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TeamCollaboration Tutorial: Payment Runs


TeamCollaboration Tutorial: Payment Runs

This section of the TeamCollaboration tutorials walks you through scheduling a payment run to automate payment collection process.

The exercise will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Now that TeamCollaboration has customers set for automatic pay by credit card, it wants to schedule a recurring payment run for those customers who are set up for automatic payment by credit card.

Exercise: Create a Scheduled Payment Run to Collect Payments

Objective: To create a scheduled payment run.

  1. Navigate to PaymentsPayment Runs.
  2. Click new scheduled payment run.
  3. Click Multiple Customer Accounts and click All Customer Accounts.
    Using the default values, all customers with invoices due will be processed in this payment run.
  4. In the Enter Date section, enter the following:
    • Schedule the date to process payment run: Today's date 
    • Pick the time of day: Select a time later than the current time
    • Repeats: Daily
    • Range: Leave the to date empty.
  5. Click create payment run and click yes to confirm.

You've scheduled a daily recurring payment run to automate payment collections for TeamCollaboration.

What's Next?

LearnZuora Application Settings