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Gateway Options fields supported by Adyen Integration v2.0


Gateway Options fields supported by Adyen Integration v2.0

The following table describes the gateway option fields supported by Adyen Integration v2.0 and the corresponding description.

All Gateway Options fields are string fields.

Corresponding Adyen field Zuora API field Zuora Payment Page client parameter Description
shopperIP gatewayOptions.shopperIP param_gwOptions_shopperIP

The shopper's IP address.

Zuora will first check the gwOptions_shopperIP field and use its value in the request to gateway if the value is set. If not, Zuora then checks the IPAddress field and use its value if it is set. If not, Zuora will check the Auto-capture IP Address setting on the gateway configuration page. If this setting is enabled, Zuora will automatically capture shoppers’ IP addresses from Payment Pages for Adyen Integration v2.0 and send them to the gateway. If not, the IP address will not be included in requests to Adyen.

For more information about this field, see shopperIP in Ayden API doc.

shopperInteraction gatewayOptions.shopperInteraction param_gwOptions_shopperInteraction

Specifies the sales channel, through which the shopper gives their card details, and whether the shopper is a returning customer. Possible values include:

  • Ecommerce (default)
  • ContAuth
  • Moto
  • POS

For more information about this field, see shopperInteraction in Ayden API doc.

You can also specify this value from the Zuora UI. The value set through the API or the Payment Page client parameter takes precedence over the value set through the UI. For more information, see the Specific Configuration Fields section above.

Note: Before you pass this field to the gateway, make sure that the support for stored credential transactions has been implemented for your payment method.

deviceFingerprint gatewayOptions.deviceFingerprint param_gwOptions_deviceFingerprint

A string containing the shopper's device fingerprint. 

For more information about this field, see deviceFingerprint in Ayden API doc.

shopperEmail gatewayOptions.shopperEmail param_gwOptions_shopperEmail

The shopper's email address. If the email field has not been included on the Payment Page, then gwOptions_shopperEmail can be used to pass an email address.

For Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions, specifying shopperEmail through the Gateway Options field is only supported in the Create a payment method and Create a payment API operations. If shopperEmail is not provided through these API operations, the shopperEmail field in the payment request is set to the BillTo personal email if it is available. If the BillTo personal email is not specified, the shopperEmail field is set to the BillTo work email.

recurringProcessingModel gatewayOptions.recurringProcessingModel param_gwOptions_recurringProcessingModel

Defines a recurring payment type. For more information about this field, see recurringProcessingModel in Ayden API doc.

Note: Before you pass this field to the gateway, make sure that the support for stored credential transactions has been implemented for your payment method.

city param_gwOptions_city

Defines the address where to send the invoice.

The value of the country field must be a valid ISO alpha-3 country code. For a complete list of supported ISO alpha-3 country codes, see View countries or regions.

The addressLine1 field can contain both houseNumberOrName and street data. The addressLine2 field can pass in additional street data.

For more information about these fields, see billingAddress in Ayden API doc.

country param_gwOptions_country
postalCode gatewayOptions.postalCode param_gwOptions_postalCode
stateOrProvince gatewayOptions.state param_gwOptions_state
houseNumberOrName gatewayOptions.addressLine1 param_gwOptions_addressLine1
street gatewayOptions.addressLine1 param_gwOptions_addressLine1
gatewayOptions.addressLine2 param_gwOptions_addressLine2

You can use these fields in Payment Pages 2.0SOAP API, or the following REST API operations:

Here are examples for how to specify the parameters:

Through Payment Pages 2.0:

"param_gwOptions_city" : "TestCity";
"param_gwOptions_country" : "USA";
"param_gwOptions_postalCode" : "11111";
"param_gwOptions_state" : "Arkansas";
"param_gwOptions_addressLine1" : " 123 TestStreet";
"param_gwOptions_addressLine2" : "OptionalStreetInfo"

Through the “Create a payment” API operation:

"gatewayOptions": {
        "addressLine1":"123 TestStreet",

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