemoItem Description
  • CreditMemoItem ID
  • CreditMemoItem Quantity
  • CreditMemoItem SKU
  • CreditMemoItem SKU Name
  • CreditMemoItem Service EndDate
  • CreditMemoItem Service StartDate
  • CreditMemoItem Uom
  • ID
  • InvoiceItem ChargeAmount
  • InvoiceItem ChargeDate
  • InvoiceItem ChargeType
  • InvoiceItem ID
  • InvoiceItem ProcessingType
  • InvoiceItem Quantity
  • InvoiceItem Service EndDate

Related Zuora Objects

Object Description


The Customer Account.

Accounting Period

Periods of time that represents the financial calendar of your company. Used to assist with accounting close activities and financial reporting. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • End Date
  • Fiscal Quarter
  • Fiscal Year
  • ID
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Amendment The amendment that is tied to the invoice item, if applicable.
Bill To Contact The contact of the entity/person whom you bill for your product or service.
Bill To Contact Snapshot

A copy of the bill to contact information used to generate invoices.


The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Sold To Contact The contact of the entity/person to whom your product or service is sold.
Sold To Contact Snapshot

A copy of the sold to contact information used to generate invoices.

Invoice Item FX Data

Contains Home Currency and Reporting Currency information.

To enable this option, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.
Default Payment Method The default payment method for the Customer Account.
Invoice Invoice that the payment was applied to.
Journal Entry

Represents a Zuora transaction recorded as a debit and credit. Includes the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Currency
  • ID
  • Journal Entry Date
  • Notes
  • Number
  • [Segment Name]: One or more fields representing the name of each segment created. These fields become available for export on this data source only if they are used by the GL segmentation rule.
  • Status
  • Transaction Count
  • Transaction Type
  • Transfer Date
  • Transferred By
  • Transferred To Accounting
  • Update By ID
  • Updated Date

This object is available on this data source only when Zuora Finance is enabled on your tenant.

Journal Run

Automated process for creating journal entries from Zuora transactions. Includes the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • ID
  • Number
  • Process End Date Time
  • Process Start Date Time
  • Status
  • Target Date Type
  • Target End Date
  • Target Start Date
  • Total Journal Entry Count
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

This object is available on this data source only when Zuora Finance is enabled on your tenant.

Product The product the invoice line item belongs to.
Product Rate Plan The product rate plan the invoice item belongs to.
Product Rate Plan Charge The product rate plan charge the invoice item belongs to.
Rate Plan The rate plan the invoice item belongs to.
Rate Plan Charge The rate plan charge the invoice item belongs to.
Subscription The subscription the invoice item belongs to.
Accounts Receivable Accounting Code Accounting code for accounts receivable.
Recognized Revenue Accounting Code Accounting code for recognized revenue.
Deferred Revenue Accounting Code Accounting code for deferred revenue.