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Level 2 and Level 3 Card Data


Level 2 and Level 3 Card Data

Credit card processing methods fit into three levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Each level is defined by the amount of information that is required or passed to complete a payment with Level 1 having the lowest requirements and potentially the highest costs.

Level 2 and Level 3 card data (also known as Level II and Level III) is a set of additional information that can be passed during a credit card transaction. Level 2 and Level 3 card data provides more information for business, commercial, corporate, purchasing, and government cardholders.

Credit card transactions submitted with Level 2 and Level 3 card data can obtain lower interchange rates and provide merchants with a lower processing cost. Therefore, it is in the best interest of merchants to submit Level 2 and Level 3 card data whenever possible.

Each card type that supports Level 2 maintains its own standards for the additional field information that is accepted. Potential fields include:

  • Purchase Order number
  • Destination Zip
  • Tax Indicator
  • Tax Amount
  • Requestor Name
  • Destination Address
  • Destination City
  • Destination State
  • VAT ID

Level 3 payments require all of the information required for Level 2 and will need to include additional information to complete the payment to reduce transaction costs. These additional fields may include:

  • Item ID or SKU
  • Item description
  • Unit price
  • Extended price
  • Unit of measure (each)
  • Commodity code
  • Line discount

Currently, Zuora supports Level 2 and Level 3 data for the following gateway integrations:  

You must contact your gateway support representative to enable Level 2 and Level 3 card data in order to process the additional information.

For the support on integrations that are requested through the Specialized Payment Connections service, see the article for the specific payment gateway integration.

Pre-conditions for submitting Level 3 data

The following information must be configured before Level 3 information can be submitted to the gateway:

  • The Enable Level 3 Card Data check box must be selected in gateway settings.
  • The Verify new credit card and Verify updated credit card check boxes must be selected in gateway settings.
  • The Commodity Code field must be configured in gateway settings.
  • An option must be selected from the Unit of Measure list in gateway settings.
  • To retrieve the CommodityCode or ProductCode value, enable Audit Trail on the Product Rate Plan Charge object. The CommodityCode and ProductCode values can be updated on demand, and Zuora always passes the latest values to the gateway. Audit Trail results can help you to identify the values passed to the gateway.
  • The Postal Code for the Customer must be provided on the Payment Method or on the Account Bill-to Contact.
  • Tenant's Postal Code must be entered in Zuora Administration Settings (under Manage Tenant Profile).
  • When creating standalone invoices through the Create a standalone invoice or Create standalone invoices API operation, the unitPrice field must be included in the invoiceItems array and must be greater than zero.

After you enable Level 2 and Level 3 data with the aforementioned settings, Zuora uses the account and invoice information associated with the payment to automatically submit this data to the payment provider on your behalf.