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Zuora Release 2022.09.R3


Zuora Release 2022.09.R3

Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2022.09.R3. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following Zuora products:

For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback on this release notes article. Please use the Feedback button to let us know what you think about the new release notes.

Release schedule

For release schedule details, see this release notification.

For the planned schedule of upcoming Zuora releases, see Zuora Release Management in Zuora Community.

Join Release Notifications in Zuora Community to receive timely notifications about Zuora Billing, Collect, and Central Platform.

UI enhancement

here_black.png Quick filters available to reinvented list views

From this release, quick filters are introduced to all reinvented list views as an enhancement to help you quickly filter the data on the list view. Based on analysis of the most commonly filtered data, a set of quick filters is predefined specifically for each list view. 

The predefined quick filters are listed in a drop-down box, which is positioned right above the current list. You can use this drop-down box to filter the current list view with only one click. For example, on the invoice list view as shown in the following graphic, clicking the quick filter called Status - Error can quickly filter the invoices in error status.


Zuora Billing

here_black.png Invoicing and Tax

Transactions component available in HTML templates for debit memos

When configuring HTML templates for debit memos, you can now drag the Transactions component with a predefined Transactions table into the HTML templates by using the online editor. The table displays information about the credit memos and payments that are applied to the corresponding debit memo. 

The predefined Transactions table displays the transaction type, transaction number, transaction date, description, and applied amount. If the transaction is Payment or Refund, the table also displays the associated payment method type and payment method number.

  • If you have Invoice Settlement enabled, information about Credit Memos and Payments is displayed in the Transactions table.
  • If you have Invoice Settlement disabled, information about Payments, Refunds, Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, and Credit Balance Adjustments is displayed in the Transactions table.

For more information, see the Transactions table.

here_black.png Zuora CPQ

Zuora Quotes 

We recently released patch releases on top of Zuora Quotes version 10.10. The latest version is 10.10.2.

For the release notes of Zuora Quotes, see Zuora Quotes version 10 release notes.

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Zuora Collect

Zuora Collect has only internal enhancements and resolved issues in this release.​​​​

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Zuora Central Platform

here_black.png Tenant Management

Support for deploying Accounting Period Metadata Configurations with Deployment Manager

We now incorporated Accounting Periods in Deployment Manager. With this new feature, you can now deploy Accounting Period Metadata Configurations from the source to the target tenant.

here_black.png System Health

APIs dashboard now supports displaying concurrency breakdown data of specified time intervals

The Concurrency Limit tab of the APIs dashboard now supports displaying breakdown data on the maximum concurrency of a selected time interval. To view the breakdown of the maximum concurrency that happened in an interval, click the interval on one of the trend charts. The interval information is displayed in the table below the trend charts. 

For more information, see APIs dashboard.

Tracing identifier data available on the APIs dashboard 

You can now view the tracing identifier of API requests in the data tables of the APIs dashboard. Tracing identifiers are the prefixes of the Zuora Track IDs specified in the headers of the API requests. For example, the API requests triggered by the Workflow service will have “WF” as the tracing identifier.
In addition, tracing identifier is also available as a global filter. You can leverage the Tracing Identifier filter to select API requests with certain Zuora Track ID prefixes.
For more information, see APIs dashboard.

For the initial few days, only seven days of data are displayed for the new System Health dashboard.

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For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference, see 2022 API Changelog


Current WSDL version: 126

For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.

SOAP API change history

For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.