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Zuora Release 2022.10.R1


Zuora Release 2022.10.R1

Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2022.10.R1. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following Zuora products:

For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback on this release notes article. Please use the Feedback button to let us know what you think about the new release notes.

Release schedule

For release schedule details, see this release notification.

For the planned schedule of upcoming Zuora releases, see Zuora Release Management in Zuora Community.

Join Release Notifications in Zuora Community to receive timely notifications about Zuora Billing, Collect, and Central Platform.

UI enhancement

here_black.png Improved status icon for better readability

On the "Setup Profiles, Notifications and Email Templates" page within Billing, Payments, and Finance settings, the icon that is used to indicate the status of a notification or an email template is changed to improve page readability, especially for people who have visual impairments.

Previously, a green checkmark was used to indicate the active status, and a gray checkmark is used to indicate an inactive status. From this release, the green checkmark remains the same to indicate the active status, and the gray checkmark is no longer used. 

Status Previous Now
Active icon-green-check.png icon-green-check.png
Inactive icon-gray-check.png N/A (no icon is displayed anymore)

Zuora Billing

here_black.png Orders and Subscriptions

UI available for Fulfillment and Return feature 

You can now use the Orders UI to create and manage both sales and return order line items with or without fulfillments. Previously, there was no UI available for the Fulfillment and Return feature.

For more information, see the following resources:

The Fulfillment and Return feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

Sold To Contact field available in Orders UI

In the Orders UI, you can now set and view the Sold To Contact field for an order line item.

For more information, see the following resources:

Enhancements to reinvented subscription details page

We have enhanced the reinvented subscription details page:

  • Removed the Created By column from the Associated Events section
  • Added support for editing, downloading and deleting attachments in the Attachments section
  • Added support for viewing unbilled usage in the Included Products section

For more information, see View details of subscriptions through the reinvented UI.

REST API fields for adding, removing, and clearing product features available

You can now add, remove, or clear product features in the rate plans through REST API for Orders customers.

The API enhancement also helps solve the limitations that users cannot modify product features, for example, when features are copied from your product catalog to subscriptions.

Before accessing the preceding functions, you need to make sure you have enabled the following settings:

You can implement the preceding functions through the subscriptionProductFeatures and featureId fields in the following order actions of the "Create an order" and "Create an order asynchronously" operations:

  • createSubscription

  • addProduct

  • updateProduct

  • changePlan

The system compares the subscriptionProductFeatures and featureId fields in the request with the counterpart fields in a rate plan. The comparison results are as follows:

  • If there is no subscriptionProductFeatures field or the field is empty, product features in the rate plan remain unchanged. But if the clearingExistingFeatures field is additionally set to true, all product features in the rate plan are cleared.

  • If the subscriptionProductFeatures field contains the featureId nested fields, as well as the optional description and customFields nested fields, the features indicated by the featureId nested fields in the request overwrite all product features in the rate plan.

You can also preview or view the preceding fields through the following operations:

  • Preview an order
  • Preview an order asynchronously
  • Retrieve an order
  • List orders
  • List orders of a subscription owner
  • List orders by subscription number
  • List order of invoice owner
  • List pending orders by subscription number

Subscription Status History object available

An object called "Subscription Status History" is now available. You can view the status history of a subscription through this object. You can access the object through the following ways:

For more information, see Query data through Subscription Status History data source.

The Subscription Status History feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

Additional fields for Booking Transaction object available on data source and data query

The following fields are now available with the Booking Transaction object:

  • Subscription Owner Account Name
  • Sales Order Line Number
  • Sales Order Line ID
  • Organization Name
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge Segment
  • Amendment Reason

For more information, see Booking Transaction data source and Booking Transaction object fields and Data Query.

Changes to enum values in REST API for Fulfillment and Return feature

We have made following changes to some enum values in the REST API for the Fulfillment and Return feature:

  • Changed the enum value NewSale to NewSales for the category field of the Order object.
  • Changed the enum value Sale to Sales for the itemCategory field of the Order Line item object.

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Zuora Collect

here_black.png Payments

Support for mandate PDF for bank transfer type of Payment Pages 2.0 on GoCardless

We have extended the support for mandate PDF for Payment Pages 2.0 to the following bank transfer payment method types on GoCardless. Previously, we only supported mandate PDF for the Direct Entry AU type of payment pages on GoCardless.

  • ACH
  • Canadian Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
  • Denmark Direct Debit (Betalingsservice)
  • Direct Debit NZ (BECS)
  • Direct Debit UK (BACS)
  • SEPA
  • Sweden Direct Debit (Autogiro)

When configuring a payment page, you can select Retrieve Mandate PDF to include a link to the mandate PDF file in the confirmation dialog. 

For more information, see Configure Bank Transfer type Payment Pages 2.0.

Updates on API Key fields for

For better clarity, we now provide the following two fields on the settings page for the gateway instance to configure API keys for different payment method types:

  • API Key: The bearer API key used for Credit Card and ACH transactions. You can obtain this API key by navigating to Developers > Keys in the dashboard.
  • API Key (SEPA): The API key used for SEPA transactions. You can obtain this API key by contacting support.

To process ACH transactions, you must take the following actions to replace the existing API key with a new bearer API key:

  1. Obtain a new bearer API key from the dashboard.
  2. Enter the new bearer API key in the API Key field.

For SEPA and Credit Card transactions, you do not need to update any configurations.

For more information, see payment gateway integration.

Updates on verification of ACH payment methods on

We now support the ValidiFi account validation service to verify ACH payment methods on gateway integrations. After this support is enabled on your tenant, the new or updated ACH account information is passed to ValidiFi for verification, and then the valid payment method information is saved in Zuora.

To validate the new or updated ACH payment methods, you must enable the support for ValidiFi service by following the instructions in Enable the support for ValidiFi account validation for ACH on Otherwise, the existing Verify new payment method and Verify updated payment method settings do not take effect for ACH on

For more information, see the following articles:

New API available for skipping items in recurring payment schedules

The Skip a payment schedule item API operation is now available. This operation enables you to skip one payment schedule item in a recurring payment schedule at a time. The skipped payment schedule item will turn to the canceled status, and a new item will be scheduled on the next recurring date after the last existing scheduled date.

For more information, see Skip a payment schedule item in the API Reference.

Total Amount field available on Payment Schedules UI

You can now use the Total Amount field to specify the total amount that a recurring payment schedule will process when creating the payment schedule on the UI.

On the Create New Payment Schedule page, you now have two options to specify the amounts:

  • Specify Total Amount and OccurrencesInstallment Amount of each payment schedule item will then be calculated.
  • Specify Installment Amount and Occurrences, Total Amount of the payment schedule will then be calculated.

The Total Amount field of a payment schedule will be recalculated under the following circumstances:

  • The Installment Amount or Occurrences field of a payment schedule is updated.
  • The payment schedule, or one or more payment schedule items of the payment schedule is canceled.

Note that for payment schedules that generate standalone payments, the Total Amount field is always empty, as the standalone payments generated by the payment schedule could be in different currencies.

For more information, see Create payment schedules.

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Zuora Central Platform

here_black.png Tenant Management

Support for deploying Tax Engines, Tax Codes, Tax Companies, and Tax Dates with Deployment Manager

We now incorporated Taxation in Deployment Manager. With this new feature, you can now deploy Tax Engines, Tax Codes, Tax Companies, and Tax Dates from the source to the target tenant.

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For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference, see 2022 API Changelog


Current WSDL version: 126

For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.

SOAP API change history

For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.