Zuora Release 2022.01.R1
Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2022.01.R1. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following Zuora products:
For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes.
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Release schedule
For release schedule details, see this release notification.
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Zuora Billing
Orders and Subscriptions
New fields are now available on the Order Line Item object for presenting extended list price
The following fields are now available on the Order Line Item object to present the extended list price for an order line item:
: the extended list price for an order line item, calculated by the formula:listPrice = listPricePerUnit * quantity
: the calculated gross amount for an order line item excluding tax. If the tax mode is tax exclusive, the value of this field equals that of theamount
If the tax mode of an order line item is not set, the system treats it as tax exclusive by default. The value of theamountWithoutTax
field equals that of the amount
If you create an order line item from the product catalog, the tax mode and tax code of the product rate plan charge are used for the order line item by default. You can still overwrite this default set-up by setting the tax mode and tax code of the order line item.
For more information about the new fields, see Order Line Item object fields and data query and Order Line Item data source.
Invoicing and Invoice Settlement
Invoice detail page URL now supports the invoice ID
You can now open an invoice detail page using either the invoice ID or the invoice number in its URL. Previously, only the invoice number was supported. This enhancement makes it easier for you to find an invoice through the Zuora UI and observe the invoice ID from the URL as you need it. For example, you can take the invoice ID and find the corresponding tax transactions in your tax vendor system.
All of the following formats now take you to an invoice detail page:
- /apps/NewInvoice.do?method=view&invoiceKey=INV00000010
- /apps/NewInvoice.do?method=view&invoiceKey=2c9081a03c63c94c013c68a26a6c037d
- /apps/NewInvoice.do?method=view&invoice_number=INV00000010
- /apps/NewInvoice.do?method=view&id=2c9081a03c63c94c013c68a26a6c037d
Unified Invoicing supports batch standalone invoice creation through the REST API
Unified Invoicing now supports the batch creation of standalone invoices in one single API request. You can use the “Create standalone invoices” operation to create a maximum of 50 standalone invoices or a total number of 1,000 invoice items in one request.
Enhancement on creating standalone invoices through the Zuora UI
To smooth the standalone invoice creation through the Zuora UI, the price and quantity from a product rate plan charge in flat fee or per unit charge model are now automatically populated.
See Create standalone invoices for more information.
Subscription and amendment preview now includes invoice taxation items
The subscription and amendment preview through the REST API now includes taxation items underneath the corresponding invoice item to provide a breakdown of the invoice item tax amount.
See Preview a subscription and Update a subscription for more information.
Support for duplicating HTML invoice templates
You can now create an HTML invoice template by duplicating an existing template in the online template editor.
The new HTML invoice template is saved automatically, and the name of the new template is the combination of the name of the existing template plus the " - Copy" suffix. For example, if an existing template is called Test, the duplicated template is automatically named Test - Copy.
HTML invoice templates support header and footer customization
You can now define and customize headers and footers for HTML invoice templates. When customizing an HTML invoice template through the Zuora UI, you can drag and drop a predefined header or footer into the template, and customize its styling and content quickly.
HTML invoice templates support downloading PDF files
When previewing invoices in HTML templates through the Zuora UI, you can now click Download PDF to download the corresponding PDF files for the previewed invoices from the online HTML template editor.
Enhancements on configurable tax apps
Zuora makes the following enhancements to configurable tax apps:
- Taxamo Tax Connector app now supports a maximum of 3,000 taxable line items in a single invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.
- CCH SureTax Connector app now supports the taxVoid call to delete an invoice and its tax records from the CCH SureTax system. Request templates in both JSON and XML are provided to help you with the configuration.
Reporting and Exports
Notification History data sources available in Reporting
The following data sources are now available in Reporting:
See Create a summary report for more information about how to use Reporting.
Zuora Collect
New REST API operations available for configuring and managing custom payment method types
Universal Payment Connector (UPC) and Open Payment Method (OPM) services are frameworks developed by Zuora. These frameworks enable you to create and integrate your custom payment gateway, and create your own custom payment method type for use with your custom payment gateway. Previously, you had to submit a JSON file to Zuora Global Support to define your custom payment method type. Now the following REST API operations are available for configuring and managing your custom payment method types in a self-service manner:
- “Create a draft custom payment method type” for creating a draft version of a custom payment method type
- “Update a custom payment method type” for updating the latest draft revision of a custom payment method type
- “Publish a custom payment method type” for publishing the latest draft revision of a custom payment method type
- “Retrieve a specific draft revision of a custom payment method type”
- “Retrieve a published custom payment method type”
- “Retrieve a payment gateway transaction log” for retrieving transaction information passed through your custom payment gateway
For more information about the API operations, see Custom Payment Method Types and Payment Gateway Transaction Logs in API Reference. For more information about creating your custom payment gateway and payment method, see Set up custom payment gateways and payment methods.
Support for creating and updating mandate information through the REST API
You can use the Create a payment method and Update a payment method operations to create and update mandate information, including Mandate ID, Mandate Status, and Mandate Reason, for the following payment method types:
- Credit Card
- Credit Card Reference Transaction
- Bank Transfer
The mandate information is stored on the payment method in Zuora. To retrieve the mandate information, use any of the following methods:
- Zuora UI
- Retrieve a payment method API operation
- Payment Method data source
- PaymentMethod object in Data Query
Support for specifying 3DS2 order amount passed to Ingenico ePayments Gateway
You can now specify the order amount for 3D Secure 2.0 authorization on the gateway settings page for the Ingenico ePayments Gateway. You can use either of the following methods.
- Select the Use Authorization Amount as 3DS2 Order Amount checkbox. By doing this, the 3DS2 order amount is 100 times that of the authorization amount.
- Enter a value in the 3DS2 Order Amount field. The specified 3DS2 Order Amount value must be less than or equal to 100 times that of the Default Authorization Amount.
If you do not use either of these fields to specify the 3DS2 order amount, the default value (100 for American Express credit cards and 0 for the other card brands) is applied and sent to the gateway. If both of these 2 fields are used, the value in the 3DS2 Order Amount field is not applied.
For more information, see Ingenico ePayments Gateway.
Deprecation of the value 0 for "Limit the number of submission before blocking Submission" in Payment Pages 2.0
Starting December 21, 2021, Zuora has deprecated the value 0 for the Limit the number of submission before blocking Submission field.
If you create a new Payment Page, the value of Limit the number of submission before blocking Submission must be a positive integer greater than 0 and less than 11.
If you have an existing Payment Page, you must take the following actions:
Ensure that your integration is configured to refresh the token when an error is returned through Payment Pages 2.0. To refresh the token, use Generate an RSA signature. See Error Handling for Payment Pages 2.0 for information about the errors that can be returned through Payment Pages 2.0.
You must complete this step before starting the next step.
Ensure that the value of Limit the number of submission before blocking Submission is a positive integer greater than 0 and less than 11.
Zuora recommends that you choose a low value, preferably between 1 and 3.
- For a value of 1 - The token expires immediately upon submission of the Payment Page, which triggers a callback to your server.
- For a value of 3 - The token expires immediately upon the third submission of the Payment Page, which triggers a callback to your server.
For more information about the Limit the number of submission before blocking Submission field, see Configure Advanced Security Checks for Payment Pages 2.0.
Deprecation of Enable Rate Limiting option in Payment Pages 2.0
The Enable Rate Limiting option is deprecated from the Payment Pages 2.0 settings UI. The IP-based rate limiting feature is now automatically enabled for Payment Pages 2.0, including Payment Pages set up through Direct POST. You can use the rate limiting settings to configure this feature. Ensure to configure the value within the allowed range that is provided in the UI.
For more information, see Configure Payment Pages 2.0.
Card-based rate limiting feature enabled on all production tenants for Payment Pages 2.0
As a tightened security measure of Payment Pages 2.0, in addition to IP-based rate limiting, the card-based rate limiting feature is now provided and enabled on all production tenants. With this feature enabled, the maximum number of times for attempts to authorize the unique credit card are 3 times a minute, 6 times an hour, and 10 times a day.
This feature is enabled by default on all production tenants and cannot be disabled. It is automatically disabled on test tenants for testing purposes.
For more information, see Configure Payment Pages 2.0.
Zuora Central Platform
Data Query
Increased input limits for Data Query Live
For the Data Query Live mode, Zuora has increased the maximum number of input records per table (after filters have been applied) from 1 million to 10 million records.
See Query processing limitations for more information.
Merge task with data reconciliation support
Zuora has enhanced the Logic: Merge task to support capturing and returning all the data processed within the pre-merged branches for a single output. This output can be processed by tasks in the subsequent branch as needed.
Note that Logic: Merge is a feature that is only available to the selected early adopters.
See Logic: Merge for more information.
Enhancement on the Execute Workflow task
Zuora has enhanced the Execute: Workflow task to enable selecting how the payload response from the target workflow is returned. You can now use the Target Workflow Response field to select from the following methods:
- Last Task of Target Workflow: Returns the response from the last task of the target workflow.
- Last Response Formatter Task of Target Workflow: Returns the formatted response from the last Logic: ResponseFormatter task of the target workflow. This is the default option.
See Execute: Workflow for more information.
Workflow API updates
Zuora has made the following updates to the Workflow API operations:
- Adding an operation called “Delete a workflow version”.
- Applying the Workflow Access Permission feature to all the workflow API operations. The users in your Zuora system now need to be assigned the required permission roles to use the workflow API operations.
- Adding the active_workflow_version_id field to the request body of the “Update a workflow version” operation to enable updating the active workflow version.
See the Workflows section in the Zuora API reference for more information.
See API Changelog for complete REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference.
New set of asynchronous API operations now available
Previously, most Zuora REST API operations are synchronous API operations that process requests synchronously. In high-throughput scenarios, the performance of these API operations was not always satisfactory.
Therefore, in addition to synchronous API operations, Zuora has introduced a set of asynchronous API operations that process requests asynchronously. By using the asynchronous API, you can scale your applications more efficiently.
The header parameters and request body schema for asynchronous API operations are the same as their synchronous counterparts. The key differences lie in the endpoint and the response schema:
- The endpoints for asynchronous API operations are similar to their synchronous counterparts, except that asynchronous API endpoints contain
in the path. See the following table for an example:API operation Existing synchronous endpoint Asynchronous endpoint Create an account /v1/accounts /v1/async/accounts - Unlike the synchronous API that returns multiple fields of the created account, the response of the asynchronous API contains only one request ID.
Note that these new asynchronous API operations are available in addition to the existing asynchronous API operations. You can continue to use the existing asynchronous API operations for mass actions, orders, bill runs, and billing previews.
See Make asynchronous requests for more information.
Current WSDL version: 114
See Zuora WSDL for information on how to check your version and download the latest version.
SOAP API change history
See Zuora SOAP API Version History for a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases.